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Can't remember where I got this idea from, but I was under the impression that the random tech insights you sometimes got from your EXPL hits were of technology that wasn't too far beyond what was possible with your current tech investigation.


I remember reading in the early forum that the elder races when they were conducting their first EXPL were getting completely random information and glimpses, but Pete had changed that.


Is this still true?


Also, there was a suggestion that a scientists chances on improving a tech were increased the further away from the HW they were and the more exotic a location they were at (i.e. on a planet with ionised metal gases). Would a wormhole link you've generated, which reduces the distance between the scientist and the HW also reduce their chances of improving your tech?

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Can't remember where I got this idea from, but I was under the impression that the random tech insights you sometimes got from your EXPL hits were of technology that wasn't too far beyond what was possible with your current tech investigation.


I remember reading in the early forum that the elder races when they were conducting their first EXPL were getting completely random information and glimpses, but Pete had changed that.


Is this still true?


Also, there was a suggestion that a scientists chances on improving a tech were increased the further away from the HW they were and the more exotic a location they were at (i.e. on a planet with ionised metal gases). Would a wormhole link you've generated, which reduces the distance between the scientist and the HW also reduce their chances of improving your tech?


The items your explorers find are around your tech level, but the tech the explorers learn is completely random.

I would doubt a wormhole would have an impact on your scientist chance, but anything is possible.

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Actually, the items you can find from an explore order are all about 4th Gen or lower. It doesn't matter what your empires research level.


The scientist hits you get are based on your current research.


The tech finds you get and the resulting boost to research are completely random and have no bearing on your level.

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I've never found an item over 4th generation, but I assumed that was because my tech was too low. I've just calculated the average level of all the techs I've researched, and its never going to reach 4. Far too many low level techs drown out the high level ones. Since the early days, has anyone ever found anything over 4th generation?


I've reached the conclusion that exploration serves very little purpose these days. Early in the game it can lead to great breakthroughs as people find transwarp drives and other obscure low-level techs, but now?


This turn, for example, "Your explorers discovered some Type B Black Sphere Generator(s) here; 3 were salvaged and added to the holds of Explorer 4". Nice at the start of the game, not so useful now.

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Well, IMHO the best use for exploration is for the fractional research bonus and to get clues for the odd missing tech. For younger positions it is still valuable as a way to get some addition tech items. I find that I gift neutrals a lot of stuff when every I find them. Doesn't seem to make much difference, but I do it any way.


Once upon a time somebody actually discovered a ship, that would still be interesting.


Finding Plekton items was also interesting, but it appears that was just a single turn or two before they were turned off.


I am still holding out for the "Energy Sapper Creature knowledge" find that will unlock another line of tech to research. I would like to think that this actually exists, but at this point I am about ready to concede the issue. After 1000's of explorations in numerous systems by numerous empires and not a single hit on it.



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Well, IMHO the best use for exploration is for the fractional research bonus and to get clues for the odd missing tech. For younger positions it is still valuable as a way to get some addition tech items. I find that I gift neutrals a lot of stuff when every I find them. Doesn't seem to make much difference, but I do it any way.


Once upon a time somebody actually discovered a ship, that would still be interesting.


Finding Plekton items was also interesting, but it appears that was just a single turn or two before they were turned off.


I am still holding out for the "Energy Sapper Creature knowledge" find that will unlock another line of tech to research. I would like to think that this actually exists, but at this point I am about ready to concede the issue. After 1000's of explorations in numerous systems by numerous empires and not a single hit on it.



So I was not the only one with a explore hit? I found a tech item but have not been able to analyze it.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Well, IMHO the best use for exploration is for the fractional research bonus and to get clues for the odd missing tech. For younger positions it is still valuable as a way to get some addition tech items. I find that I gift neutrals a lot of stuff when every I find them. Doesn't seem to make much difference, but I do it any way.


Once upon a time somebody actually discovered a ship, that would still be interesting.


Finding Plekton items was also interesting, but it appears that was just a single turn or two before they were turned off.


I am still holding out for the "Energy Sapper Creature knowledge" find that will unlock another line of tech to research. I would like to think that this actually exists, but at this point I am about ready to concede the issue. After 1000's of explorations in numerous systems by numerous empires and not a single hit on it.



So I was not the only one with a explore hit? I found a tech item but have not been able to analyze it.


I occasionally get tech hits and some items down this line, but so far, my explorers haven't encountered one of the creatures.

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