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VICMAN and Vista/ new MS OFfice

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I have a new computer complete with MS Vista and the new version of MS Office. My tried and true VICMAN program which I dearly love has developed bugs.


My column spacing is off and I can't read all the digits of various cells but worse yet I have lost the drop down menu of the various AIC Nets in the network summary.



Is anyone out there capable of doing an update to this classic program? Is the author, Mr. Scheper, still playing the game and available to help??

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I think Taco Schepers never played Victory! at RTG. I know his name from the days when most European players still played at the PBM-Express in Holland. So I doubt he'll be able to help, and I don't think anyone else has the sources for this program, so a new build for Vista is probably not going to happen.

Only way to solve this would be to rebuild it from scratch I suppose.

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