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Last AP Problem


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For both my positions I ran into a problem where the last attempted action for a fleet says I don't have enough action points.


One 2ap fleet did a nm then skim....the skim failed because the program said I ran out of action points.


Multiple fleets in both positions did a nm, csv, pmap, geo sequence with the geo failing in all but one set of orders.


Anyone else experience this?

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For both my positions I ran into a problem where the last attempted action for a fleet says I don't have enough action points.


One 2ap fleet did a nm then skim....the skim failed because the program said I ran out of action points.


Multiple fleets in both positions did a nm, csv, pmap, geo sequence with the geo failing in all but one set of orders.


Anyone else experience this?



Uhoh, my convoy routes seemed to repeat some steps as I have fleets in both positions that never moved back to my homeworlds to drop off resources. One postion lists the steps as 10 20 10 20.


The other had 10 20 30 40 but the 30 and 40 steps were actually the 10 and 20 ones again.

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Yeah, I had the same problems with some of the fleets.



some 2 AP NM GEO did not execute the GEO.




Looks like a bug in NM, as GEOE/GEO and MOVE/SURV worked finde on 2 AP fleets.

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Yeah, I had the same problems with some of the fleets.



some 2 AP NM GEO did not execute the GEO.




Looks like a bug in NM, as GEOE/GEO and MOVE/SURV worked finde on 2 AP fleets.

Odd. Let me know the empire and fleet #'s and I can look into it.

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Odd. Let me know the empire and fleet #'s and I can look into it.



I had the same problem. Empire #112. Fleets 1007, 1003 and others. Not just GEO orders, but COLB orders failed as well. 2 AP fleet, one action such as NM and then the second order failed saying out of action points.



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Yeah, I had the same problems with some of the fleets.



some 2 AP NM GEO did not execute the GEO.




Looks like a bug in NM, as GEOE/GEO and MOVE/SURV worked finde on 2 AP fleets.

Odd. Let me know the empire and fleet #'s and I can look into it.


Same problem here on some fleets ....... appears to be on NM order - I'll drop you a line when I have a chance to look in detail.

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I found the problem the the NM order - squashed. Re-running would be the certain way to correct things but that's pretty ugly for a lot of reasons (turns delayed for sure until Monday morning or so, battle results might change, and the all-important scientist hits definitely would). I'll talk to Russ later today but I think the best solution might be to simply add extra orders onto everybody's turn sheets for next time - for example, making turn sheets 50 orders instead of 40. Some cases might not be covered by that but most probably would gain orders in the exchange. Not a perfect solution but it seems like a reasonable way to proceed.

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I found the problem the the NM order - squashed. Re-running would be the certain way to correct things but that's pretty ugly for a lot of reasons (turns delayed for sure until Monday morning or so, battle results might change, and the all-important scientist hits definitely would). I'll talk to Russ later today but I think the best solution might be to simply add extra orders onto everybody's turn sheets for next time - for example, making turn sheets 50 orders instead of 40. Some cases might not be covered by that but most probably would gain orders in the exchange. Not a perfect solution but it seems like a reasonable way to proceed.


Pete, let us know what you and Russ decide. I have some fleets that are not where they should be so I would prefer to have the turns rerun.

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The solution with added 10 commands would work for me, as no important stuff was affected.


Personally, would prefer the additional orders as well - as my Naval Battles would definitely NOT have a different outcome from a re-run and am happy with Scientist hits as they stand.

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The same seems to be true of the MOVE order.


A 4 AP transwarp capable fleet issued 4 pairs of MOVE / WARP orders. The 4th MOVE failed, but the 4th WARP worked, sending it back through the WP it just came through. I'm hoping it isn't fuel stranded now, since it was headed for fuel and is now 2 warp nexus' away from it.


I'm still scanning my turn to see what damages have been done. Personally I'd prefer to have the turns rerun, but I'm trying to see if an extra 10 orders would fix everything. If I'm fuel stranded, then it won't, but I would guess Pete might be able to help me there.


Pete, for those of us who run multiple turn sheets per empire, can we assume we get an extra 10 orders per sheet? For example, I ran 160 orders last turn, does that give me an extra 40 orders? Or if I run 5 sheets next turn does that give me 50 extra orders?

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The same seems to be true of the MOVE order.


A 4 AP transwarp capable fleet issued 4 pairs of MOVE / WARP orders. The 4th MOVE failed, but the 4th WARP worked, sending it back through the WP it just came through. I'm hoping it isn't fuel stranded now, since it was headed for fuel and is now 2 warp nexus' away from it.


I'm still scanning my turn to see what damages have been done. Personally I'd prefer to have the turns rerun, but I'm trying to see if an extra 10 orders would fix everything. If I'm fuel stranded, then it won't, but I would guess Pete might be able to help me there.


Pete, for those of us who run multiple turn sheets per empire, can we assume we get an extra 10 orders per sheet? For example, I ran 160 orders last turn, does that give me an extra 40 orders? Or if I run 5 sheets next turn does that give me 50 extra orders?

I have not seen any issues with the Move order - you might want to doublecheck to make sure your fleet didn't use up an action point somewhere, or receive ships that had.


After talking with Russ we'll go ahead and make turn sheets 50 orders next time. It is per turn sheet, so if you submit multiple turn sheets, each would be 50, stacking up the extra orders for you to use any way you like. It's not a perfect answer, but re-running isn't feasible (for by-mail players especially, who would not be able to submit turns at all if I had to delay the turn processing through next Monday).


Again, my apologies for the trouble :angry2:

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I have not seen any issues with the Move order - you might want to doublecheck to make sure your fleet didn't use up an action point somehwere, or receive ships that had.


After talking with Russ we'll go ahead and make turn sheets 50 orders next time. It is per turn sheet, so if you submit multiple turn sheets, each would be 50, stacking up the extra orders for you to use any way you like. It's not a perfect answer, but re-running isn't feasible (for by-mail players especially, who would not be able to submit turns at all if I had to delay the turn processing through next Monday).


Again, my apologies for the trouble :angry2:

No trouble Pete, we'll cope.


I'll double check that fleet. If I still think I'm right, I'll send you the details.


Thanks for the quick response!

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