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Geo Order Change


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Currently Geo orders cannot be used as either a standing order or as part of a convoy route.


With the proliferation of DCS within my realms I'm going to have to start using more order slots just to get updated Geological reports since the increases are not reported when the DCS hits on a resource.


Is there any chance this order could be recoded for use as a standing order or for use in a convoy route?

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I dunno what you're complaining about, Mechanica.




If you think that eats up orders; don't try space exploration or looking for a suitable world to colonize.

I've found over 500 worlds, and PMAP'ed most of them, while half have now been GEO'd. If you start calculating all the; SS, SURV, NEWF, RN, MOVE, NM, PMAP, GEO, WARP, orders that entailed...



If I had a DCS, I'd gladly do a GEO to find out what the results are. That's nothing.



What eats up most of my own order slots, is the incredible amount of NEWF, and RN orders, since I started to fan out through the unexplored systems. It (this) seems endless...


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hmmmm 500 worlds...

In the admittedly very few stars I've come across, they seem to have the same name - NEXUS! Where's my planets, I ask you!? I'm even thinking of PMAPing the stars to see if they have some weird life-forms living on them! I dreamt the other night that I had ordered my ships to SKIM a star for fuel..... hmmm, I wonder....

Anybody have any asbestos resources they'd like to trade?

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I think what was implied in Mechanica message was the fact that changes in resource levels is not identified on the turn they occur. As a result, on turn 1 your DCS's (or ICE) runs, on turn 2 you do the GEO, and turn 3, you do all the CON of mines and mills and refineries. If the DCS or ICE would produce a listing of changes, you could do all the CON on turn 2 (and not have to do the GEO order as well).


Still, this is a minor annoyance. Folks with DCS's or ICE will find they spend far more orders on the CON of mines and the like each turn on resources of interest, than you do on GEO's.

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Since the player is usually going to have to use an order block to CON more mines anyway, it seems reasonable to me if the DCS report included what the new resource rating was. I do not advocate adding GEO as a standing order, but do advocate the DCS report including the new resource rating.


I know RTG needs to make money and order blocks = money, but there are many places in the game where spending real world dollars for more order blocks gives an empire an advantage over others. This is one of those. It gives players willing to spend extra money an increase in their empire's industrial production. I know this "buying the game" can't be entirely eliminated but I believe that it should be minimized, especially when it affects things like research and production. This DCS report is a small thing, but those add up.

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hmmmm 500 worlds...

In the admittedly very few stars I've come across, they seem to have the same name - NEXUS! Where's my planets, I ask you!?


< snip>


Well, how many systems have you scanned?


For a begining position, Id say:

Don't judge your area of the galaxy unless you've explored "at least" four systems out in all directions.

When I started, people told me to go six systems out, before passing judgement.

And now that I know more than when I first started, I'd extend that number to eight - if you're serious about playing the game.


That's a lot of systems, right there, you know. And it just keeps growing exponentially every time you extend your frontier.


Don't get discouraged, yet.

Trust me, you'll find planets if you put in the effort.

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Actually I was trying to point out that there is a situation where a GEO order could qualify for use as a standing order.


To me standing orders are a way to automate orders that are repetitive in nature like LFE, EXP, SKIM, etc. Having to station a fleet over the same world and do a GEO every turn to get the DCS increase would seem to be repetitive.


Right now this is a minor inconvenience as only one of my worlds has a DCS but I've already colonized four of the thirty worlds in my home system and plan on introducing DCS to each of those.


I also do a lot of survey orders each turn and in no way am I advocating for a change to that process. NM, CSV, PMAP, GEO...thats the price you pay to survey new worlds.


Maybe the ultimate answer to this would be to display the actual increase when the DCS has a successful resource hit.

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