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Draco - Death Machines


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We got the message that someone strayed somewhere they shouldn't have and activated the Death Machines. Has anyone actually run across any ships or divisions belonging to the Death Machines? If so, are you willing to post what you discovered?


Clan Elder Sakarissa #938 The Circle - Andro

Overlord Astros of the Red Tide #3102 The Sigmundian Horde - Andro

Honored One Sabelius #5805 The Eridani Enclaves - Draco


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You or your friend have entered space claimed by the Death Machines and they WILL defend it vigorously.

If you or your friend intend to engage them and survive it's best to go in with heavily armored and armed warships.

Death Machines will come at you in groups so watch your six and will tend to be armed and armored with weapons and armor

Similar to what your bastions are equipped with. ! Also under no circumstances lead them back to your HW. Good Luck!!

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