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Leaving Vietarmis


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The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy is hereby removing itself from the Vietarmis alliance. This has been a hard decision but a series of conflicts over military policies has made this a necessary decision. I leave the alliance without any harsh feelings towards it's members but since we feel we cannot in good faith implementate that latest series of orders from the Council we step down and out. We remain true to our commitments, our trade agreements as well as the integrity of the datacore we hold and will always view our friends with high regard and warmth. Our brethren the Builders of Brotherhood and the Republic of Jemp have decided to do the same.



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We quit the Pirates! We are now Bucaneers!


- truthfully the grand alliances are just that grand....but with real life, real economics and the fact that there really is no binding authority (32 crack German Divisions on the border to make you be good) they kind of fall apart.

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