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Cloaking Devices


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I saw the note about espionage, but I missed the one about cloaking. Can you tell me which turn that it said that cloaks were now fixed? Or has that information gone into cloak mode? Maybe that's why I missed it, my sensors are not developed sufficiently.



I *think* it was in the note that mentioned espionage, but I really can't remember. I recall that he said that it was on, worked based on tonnage (in some manner, don't recall the specifics) could be countered by high end sensors, and stopped working when shots were fired.


Lord Uriel

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Searching all of my turns only revealed one mention of cloaking. From the mid December turn. It says next turn due on Dec 27, 2006.



For those of you with Stable Wormhole Generators, the distance calculation need not be both ways - so long as either direction falls within the distance limit, you can set up the SWG pairing. I'm continuing to work on finalzing the espionage and cloaking rules (expect cloaking devices to operate under severe restrictions for balance reasons). --Pete


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Well, I must have been smoking blunt (my students seem to think so). I checked the last 33 turns, checked the last 5 issues of the snrote reader, and looked at the past years worth of posts from Pete. I can't find any reference to what I was talking about. so, please disregard.






Lord Uriel

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Pete, any word on when Cloaking will be fixed and fully implemented?


Pete might be working on higher priority items. Maybe an easier to answer question would be: What is your current project, and do you have a prioritized list of pending work?

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No problem Lord Uriel, it's good to have people participate in these boards. By the way, how did you keep it lit with all this rain we've gotten these last couple days? Must be a trick your students taught you.


Back to Pete. Any cloaking updates?




What rain? This week has been sunny and in the 70s. :nuke:

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Cloaks do not work. The comment from Pete was that they still did not work, but were on his priority list.


Feel free to test this if you like, but it will sort of give away your plans when your ships equipped with non-functional cloaking devices get blown up by the first thing with guns.


Or you could call Pete like I did and get it straight from the Oracle.



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Have cloaking devices been fixed Pete? Are they now active in the game or are they still in the process of being fixed?


Thanks again


I "haven't seen" anything about cloaking devices working. Get it? "Haven't seen" and Cloaking Devices in the same sentence? That's hilarious man.


What's that?? You think the joke is pretty "transparent". That you "saw right through it" and thought it was lame. Well, there's no "hiding" it, the joke is weak. Oh sure, I could put up some song and dance and try to "conceal" how weak it was. But I'm sure my "cover" would be blown.



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