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deployment locations


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It appears that the location of your fleets do matter when you get into a battle. as you can see krovikans fleet is on deploc 1 and ynoloc's fleet is on 7.. but krovikans fleet only lost 648,931,849 integrity....... Sorry Pete


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Ynoloc Consortium # 673 [Planet Partially Obscured by Space Vapors]

88th Battlegroup [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 7,906,300)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 DN Defiler (Dreadnaught - 7,906,300 tons [each])

<8 Bombardment Drone>--<5 Colony Beacon>--<1,000,000 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Krovikan # 1020 [black Flag With Veni-Vidi-Vici Written In Red]

Bye Bye [ROE: Z] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 3,750,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 PSX 80 (Planetary Stronghold - 3,750,000 tons [each])

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Ynoloc Consortium # 673 [ 8 / 8 Bombardment Drone] Standard Attack <No Pulse Engines>

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] DN Defiler (Dreadnaught - 7,906,300 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,005,767,680] [shields: 0 / 6,250,000,000]

(Green, Timid)

150 100cm Spinal Rail Gun, 500 4cm Gatling CIDS, 150 Advanced Battle Display, 1 Antimatter Transwarp Drive

5,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Drone Rack, 1,250 FCS-2 Aegis Fire Control, 750 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner

1 Fighter Bay, 156 Fuel Shuttle, 1,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,977 Mk I Gravitic Thruster, 175 Mk I Long Range Sensor

75 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 100 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 200 Mk III Computer System, 25,000 Mk IX Force Shield

1 Mk V Jump Survey Sensor, 12 Siege Graser, 750 Subspace Communications Gear, 1,000,000 Tckon 68

1 Type A Spinal Starbore, 2 Type A Stasis Field Generator

Coherent Beam: 9,216,000, Fusion: 40,960,001, Projectile: 19,200,000

Black Sphere: 0.40 %, Deflectors: 0.40 %, Displacement: 0.40 %, ECM: 0.40 %, Field Stabilization: 0.40 %

Flux Capacitance: 0.40 %, Maneuverability: 32.01, Meson Web: 0.40 %, Molecular Pattern Stabilization: 0.40 %

Phase Inversion: 0.40 %, Missile Defense: 50.20 %, Reflective Coating: 0.40 %, Screens: 0.40 %

Sensors: 3.60 %, Tachyon Grid: 0.40 %, Thermal Regulation: 0.40 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**MINOR DAMAGE** PSX 80 (Planetary Stronghold - 3,750,000 tons) [integrity: 15,119,068,151 / 15,768,000,000] (Green,


1,750,000 Tckon 68, 80 Type E Disintegrator

Energy Disruptor: 512,000,000, Matter Disruptor: 512,000,000



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And you think that will save you ? I will simply build another one , put it in deploc 1 , and you are toast ...and the next one has the Type B starbore . Funny you never mentioned the 20 million plus tons of warships you lost . Come on out of your HW system where you don't have the 9x armor bonus , and the results will be the same as when you ventured out of your HW system the last time .

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ship location does matter. 2 equal ships, one with equal damage and shields, and the correct weapons for the slot they are in the one with the long range weapons in slot 7 will win every time over the ship with short range weapons in slot 1. I think that is the point he was making. Putting a ship with short range guns in a back slot really would do nothing to help or hurt either side as long as both sides had short range weapons.


on the other comment, besides leaving the system, he could also forget to put guns on this ships, or forget the armor, or make them smaller or use older weapons or scrap them in error...


Type b Starbore, how new are these empires?????

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These positions are very far away from you or the core positions.....on a side note , a pds cannot move , so how can it get close range to a ship at deploc 7 ? Not quite logical . The pds should have damage degradation , the same as the ship is having . I would love to hear Peter explain that one......

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<br />These positions are very far away from you or the core positions.....on a side note , a pds cannot move , so how can it get close range to a ship at deploc 7 ? Not quite logical . The pds should have damage degradation , the same as the ship is having . I would love to hear Peter explain that one......<br />


If I remember correctly, weapons loose 10% per DepLoc, while damage received only decreases by 5%.


So having ships with short Range weapons above Deploc 2 only improves on loosing them. While

having long range weapons in a High DepLoc will reduce the damage received without the loss of weapon power.


