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Dreaming of a Mindsphere destroyer


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Well I just built one..thought. Boy. 9 turns of resources. This bad boy can take him out. LOL...... :beer:


Then I noticed I NUDed 100 fighters instead of 100 Fighter Bays....(takes Imperial design person out back and shoots him). Oh well. After the discover that the MindSphere have some ungoodly number of MK I Force SHields I need to redesign.




-----NUD (Naval Unit Design)-----

NUD: Starship, Behemoth, B, 20cm Gauss Gun, 200, Light Sonic Disintegrator, 100, Mk I Computer System, 10, Mk II Fusion


8500, Mk I Short Range Sensor, 10, Cordellium Composite, 100000, Fighter, 100, Fuel Tankage, 300000, Cargo Bay,

2000, Troop Berthing, 10, Light X-Ray Laser, 200, 4cm Gatling Gauss Gun CIDS, 200, Mk II Deflector, 300, Mk II Force


300, Advanced Battle Display, 10, Type C Defense Screen

The Naval Unit Design Review Board confers with various Imperial Naval Architects, concludes that this design is acceptable,

and forwards it to a formal INA Board Review for final approval (accepted and filed as an active design)

-----INA Design Report-----

..... The BEHEMOTH class SC, a 1,847,000 ton Star Cruiser assigned to formation B (Battle Line) .....

Construction Cost:

200 20cm Gauss Gun, 100 Light Sonic Disintegrator, 10 Mk I Computer System, 8,500 Mk II Fusion Engine,

10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 100,000 Cordellium Composite, 100 Fighter, 300,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,000 Cargo Bay,

10 Troop Berthing, 200 Light X-Ray Laser, 200 4cm Gatling Gauss Gun CIDS, 300 Mk II Deflector, 300 Mk II Force Shield,

10 Advanced Battle Display, Type C Defense Screen

Resources Needed for Component Construction (unknown technology not included): . 2,330,000 Steel . 99,000 Electronics .

2,188,000 Improved Steel . 1,477,000 Improved Electronics . 21,000 Transaluminum . 10,000 Processed Radioactives .

10,000 Fuel . 200,000 Gemstones . 200,000 Gaseous Elements . 200,000 Improved Refined Crystals . 850,000 Improved

Synthetic Materials .

850,000 Improved Processed Radioactives

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Note -- I did the same thing on one turn. IT seems to me that it is a slight flaw in the NUD order. Proper ship design says you should NOT include the fighters or drones in the ship design. Just the Drone Racks or Fighter Bays. You build and load the drones and fighters after the fact. Fine.


But as your results show, if you do include the drones or fighters, the NUD accepts and approves the build. Hmmm .. I never checked, but, I wonder if it includes them in the calculations for AP, defense, weight, and everything else as well. A little programming tweak is required here to check for such bizarre combos in the NUD and disallow the build if encountered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Transmission to the Intergalactic Hordes:


While attempting to flee a battle with xxx Mindsphere ships our Starwing Heavy Auxiliary was forced to fire back. After a long battle the Starwing Auxilary survived and captured xxxx Mindsphere ships...


Capture works.


You get the ship(s) in the fleet and it is added to the design page.

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Wanted to build a ship with Force Shields but didn't add the quantity to the NUD.


The design passed with a zero quantity of Force Shields.


Why do the Navel architects accept an NUD with zero quantities in for named items? Grrrr. Realise it's my own fault but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a moments grumble.

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Transmission to the Intergalactic Hordes:


While attempting to flee a battle with xxx Mindsphere ships our Starwing Heavy Auxiliary was forced to fire back. After a long battle the Starwing Auxilary survived and captured xxxx Mindsphere ships...


Capture works.


You get the ship(s) in the fleet and it is added to the design page.

SO, next turn you can run the order to see the design of the ship, and hence know every ship component it's made of.


I wonder what leads to a capture instead of destruction. The key phrase LONG BATTLE stands out ... so each side was doing low damage amounts. Perhaps if you reach a point where the ship is not destroyed but no longer lacks offensive abilities you get a chance to capture? Hey, what percentage of the ship is left intact?

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hmmmm..the term long battle was and is a pirate phrase for anything over 2 minutes. My Heavy Auxilary outguns his scout ships by about 100k tons of weapons and I designed them with no damage weapons... Heavy/Medium and Light Grapples, 100 Light Disruptors and 100 Light Stun Beams I think...


