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Moving army forces between colonies


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Hi guys,

I am trying to move divisions from one of my colonies to another. Never done this before. I've created a new army at my home colony, transferred divisions to it, loaded that army in a transport, and then moved that transport to another of my colonies.

Question is how do I transfer it to that second colony? I don't see a Disembark Army order...


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NEWA, Population Group #, Army #, New Army Name

Population Group #
Army #
The Population Group ID # where you want to create a new Army.
The ID # that you are assigning to your new Army. You can use whatever positive ID # that you like but it
must be unique—not in use by an Army elsewhere in your Empire. Low #’s are wise, since extremely high I
#’s will surely result in mistakes when you issue Army orders later on.
The name you are giving to your new Army. Other players will see this name, so keep it in good taste.
New Army Name

Example: NEWA, 5002, 20, XX Corps
Army # 20, called “XX Corps”, is created at Population Group # 5002. You must control Pop Group #5002, and Army # 20 must not already be in use elsewhere in your Empire, or this order will fail.
This order is used to transfer Divisions currently stationed at a Population Group into an Army. The Army must already be located at the same Population Group.

DIV, Population Group #, Army #, Division Type # 1, Qty # 1, …, Division Type # 24, Qty Division Type # 24

Population Group #
Army #
The Population Group ID # where the Divisions are currently stationed.
The Army ID # that is receiving the Divisions. This Army must be located at the Population Group that the
Divisions are coming from.
The first Division type that you want transferred from the Population Group to the Army. If you use the
special keyword of ALL here instead of the name of a particular Division, your field commanders will transfer
every Division in the Population Group.
The Quantity of the first Division that you want transferred. If you used the ALL keyword for the first
Division transferred (in the “Division # 1 field), then the Quantity for the first Division is not needed.
Remaining Division types that you want transferred.
Quantities of the remaining Divisions that you want to transfer.
Division # 1
Quantity # 1
Divisions # 2-24
Quantities # 2-24

Example: DIV, 8547, 20, ALL


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Hi Hobo,

Okay, so I might have been going about this wrong. Are you saying that I should just transfer the divisions from my home colony, via a Load Cargo order, and then drop them off at the new colony via an Offload Cargo order?


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On 1/8/2022 at 6:14 PM, Kevin.C said:

Hi Hobo,

Okay, so I might have been going about this wrong. Are you saying that I should just transfer the divisions from my home colony, via a Load Cargo order, and then drop them off at the new colony via an Offload Cargo order?


That’s exactly right :)  There was a DAF order way way back when the game first started but it didn’t work out so well. Just treat your divisions like cargo except that you will need troop berthings to actually be able to carry/ transport them instead of cargo bays. The method of forming a new army at the new colony and assigning division is as Hobo described. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is an EAF (Embark Army Force) that will go direct from army to ship, but you have no control over what gets loaded and it requires an AP.  If you have AP to spare then this is pretty slick but is only for getting troops out of army.  The army stays with the pop group and does not move so you have to create a new one at the new location.  If you are on the same planet you can also use the RA order just like moving ships between fleets.


To get troops out of an army you use the DIV order with detach in the place of the first unit type.  This moves all units from the army back to the pop group where they are once again just cargo to be loaded and moved with the LC/OC orders.



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22 minutes ago, hobknob said:

To get troops out of an army you use the DIV order with detach in the place of the first unit type.  This moves all units from the army back to the pop group where they are once again just cargo to be loaded and moved with the LC/OC orders.

Okay, cool. I didn't know that. Very useful! Thanks!

Peace and happiness, Kevin

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