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New weapon class


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Hmmm. My scientists seem to have actually stumbled upon a weapons tech I was previously unfamiliar with. It seems that I now have a weapon in my arsenal that ignores force shields. Has anybody else out there developed such an oddball space weapon?



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Oh , what a bore , nothing like that exists......



I recall a time when Screens ruled the day and no one believed there was a technology that would allow you to target around them and then one day people stumbled on the right combination of tech to give them flag bridges....


If Defence systems can be built that render weapons useless what is so far fetched about a weapon system that negates a defence system....

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Well, without giving away any research secrets, the most advanced design I have so far is called a Parasitic Bore. (Adequate strength level of efficiency) It uses beam weapon range (despite the name) and weighs 1000 tons. It is not a new weapons damage class, but uses a combination of already established damage classes, much as Disruptors and some fighters and drones do.


Judging by the comments, I guess nobody else is admitting to having this?



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Well, without giving away any research secrets, the most advanced design I have so far is called a Parasitic Bore. (Adequate strength level of efficiency) It uses beam weapon range (despite the name) and weighs 1000 tons. It is not a new weapons damage class, but uses a combination of already established damage classes, much as Disruptors and some fighters and drones do.


Judging by the comments, I guess nobody else is admitting to having this?




Judging by the lack of comments, it sounds like a lot of people have this already and are not at all surprised.

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