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Virus Event


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First, I would recommend everyone update their AV software and do a deep scan of all files, zip files, etcetera.. on your PC. The Trojan on RTG was attempting to use an exploit in the MS Windows metafile system to run a VB (Visual Basic) script on your PC to install something. That I do not have in my virus results log. But you can bet it was not something nice. So a full scan is called for just in case something has unknown to you been installed, and is now tracking everything you do while on the PC.


Second, so as to support my rampant paranoid delusions, I will assume someone was trying to infect all SN players PC's so as to download copies of the coming turn results to themselves. Sure, I have no idea what was being installed. So anything I assume is likely the truth (well, it works this way for politics, doesn't it?). :woohoo:


With this said, finally, on to the blame game!


Here are the likely culprits in my book.


MMB - A crafty and cunning foe in the game, some may even say (once a gratuity is paid) a genius. Piracy is his game, and stealing your data would certainly seal his name in the shrines of gaming history. :cheers:


PA (Phoenix Arisen) - It would be hard to find a more evil, more sinister group of players than the PA. With a stated goal of "winning" the game by beating the snot out of everyone else, their aggression is legendary. Could this group of universe controlling wannabes be so foul as to try and plant a virus? :angry2:


Pete - My theory has been Pete and Russ are the same person, just two sides of one guy with a split personality. He occasionally hires an actor to play the Russ part when going out. So, P/R has suffered another split, brought on by the intense pressure of running SN: ROTE. And this evil version of P/R is secretly trying to sabotage the game, in order to relieve the stress. :pirate2:


Well, that's my thoughts (as jumpy as they are). Anyone else? :P


PS -- all statements are made in pure fun and are the results of a disturbed mind to begin with, so you should not place any importance on any of this at all, that's right, go on your way, nothing to read here...

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First, I would recommend everyone update their AV software and do a deep scan of all files, zip files, etcetera.. on your PC. The Trojan on RTG was attempting to use an exploit in the MS Windows metafile system to run a VB (Visual Basic) script on your PC to install something. That I do not have in my virus results log. But you can bet it was not something nice. So a full scan is called for just in case something has unknown to you been installed, and is now tracking everything you do while on the PC.

I ran a system scan straight away when I saw the warning but nothing showed.

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First, I would recommend everyone update their AV software and do a deep scan of all files, zip files, etcetera.. on your PC. The Trojan on RTG was attempting to use an exploit in the MS Windows metafile system to run a VB (Visual Basic) script on your PC to install something. That I do not have in my virus results log. But you can bet it was not something nice. So a full scan is called for just in case something has unknown to you been installed, and is now tracking everything you do while on the PC.


Second, so as to support my rampant paranoid delusions, I will assume someone was trying to infect all SN players PC's so as to download copies of the coming turn results to themselves. Sure, I have no idea what was being installed. So anything I assume is likely the truth (well, it works this way for politics, doesn't it?). :D


With this said, finally, on to the blame game!


Here are the likely culprits in my book.


MMB - A crafty and cunning foe in the game, some may even say (once a gratuity is paid) a genius. Piracy is his game, and stealing your data would certainly seal his name in the shrines of gaming history. :pirate2:


PA (Phoenix Arisen) - It would be hard to find a more evil, more sinister group of players than the PA. With a stated goal of "winning" the game by beating the snot out of everyone else, their aggression is legendary. Could this group of universe controlling wannabes be so foul as to try and plant a virus? :thumbsup:


Pete - My theory has been Pete and Russ are the same person, just two sides of one guy with a split personality. He occasionally hires an actor to play the Russ part when going out. So, P/R has suffered another split, brought on by the intense pressure of running SN: ROTE. And this evil version of P/R is secretly trying to sabotage the game, in order to relieve the stress. :beer:


Well, that's my thoughts (as jumpy as they are). Anyone else? :P


PS -- all statements are made in pure fun and are the results of a disturbed mind to begin with, so you should not place any importance on any of this at all, that's right, go on your way, nothing to read here...

Ahhh ha! I was wondering where that little bugger could have come from. My AV software picked it up though and zapped it. :cheers:

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