A Quick Battle is when one of my Condor Express Boats warps in :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The dreadnought class Assault Carrier, Dripping Claw, loaded its compliment of bombers, fuel and colonial beacons. The Dripping Claw, part of the 5000th Assault fleet was destined for the Chakra system and the final battle versus the Mindsphere. Fleet Admiral Cullen Falconclaw stepped aboard the bridge and began making preparations for the tremendous leaps to the front.


Ten days later the Dripping Claw jumped into the Chakra system. There to greet her were the recently captured Gi-Las Scout Ship Sleeping Turtle and the Vulture Class Carrion, commanded by red Sonja. Seconds later claxons sounded as the warp point was again entered. Friendly codes were exchanged as the Heavy Auxiliary Raven appeared into system.


Admiral Falconclaw commanded that the fleet be organized into the newly developed Falcon Globe attack. He ordered the fleet forward to Chakra-2, homeword of the Mindsphere and the last remnants of their fleet (after 4 months of skirmishes). Claxons began to ring again but this time the fleet was in battle mode. Commanders Apollo and Starbuck (recently returned from the Space Bars on a promotion tour) quickly commanded their pilots to their bays.


In the bridge things were tense. The Mindsphere were fielding three score surface installations bristling with lasers. Some CIDS had been reported and this information was immediately fed through the battle imaging systems to the bomber pilots. The dastardly Mindsphere had placed its colonial liners in the front row along with cargo ships. The bombers would have to try and avoid these ships but three million tons of auxiliary ships would be difficult to avoid.


The Bomber fleets were launched and suddenly the screens lit up with massive amounts of information. Heavy fire from the surface stations continued to pound the fleet. Return fire from the Raven and the Carrion pounded into the front line ships. All of a sudden a massive explosion lit the sky as a massive colonial berthing ship exploded.


“I wanted that one captured”, muttered Admiral Falconclaw. Auxiliary ships continued to explode as the Bomber wing made it presence known. What little CIDS were deployed were not match for the high generation bombers.


Suddenly the Sleeping Turtle and the Carrion were targeted by massive auto cannon fire. The Sleeping Turtle went silent and the Carrion began to list to starboard. A quick laser beam to Apollo and Starbuck had them turn their wings towards the Bastion. Seconds later the Bastion exploded taking part of the frightened Metropolis with it.


Several hours later the remainder of the Mindsphere fleet was eliminated. Boarding parties could not salvage any of the ships but repair crews were working quickly to save the Sleeping Turtle and the Carrion. Success. Now if only my ground troops could fight (that tiny, decrepit and weak is going to cost big time!)



Actual Report:


An Eyre Attack Carrier flanked by several much smaller escorts appears over the Sh-Lakk Mindsphere home planet and disgorges

5000 Bombers. The defenders are hopelessly outclassed and have no point defenses with which to combat this devastating

attack by the hated Eyre. Fleet Admiral T'Ban and Vice Admiral T'Pon survive to the end, but go down with their ships as

soon as the Eyre Bombers target their commands. Lighting up the skies above the Sh-Lakk Mindsphere homeworld with terrible

explosions, the Eyre fleet swiftly takes command of the gravity well and threatens to take action against the civilian

population below. The Eyre Attack Carrier survives the battle unscathed, though her escorts do not fare so well, lacerated

by Sh-Lakk Light Beam Laser Fire. Fleet Admiral Cullen Falconclaw claims victory for the greater glory of the Eyre!

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Actually, since EVERY battle is checked manually by Pete right now I do believe it is more of Petes creativity than computer generated verbiage.



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Yeah, though I'm sure the game generates the battle and the ending results, I don't think the game generates the written summary. I think Pete (or Russ?) writes each one individually based on the starting forces, ending forces, and what led to victory or defeat. Not sure how he's going to handle this when the galaxy really heats up. If he has to report on 50 battles in a turn, it may take a couple of days longer to get turn results :P . Which is another reason why we are so desparate for more detailed, though automated, battle reports.

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Star Log 2754. Grand Marshall Keith Ravenbeak watched as the 5th Marine Expedition Force loaded upon the newest troop transport. Equiped with a NTWD this ship was heading towards the Mindsphere. Concerns about the recent batle showing the weakness of the Eyre troops non-withstanding, the Marshall was looking forward to war.


Hours later the 20th Division of the 5th MEF. Finished loading. The ship swung out of the docking bay and started its trip to Mindsphere space. (1 NTWD + 1 MK I Nuke so it will take a few turns)

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