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The Afordable HW ACT


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As a loyal member of Whapo, and the PA. I would like to Propose a Galactic Senate Bill. This bill will help those empires that have lost HW's in recent and those that lost HW's in the distant pass. These poor empires need help, they simply can not regain a HW with the now mighty fleets that roam space. We as the feeling, good hearted, loving species of the galaxy must help those less fortunate than ourselves, and Redistribute HW's on a fairer basis, so every Empire has a HW. A HW is a right, how can we deny empires their rights.

To do this we need the location of every HW. Once we have this list we will distribute them fairly insuring every empire has a HW.


But do Not worry that you will lose a HW you really like cause we promise that if you like your HW you can keep it.



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Sure.....please give me your HW location so I can send a suitable ship to bring the information to you .....and since this is a group , I will send out multiple ships to the multiple HW's that you are going to give me......since I want to sign up and stay within the law . I do want to be compliant .

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Sure.....please give me your HW location so I can send a suitable ship to bring the information to you .....and since this is a group , I will send out multiple ships to the multiple HW's that you are going to give me......since I want to sign up and stay within the law . I do want to be compliant .

I find you lack of faith disturbing.

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Considering the difficulties signing to the Home world redistribution act of 2013. (otherwise know as the HWR) We have graciously decided to extend the sign up period. The penalty schedule however will not change. In addition we now apologize for some member misunderstanding regarding how old a home world had to be before your ownership was cancelled.


If you believed this you really should listen to us more carefully. Remember "We are the Government and we are here to help."

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Look, we the govenment know better what you need HW wise. The HW's we need to take away were crappy HW's anyway, you are just too dumb to realize what a big favor we are doing for you by taking the crappy HW's from you. Most of these HW's do not have Jinn crystals, and we have determined everyone needs Jinn crystals, that is why we are taking your non Jinn crystal HW's, even though we said, 'If you like your HW you can keep it". What would be the point of keeping that crappy HW that has no Jinn crystals.

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That last one makes you , the government , seem even less intelligent than a group could possibly be . Possibly your insipid HW inhabitants believe you , and recognize you are their government , but my empire does not even recognize you as anything , yet alone my government . I will keep my numerous HW's , and the only way you can get their locations would be by large armed scouts / warships . Have at it !



As a side note , do you guys not use a spell checker ?

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