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Air Transport Rating


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For an airassault, the normal transport rating is tripled.

The rating of an aircraft is modified by experience (0.8 for Green; 1 for Line; etc)


For the actual rating, you will have to use the formula to calculate the modified rating:


Modified Rating = Base Rating * (1.2 - (distance flown divided by mission combat radius))


This rating can be increased by the presence of a special commander...



Hope this helps,



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I am still not sure I understand. Yes, the rating is 21 for the Dakota's and it will triple to a 63 for the mission. But, how many Air 40 units will the Dakota's be able to carry? 63? How does the ATR convert into cargo requirements? I have never tried an Air Assault before and cannot find how it actually converts for the army units trans requirements.








For an airassault, the normal transport rating is tripled.

The rating of an aircraft is modified by experience (0.8 for Green; 1 for Line; etc)


For the actual rating, you will have to use the formula to calculate the modified rating:


Modified Rating = Base Rating * (1.2 - (distance flown divided by mission combat radius))


This rating can be increased by the presence of a special commander...



Hope this helps,



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OK......the stack of Dakotas have a ATR of 63 for an Air Assault. Does that mean it can carry three Air 40 unit that has a cargo requirement of 57? Or do those 'cargo space units' mentioned in the rules convert to some other number somehow?

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The cargo rating for the aircraft is the same scale as the cargo-required for the airborne. There is no 'conversion'.


Keep in mind that the rating for the aircraft will be modified by the distance flown to target...



So... If the three air regiments require 57 cargo, the modified transport rating for the airplane has to be at least 57 for the specified distance.



Hope this helps,



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Thanks for the info.......I was wondering why they just don't say "cargo" like the ships do......a guess it doesn't matter.


Thanks again, it will help me digure out how many units to splice out into the province and how many to leave behind for the mission.








The cargo rating for the aircraft is the same scale as the cargo-required for the airborne. There is no 'conversion'.


Keep in mind that the rating for the aircraft will be modified by the distance flown to target...



So... If the three air regiments require 57 cargo, the modified transport rating for the airplane has to be at least 57 for the specified distance.



Hope this helps,



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If I have a group of Dakota's with an ATR of 21 and a stack of AIR 40's with a cargo requirement of 200, how do I know how many units the Dakota's can carry for the Air Assault Mission?




drop me an email and I wil sent you an excell sheet in which you just have to put in your values.... and ready.. including experience from plane crew and commanders...

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[drop me an email and I wil sent you an excell sheet in which you just have to put in your values.... and ready.. including experience from plane crew and commanders...



ok.. I did not expect to receive over 20 mails asking for this spreadsheet ;)


so here it is: http://www.xs4all.nl/~djurre/cargorating.xls


complete for each nation....


now please stop spamming me....


thnx.. :rolleyes:

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Thanks for all your hard work on this tool. It will be a great help.




[drop me an email and I wil sent you an excell sheet in which you just have to put in your values.... and ready.. including experience from plane crew and commanders...



ok.. I did not expect to receive over 20 mails asking for this spreadsheet ;)


so here it is: http://www.xs4all.nl/~djurre/cargorating.xls


complete for each nation....


now please stop spamming me....


thnx.. :rolleyes:

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Usefull indeed! :P

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Great Spreadsheet and a real timesaver.


I am, however, confused about the Experience ratings for the aircraft.


My OLD version of the rules show a 30% effectiveness increase for Verteran and a stunning 60% increase for Elite. You use 10% and 20% respectrively in your formulas.


Did these values change in some rules addenda I do not have a copy of or is a air transport not getting the full effectiveness from a units experience?

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Great Spreadsheet and a real timesaver.


I am, however, confused about the Experience ratings for the aircraft.


My OLD version of the rules show a 30% effectiveness increase for Verteran and a stunning 60% increase for Elite.  You use 10% and 20% respectrively in your formulas.


Did these values change in some rules addenda I do not have a copy of or is a air transport not getting the full effectiveness from a units experience?


I will look into it...

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Great Spreadsheet and a real timesaver.


I am, however, confused about the Experience ratings for the aircraft.


My OLD version of the rules show a 30% effectiveness increase for Verteran and a stunning 60% increase for Elite.  You use 10% and 20% respectrively in your formulas.


Did these values change in some rules addenda I do not have a copy of or is a air transport not getting the full effectiveness from a units experience?



I guess you mean this:

There are four different levels of experience: Green, Line, Veteran

and Elite. The corresponding Experience Combat Multiples (ECM) and

Morale Check Ratings vary with each service.


Experience Level Service ECM Morale Check (Off/Def)


Green Army -0.20 10/20%

Line Army 0.00 30/50%

Veteran Army 0.10 40/60%

Elite Army 0.20 50/70%


Green Air Force -0.20 20%

Line Air Force 0.00 25%

Veteran Air Force 0.30 30%

Elite Air Force 0.60 35%


Green Navy -0.20 N/A

Line Navy 0.00 N/A

Veteran Navy 0.10 N/A

Elite Navy 0.20 N/A



so you are referring to the morale check for the 30% increase. this only will be used if your airforce is intercepted.. then morale comes into play.. wil your planes keep going forward to their target or abandon the mission...


the ecm.. combat modifier has to do with the airassault... so I still see no error in my spreadsheet..


But.. you have pointed me on something I forgot to add in my spreadsheet.. after reading the rules again I found that I forgot to take into account the losses air divisions have and their cargo capacity.. but in time I will get that straightened out...


and thnx for enjoying the spreadsheet.. I hope to see waaay more use of the airassaults all over Vic :P

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I guess you mean this:

  There are four different levels of experience:  Green, Line, Veteran

and Elite. The corresponding Experience Combat Multiples (ECM) and

Morale Check Ratings vary with each service. so you are referring to the morale check for the 30% increase. this only will be used if your airforce is intercepted.. then morale comes into play.. wil your planes keep going forward to their target or abandon the mission...

the ecm.. combat modifier has to do with the airassault... so I still see no error in my spreadsheet..


I just contacted and discussed this with Grimor. It seems Glamdring is right.

The Air ECM values differ from Army and naval ECM

(chapter F., 7.1):




Green:____ -0.20

Line:______ 0.00

Veteran:___ 0.30

Elite:______ 0.60


Grimor has told me he'll change his excelsheet as soon as he returns from holiday.

But you can do it yourself by changing the values in the appropriate tables on the first and second page to:

green 0.8 ; line 1; veteran 1.3; elite 1.6.

Don't forget to turn of security (password: boem).



THE SHeikh!

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