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Greetings from creeping doom

Creeping doom

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Hi , person who is posting for the original owner of the Talosian #2625 ....I don't believe the original owner can post here just yet . Have fun in Draco , as your end time here in Andromeda was not so pleasant when you ran into 673 . I am not in Draco , nor will I ever be in Draco .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes thank u 673 for the welcome and yes it is the real guy who played the talosians

You definitely had the advantage sir as your empire was much much older than mine so I would not call that so much of a victory when your empire was 10 times the size of mine.

That is the past and I look towards the future. I am doing quite well in draco thank you.

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You say " much much " older , yet the first turn was due on Jan 9 , 2008 ....and 673 was my first position , so I made plenty of rookie mistakes in the beginning .  If you say you started playing on 2009 , then that is a years difference  . Not really that much in SN game time . How can you say 10 times the size of your  position when you had and have absolutely no idea how large 673 was or is . And after your deceit at Mescata , when I started getting warships to the area , by 10 or so turns of fighting you quit the game , so a very poor showing in a very short time .  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to Draco, Creeping Doom (and to the forums).  Definitely takes more time to get around in Draco...

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