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Ship designs

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Is it allowed to submit a ship design that has items included in the design that you havent researched yet, and that you haven't found a sample of thru exploration?


I haven't tried that either but I have built ships that included items I have found in exploration but did not possess the technology for and they went OK. I would just make sure you spell the item correctly.

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Is it allowed to submit a ship design that has items included in the design that you havent researched yet, and that you haven't found a sample of thru exploration?

I haven't tried, but I presume so.


Yes you can. This allows you to design an build ships, where perhaps an ally gives you something you can't even research yet. I've done a NUD where later in the turn the parts get dropped off by a friend. And the NUD worked fine. Note that the completed will not list the components that go into the unknown items in the Resource list. It does say ... Resources Needed for Component Construction (unknown technology not included): .. in the order results.


I hope you aren't thinking of designing a ship using a MK I Flag bridge, or other techs, just to see if the NUD order takes it and confirms these items exist or not....

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The NUD order will let you put in anything that is in the SNROTE database, your only problem is that if the spelling is wrong it doesn't appear.


And you have to acually have that item on that pop sec to build the ship... no use putting that MK IX Cowslinger onto you mega pathfinder if you have never even seen one before much less have it in you possession.

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It is quite nice to determine actual size and existence of theoretical items. Feel free to send in an NUD for a ship with the Mk II Flag Bridge and see what you get. You can use this for any tech you like including anything that has been hinted at during explorations.


I think it is a bit expensive way to get nearly useless bits of information though.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Is it allowed to submit a ship design that has items included in the design that you havent researched yet, and that you haven't found a sample of thru exploration?


Allowed - Yes. :woohoo:


Efficacy - Depends on why you are doing it. If you are doing something like planning your production queue to build ships using Technology you are about to finish researching, it can be useful. If you are using it to determine the composition of something that your explorers found a fragment of (e.g. Research points towards a Technology you don't have as the result of an EXPL Order), it is of negligible value. :thumbsup:


I think the earlier statement by Sir Smeg bears repeating. If you are going to do this be careful about your spelling. Misspelled words have caused me untold damage on turns. :woohoo:


-SK :woohoo:

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