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Ground Attack


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I am about ready to commence my first Ground Assault. I am having trouble finding the correct order to debark my divisions from my ship into the newly created army at my Population Center.


The EAF order clearly would load my troops onto the ship but why is there no DAF order to debark these troops off of the ship? What order should I use? DIV, TR, OC all are for moving the troops to a POP center and not an army. Help please

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While on a ship, your troops are cargo. Use OC to move them to the pop group.


Create an army with NEWA, then do DIV to load the divisions from the pop group into the army, and then you may GATK. This is probably discussed in further detail elsewhere on the board.




Can all this be done in one turn? The NEWA instructions indicate there is a way to get it all done in one turn but I thought the DIV order requiress the divisons be in the Pop Center at the beginning of the turn.

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You would need to spend a turn doing COLB order to set up the pop group. Then the next turn would be OCing the divisions into the pop group, establishing the army group and using a DIV order to put the divisions into the pop group. once the divisions were put into the army then you could issue a GATK order on the same turn as the divisions were put into the army

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Thanks for the tips, my attack was properly executed and everything worked like a charm! Now I could use some help in interpeting my battle results. I note several items like odds shift (in which direction???) and "divisions counting for casulaty purposes" that I have no clue what this means. I also note no reports on if my leaders assigned to the armies had in effect or if my choice in tacticcs (and the defenders choice) had any bearing whatsoever on the battle.


Can someone please dissect these results and breakdown the action with some commentary?

Am I right in assuming my troops are pretty sturdy and my opponets troops are VERY lame?


** Tactical Rating Modifiers **
Air Defense Air Support Air to Air Ammunition Amphibious Antitank Aquatic
-10 +0 +0 +1 +0 -10 +0
Armor Artillery Biodefense Bioweapons Broken Terrain Camouflage Chemdefense
+2 -6 +0 -10 +0 +10 +0
Chemweapons Close Combat EW Engineering Environmental ESP Heavy Weapons
-2 +4 +0 +0 +0 +0 +3
Intel Medical Nuc Defense Nuc Weapons Open Terrain Orbital Bmb Security
+10 +10 +0 +6 +3 +0 +1
Small Arms Space Defense Special Wpns Subterranean Telekinesis Telepathics Transport
+6 -10 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1


Odds: 2.078571 Total tactical combat odds shifts: 0.9
Attacking divisions counted as if they were 4 divisions each for casualty purposes
Defending divisions counted as if they were 0.2857143 divisions each for casualty purposes
Ground combat results
Attacker losses: 1 Imperial Guards Air Force, 1 Imperial Guards Strategic Bomber
Defender losses: <all divisions>
The following equipment, obtained during the battle, may be ANZ'd by your military specialists at their leisure:
... Blowpipe Surface-to-Air Missile ... Harmful Biological Munitions ... Long Tom Howitzer ... M110 Mortar ... M126 Mortar
... Perimeter Shield ... Refuge Shield ... Stinger SAM ... Tangler ... Thermic Lance ... Viper Anti-Tank Guided Missile ...

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Your assumptions are correct. You've got a much sturdier lifeform than your opponent (probably a "brain-in-a-jar" type from that rating).


The tactical ratings grid simply shows what technological advantage/disadvantage you have against this specific opponent. The "Odds" ratings show your total force advantage/disadvantage against this specific opponent; all these ratings are blended to give division strength equivalents. (Ground combat, like space combat, is mostly a black box but this is how I generally think about it, fwiw)


I quickly looked at the board history and saw lots of discussion from 2008/2009 on GATK issues - you might find some good nuggets if you're interested in learning more. I'm sure many have more experience with this than I, and may have posted previously.

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The unload, NEWA, DIV block is kind of protected by the GM the first turn after the COLB order, so the enemy has no chance to attack your popgroup/troops while they set up for battle.


If that still happens confer with the GM (aka Pete).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The unload, NEWA, DIV block is kind of protected by the GM the first turn after the COLB order, so the enemy has no chance to attack your popgroup/troops while they set up for battle.


If that still happens confer with the GM (aka Pete).

Also these three little orders allow those without the courage to fight their enemies an opportunity to tuck tail and run away - I've seen this over and over again - Cestvel, have you witnessed such cowardly behavior?

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Only once. After a backstabbing attack by a declared friendly.


This time they bugged out way ahead of you :)


Catch me if you can.


And who is the coward here? Attacking 11 billion with 118 billion an losing 12 billion in the process :)


And that for a void planet.

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“This time they bugged out way ahead of you

Yes, I’m sure you started packing up to run the moment my pathfinder appeared in system – like a roach when the lights come on.


“Catch me if you can.”.

Do you seriously think I’m chasing you? I have little interest in your multiple empires that are a minor annoyance like a gnat buzzing around that just needs swatted whenever they appear. However, I can assure you that if you or your partners in crime ever happen to find my HW I’ll not run away.


“And who is the coward here? Attacking 11 billion with 118 billion an losing 12 billion in the process”

Interesting that you do not know the difference between preparation and cowardice. Obviously with the 9x integrity bonus surface based installations receive it would be foolish to launch an operation without a significant tonnage advantage. I was actually anticipating losing about 20B tons; however, post battle analysis does indicate that if I had not utilized those smaller older ships as screens, I would have suffered no losses – more is not always better it appears. No matter, 12 Billion tons is just a pinprick.

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Lol, you really amuse me.


You attacked me with multiple empires.

I have no clue about what crimes you are babbleing (besides you treason).

And you go to great length to come in everytime you see even a small ship of mine.


Well for now, you achieved nearly nothing with all your attacks.

And when we appear over your HW, I bet you bail out as fast as you possible can.


Haha, you sound like a lunatic. You really remind me of the Flagritz guy from whom you got so much information

and got fed with lies.


And now you start some odd flaming in a rule section. Seems you really care about me.

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  • 4 months later...

Only once. After a backstabbing attack by a declared friendly.


I believe you also took the pop and ran at the Parrot HW, when the Parrots came to take it back. SO much for the high ground there. You know the PArrot HW pop group number transfer the pop to it and I will post message saying how honorable you are, Until then you are full of IT Cestval

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What high ground are you babbleing about?


Sure I took the pop to a save spot. Who would not do this when attacked by two positions?


BTW the Flock took back the HW.


And you were lucky, that my fleet that was looking for you ran into the assault fleet.


Otherwise the battle would have been interesting.


But so, the result was obvious, so I packed up and moved on.



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