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the best game going

Marklen X

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Lots of reasons why. Big wars, competent players. I am going to love fighting the combined air forces of Poland, Greece and Rumania. Will they slow my methodical advance across the Alps? Maybe. I relish the challenge. Can Iceland and Great Britain provide enough of a challenge to Northern and Central Russia to keep them out of my hair? I think so. Will Egypt fall to the Rumanian hordes? I kind of doubt it. Will UAE and Saudi Arabia find a line in the sand they can defend? Seems doubtful. Will Carthage fall? No chance. Will Greece fall. Likely. Can Morocco bring enough force to bear to relieve some pressure from Algeria. Hope so.

Will Spongebob come back. No chance!

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Lots of reasons why. Big wars, competent players. I am going to love fighting the combined air forces of Poland, Greece and Rumania. Will they slow my methodical advance across the Alps? Maybe. I relish the challenge. Can Iceland and Great Britain provide enough of a challenge to Northern and Central Russia to keep them out of my hair? I think so. Will Egypt fall to the Rumanian hordes? I kind of doubt it. Will UAE and Saudi Arabia find a line in the sand they can defend? Seems doubtful. Will Carthage fall? No chance. Will Greece fall. Likely. Can Morocco bring enough force to bear to relieve some pressure from Algeria. Hope so.

Will Spongebob come back. No chance!


Good luck, You'll need it..... :blink:

to answer your questions?


iceland and great britain, will not slow anything down - hint see you soon..... :D:nuke::nuke:


Egypt, will not have much left to call his own. So he will not be a factor anymore :pirate2:


you are right about Saudi Arabia and UAE, the only line they can defend is the line of retreat. :o


Greece is in trouble, but he has friends, so he will be okay. :cheers:


You better hope that morocco can help you, but then again the only help will be it's airpower. :wub:


DezertCamel :robot:

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Lots of reasons why. Big wars, competent players. I am going to love fighting the combined air forces of Poland, Greece and Rumania. Will they slow my methodical advance across the Alps? Maybe. I relish the challenge. Can Iceland and Great Britain provide enough of a challenge to Northern and Central Russia to keep them out of my hair? I think so. Will Egypt fall to the Rumanian hordes? I kind of doubt it. Will UAE and Saudi Arabia find a line in the sand they can defend? Seems doubtful. Will Carthage fall? No chance. Will Greece fall. Likely. Can Morocco bring enough force to bear to relieve some pressure from Algeria. Hope so.

Will Spongebob come back. No chance!


Good luck, You'll need it..... :blink:

to answer your questions?


iceland and great britain, will not slow anything down - hint see you soon..... :D:nuke::nuke:


Egypt, will not have much left to call his own. So he will not be a factor anymore :pirate2:


you are right about Saudi Arabia and UAE, the only line they can defend is the line of retreat. :o


Greece is in trouble, but he has friends, so he will be okay. :cheers:


You better hope that morocco can help you, but then again the only help will be it's airpower. :wub:


DezertCamel :robot:

I am anxious to meet you on the battlefield DC. A good joke, how many eastern bloc countries does it take to beat Algeria, answer, more than 3, but who knows.

Egypt has a large and talented air force, that will be of great value in the coming campaigns.

I think UAE may surprise you, he has not yet begun to fight, to quote some US historty.

Greece's friends will slow down his collapse, but will not stop it.

Morocco may be too late, but his air force has capabilities none of the current combatants on the front can boast.

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Does someone want to enlighten me as to WHAT GAME YOUR ON ABOUT - Mr X????





Various Deaths - No Wins - Fear the Sponge


I have several on my most hated list, Monk you are number 473rd. So unimportant.


Spongey, there is not enough time nor space on this forum to enlighten you :drunk:

This thread is about game 75, the one you dropped out of for no reason. :blink:


By the way, denmark is quite nice this time of year, now that it's under new management. :blink:


DezertCamel :robot:

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Guest Spongebob

I will tell you why i left 75, because I ran out of resorces and after two failed attempts to expand into Norway who at the time was computer controlled I guess it was time to throw in the towel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will keep it simple:


Attack and die.


Retreat and die a little slower.


Choose and perish :drunk:





I really like this game as well. No easy walkovers, players sticking to their guns until they have so little left that most people wouldn't even consider to keep playing. My compliments to all who still do.

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Hey Calamaran,


The government of Casablanca is still waiting for your TAX FREE donation to the artificial reef in the Med. Please use this NO POSTAGE REQUIRED forum to post the location of the Romanian navy and then we can complete your transaction.


Ask at the office as well..maybe Poland or Northern Russia will match your contribution. :angry2:


Think of the fishes!!


Yours truely,


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Dear Mr. Takeda,


My ships are too busy looking nice and shiny in port (as nice and shiny as Russian tech ships can look in port).


But as a token of good will you can now dive off xSuez and visit a couple of brand new Syrian additions to the Eastern Med. artificial reef :angry2:


All I will say is, just keep moving your ships around the MED, they will be picked off, ehm, up sooner or later. I am sure your US tech ships will make an excellent addition to any of the various new reefs that have recently been laid down in the MED. And don't assume you're safe from my reef builders in the Western part of the MED for much longer.


In other news: The Egyptian air force got more experienced but also a lot smaller. Time to recruit replacements.


Yours from xCairo and the surrounding territories,


Calamaran. :woohoo:

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Calamaran, things certainly look bright for your side. With the eastern front rolling, you have been able to conentrate on the west, and the Greek-Rumanian-Polish combo certainly has control of the skies at the moment. But to win this war, you are going to have to do it in the mud ultimately.


You will find that Algeria will not roll over and play dead just because the skies darken with enemy aircraft. I love being outnumbered 3 to one. Let those Greeks come forward and take back their provinces, see what happens to them. Let the Poles venture forth from their cities with their full armies, and see what happens.


If you are able to beat us back, with just that little 3 to 1 advantage, I will be impressed, but I still doubt it. I heard this Carthage must fall stuff back around turn 30, and yet I have yet to see any ground troops from your alliance make headway against Algerian troops.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I will keep it simple:


Attack and die.


Retreat and die a little slower.


Choose and perish :D





I really like this game as well. No easy walkovers, players sticking to their guns until they have so little left that most people wouldn't even consider to keep playing. My compliments to all who still do.

I guess you forgot to mention the third option, counterattack and kill you. I am sure, with your 3 or 4 to one numerical advantage, I cannot hold, or can I?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad you came out to fight Pharoah. The Greeks are so busy getting themselves killed, it is hard to see you over the corpses. There is no question, the overwhelming force your side has brought to bear is gradually moving the line back, for now. You have some surprises to come though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, how much longer can Greece continue to lose 18 division armies each turn and keep advancing? Come on Greece, you know you want to move those tanks into Geneva, go ahead, it will be ok.


How much longer can Poland absorb 1500 plus losses in TU-2's before the skies above Switzerland and southern France are no longer dark with the Polish menace?


How much longer can Rumania continue his adventures in Africa while his brother in arms, Greece, is being devastated at every turn?


How much longer can Algeria hold out against the determined attacks of all of the above?


Methinks it will be fun to get these answers.

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