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I have been researching with good results until the last 5 turns. My ORB results are "Your teams estimate that this world has seen its share of explorers searching about for interested alien items"


My research ships are very week with (1) survey lander and (1) Type A science lab and (1) SRS ONLY.



So is this planet played out or do I need better research ships to finish the job?


Is there a list of EXPL results here in the forum that would give my "fair share of explorers" some guidance of how much work remains to be done to strip this planet of its treasures?





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I have looked over some old Andromeda turns, and I think the progression is :-


Your teams estimate that this world is virgin territory, ripe for exploration.

Your teams estimate that this world has seen its share of explorers searching about for interested alien items.

Your teams estimate that this world has been fairly heavily explored.

Your teams estimate that this world has experienced very heavy exploration.


I have still found things on very heavy exploration (but with better exploration ships), so you should be right for a while yet.

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Do results tend to decay the more a planet is explored?


I.e. Does a ship that tends to have a 50% chance of success when beginning to EXPL a new world, end up with say a 10% chance when the planet has explored heavy exploration?


Conversely does it take a much more powerful ship to get the last 50% of the finds where a more simplistic ship might get the first 50% of the treasures?

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  • 1 month later...

There are a maximum of 80 exploration "hits" per world. It gets harder to find something useful the closer you get to 80. A hit can be either stuff, research knowledge, or a map (one random warp connection out of the ~100K connections I think there are in a galaxy).


I have had various theories about finding better stuff with better ship equipment but I have never proved anything. I have a lot of data I could analyze though but I am OK with not knowing ;-)

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I was wondering where the number 80 came from? Is that statistics are did you hear it from someone? Any information is welcome. I have looked over the boards and there are lots of theories.

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  • 1 year later...

When you do an ORB of a world you get a list of previous research "hits". I not think I have ever seen a number greater than 80. YMMV.

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