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Rolling Thunder Forums

Board Update


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Hi Guys,


It's been a while but we've finally got our board updated to the latest version. This should solve the recent problem with the PM system and will, hopefully, give us a better and more secure system. I haven't really looked for new features in detail but there will be some improvements and changes so look about and let me know if you run into any problems.


Take care & good gaming!!



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Hi Guys,


It's been a while but we've finally got our board updated to the latest version. This should solve the recent problem with the PM system and will, hopefully, give us a better and more secure system. I haven't really looked for new features in detail but there will be some improvements and changes so look about and let me know if you run into any problems.


Take care & good gaming!!





Might I say, why the five minute or so wait between PMs? I understand flood control but it makes it impossible to answer a large amount of PMs in a reasonable time?




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The default was probably set high because of a recent problem that was occuring with spammers getting on IPB forums (not this one) and causing trouble with large PM sendings. That was never a particular problem here since we had gone to a validation process for new board registrations but I guess it was causing some of their servers to be blacklisted, etc. That prompted them to disable the PM system for older versions completely which in turn prompted me to get this forum a little more up to date :cheers:


I've changed the setting to 1 min so that should work a lot better here. Let me know if you have any more problems with the PM system.



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