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Economy and logistics


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1. I would like an "administration" level like the intelligence and counter-intel level that controls the size of your AIC networks. Administration level 1 means no AIC's and should be free, level 5 means you can create AIC level 5 cities and should be shockingly expensively.

2. I think ARM, AR and IR should be replaced by ARM and INF points, where you just use these both for building units and repairing them. Maybe a limit should be placed on building divisions so that you can only use 10 INF points per population in the city, you need population to man your divisions after all. So a city with 24 population can build units with up to 240 INF points.


If you add more ideas, please continue numbering them for easy reference.

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I'll repost this here, since it is about economics and logistics.


About the AIC system, I hear a lot of suggestion to expand the AIC network to 4, or Hamish' suggestion to make it flexible. I strongly disagree. The underlying motivation is presumably that the MCR orders are time consuming to make. I agree. It now takes me MCR 10-15 orders, while at the beginning of the game (turn 16).


Instead, I would propose to split the two functions of the AIC network. The first function is to serve as a distribution center for goods, e.g. if not enough ARM is available in the currently location, it is fetched from the upstream location. I would suggest to keep this function intact. The other function of the AIC network is as an automated MCR order, where good produced downstream are transported to the central hub. I would recommend to remove this function alltogether, and replace with "standing order" MCR commands. Thus, every time a factory is build, a new standing order should be given to transport the output to another location. That would consume rail capacity, but would allow transportation over longer distances (e.g. to a different distribution hub instead of the local one). This would still force players to calculate rail movement, but since it can be done as a standing order, it does not need to be repeated. (Unless of course someone likes to take a few hours and recalculate it all). I think this would remove the tediousness of MCR orders, and would instead provide a much more interesting way to use the MCR and AIC network.

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I like the idea someone had of getting food from the ocean. anyone that has played finland, norway, or sweden knows that food is a major concern. Yet those 3 countries are known for their fisherman. APD orders are ridiculously expensive and the growth is not worth the money spent every turn.

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a cross post from elsewhere


(3) Research - mentioned elsewhere but I guess should be in this topic. My 2p worth. There are plenty of systems out their with tech trees that should allow research by Air/Land/Naval/Economic. My view is that this should operate in the same vein as ANTS. Current tech build sheets show current research - ie 1,1,1,0. I think APD/RPD/Rail upgrade could be folded into this mechanism. I also think that piling research into a specific tree should bring the development of a specific tech by 1, but cost more as the tech advance is harder to get. So if Army =1, Air=1 and Naval=1 then 1 turn = 1 tech advance. However if go Army=3, Air = 0, Naval = 0 then perhaps Army tech increases by 2 and Air and Navy by 0.5, so get better units sooner in 1 tree but slower access elsewhere. The economic one would be harder but could be achieved through priorities. Perhaps a country has a need to be independent in food, or heavy, so placing resource here will increase food in 'n' provinces by 1% or resource in a province by 5% - either shoud be done only where such a resource already exists and is in use.

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(4) Provinces next to a sea province should have a food bonus based on the sea built into the food statistic. There may be a need to consider the availability of boats that might be restricted by mines etc - but I think is a relatively cheap and easy mechanism adjustment to undertake. I'd see the coastline size should have an implication (ie long coastline, big bonus, small coastline, small bonus). Bonus can be added into the base province stat or be a fixed add on that cannot be varied by APD orders in the timeline covered by the game.

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