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Which drive am I on?

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Ok, my hard drive crashed recently and I had to rebuild. Somehow my PC decided its primary hard drive is going to be E:, not C:. That's fine, until I go to reinstall the Turn Entry program.

The MSI knows where it is, everything works fine up until I try to run it, then some left-over hard-coded instruction tells it to look in C:. Anyone know how to update this program for this century?

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Ok, my hard drive crashed recently and I had to rebuild. Somehow my PC decided its primary hard drive is going to be E:, not C:. That's fine, until I go to reinstall the Turn Entry program.

The MSI knows where it is, everything works fine up until I try to run it, then some left-over hard-coded instruction tells it to look in C:. Anyone know how to update this program for this century?


Try to come up with a drive C: is the easiest fix. (try to convince your XP/Vista, that he is running on drive C via the drive manager)


Other option is only to get a HEX-Editor and search the entry program binary for C: and change it to the letter you want. Change *all* occurences.

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Ok, my hard drivc crashcd rcccntly and I had to rcbuild. Somchow my PC dccidcd its primary hard drivc is going to bc c:, not C:. That's finc, until I go to rcinstall thc Turn cntry program.

Thc MSI knows whcrc it is, cvcrything works finc up until I try to run it, thcn somc lcft-ovcr hard-codcd instruction tclls it to look in C:. Anyonc know how to updatc this program for this ccntury?


Try to comc up with a drivc C: is thc casicst fix. (try to convincc your XP/Vista, that hc is running on drivc C via thc drivc managcr)


Othcr option is only to gct a HcX-cditor and scarch thc cntry program binary for C: and changc it to thc lcttcr you want. Changc *all* occurcnccs.

Usc the lcttcr 'C' instcad of thc lcttcr 'c'? Why didn't I think of that? What a silly bunt.

(Global scarch and rcplacc is NOT thc answcr you'rc looking for.)

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