And, Highwayman, Pete stated, that in that battle you spotted that *first round* error, the DepLoc was irrelevant, because the scout

would have been obliterated in every DepLoc in round one, without doing significant damage anyways.


Noone, not even Pete, said, that DepLoc would *not* matter.


Besides, easy math would tell you, that the Defiler would have needed to survive 266 round at full weapon capacity to kill off your PDS, while

the PDS only need 7 rounds in with the DN in DepLoc 1, but it seems to have need 24 rounds to kill it off in DepLoc 7.


So, DepLoc did not really matter in this engagement as well.

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dont worry im comin out very soon.and im headin your way



And you think that will save you ? I will simply build another one , put it in deploc 1 , and you are toast ...and the next one has the Type B starbore . Funny you never mentioned the 20 million plus tons of warships you lost . Come on out of your HW system where you don't have the 9x armor bonus , and the results will be the same as when you ventured out of your HW system the last time .
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and yes it was stated that the deploc was not working go back and read the thread. pete never stated this but other ppl did.

and your excuse for the first round error..... well my thoughts on that are If it happens in a one pulse battle ( which is the only way for us as players to check for sure) then it happens in ALL battles. i was meerly apologizing to pete.


<br />These positions are very far away from you or the core positions.....on a side note , a pds cannot move , so how can it get close range to a ship at deploc 7 ? Not quite logical . The pds should have damage degradation , the same as the ship is having . I would love to hear Peter explain that one......<br />


If I remember correctly, weapons loose 10% per DepLoc, while damage received only decreases by 5%.


So having ships with short Range weapons above Deploc 2 only improves on loosing them. While

having long range weapons in a High DepLoc will reduce the damage received without the loss of weapon power.


And, Highwayman, Pete stated, that in that battle you spotted that *first round* error, the DepLoc was irrelevant, because the scout

would have been obliterated in every DepLoc in round one, without doing significant damage anyways.


Noone, not even Pete, said, that DepLoc would *not* matter.


Besides, easy math would tell you, that the Defiler would have needed to survive 266 round at full weapon capacity to kill off your PDS, while

the PDS only need 7 rounds in with the DN in DepLoc 1, but it seems to have need 24 rounds to kill it off in DepLoc 7.


So, DepLoc did not really matter in this engagement as well.

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Deploc has two purposes: outgoing damage and incoming damage. The deploc of the firing ship is not compared to the deploc of the target, so it is not a matter of a ship "getting closer" to the target. If it is at deploc 1, it has full outgoing damage and that is what will be reported in the printout because it might be firing at many different targets with varying deplocs of their own.


If a target happens to be at deploc 6, it degrades incoming damage that the ship suffers should it actually be fired upon. Its outgoing firepower will be based on its weapons and that will depend on what kind of weaponry it has. If it is using lasers, then they will be degraded because they have an optimal deploc of 1 with a degradation for greater deplocs. If it is using missiles that don't mind deploc 6 or greater, then they will not be degraded. Either way that ship will degrade incoming damage regardless of where the enemy ships are located. This defensive degradation cannot be reported on the printout because both sides might have ships at all sorts of deplocs - the report shows only outgoing damage potential.


Quite often (as in almost all of the time) one side is so overwhelmingly powerful and heavily shielded that it ends up destroying the other side without taking any damage beyond its shields. It might be that deploc "didn't matter" in such cases because one side was going to obliterate the other anyway. However, deploc still took effect in that battle - it just didn't amount to enough to save the side that was doomed anyway.

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dont worry im comin out very soon.and im headin your way



And you think that will save you ? I will simply build another one , put it in deploc 1 , and you are toast ...and the next one has the Type B starbore . Funny you never mentioned the 20 million plus tons of warships you lost . Come on out of your HW system where you don't have the 9x armor bonus , and the results will be the same as when you ventured out of your HW system the last time .


Please keep posting your battles. I find them entertaining. :thumbsup:

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dont worry im comin out very soon.and im headin your way



And you think that will save you ? I will simply build another one , put it in deploc 1 , and you are toast ...and the next one has the Type B starbore . Funny you never mentioned the 20 million plus tons of warships you lost . Come on out of your HW system where you don't have the 9x armor bonus , and the results will be the same as when you ventured out of your HW system the last time .


Please keep posting your battles. I find them entertaining. :thumbsup:


I agree, even if they are quite small by galactic standards.

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