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Ferrying fuel


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The fuelling operations in our empire are mostly based on skimming.

For that, we skim at Gas Giants in systems where there are also colonies.


I have specialised skimmers and specialised fuel transports.

To not lose action points when skimming we have the following configuration:


Fleet #1 is at the gas giant with the skimmer and a fuel transport

Fleet #2 is at the gas giant with only a fuel transport

Fleet #3 is at the gas giant and empty


When the fuel transport in fleet #1 is full, then it is transferred to fleet #3 and moves to the colony to offload the fuel. The transport in fleet #2 is transferred to fleet #1 to be filled with fuel.

Fleet #3 moves back to the gas giant and waits untill the transport in fleet #1 is filled up and the exercise repeats itself.


Does anyone know how to do this more efficient (less orders/fleets)?

Kind regards,

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Are you using the RN Order to move the Transports back-and-forth between the fleets? Or are you using the SUPP Order to move the Fuel from the skimming fleet to the transport fleet?


You could set up two Convoy Routes.

Convoy Route #1

SKIM, Fleet


SKIM, Fleet


(depending on the number of APs your fleets have, I have 4 successive SKIM orders)


Convoy Route #2

NM, Fleet, Gas Giant

NM, Fleet, Homeworld/Colony

OC, Fleet, PopGroup, Fuel, XXXXX


Then assign the Skimming Fleet to Convoy #1 plus put them on SUPP duty.

Assign the Transport Fleet to Convoy #2 and it will go an 'empty' out the Skimming Fleet every turn as it travels to and from the Gas Giant you're skimming fuel at.


That answer your question?


-SK :blink:


PS - You could just use successive XSKIM Orders with your Skimming Fleet, but I find a SKIM Convoy Route to be useful for multiple Fleets. :thumbsup:

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We have orbiting HoneyPot class stations at each of our warp points and use our Workers to SKIM off the gas giant and deposit it in the Honeypots. Convoy is NM, SKIM, MOVE, FUEL. The Honeypot is on SUPP orders (which are canceled if you NM or MOVE, btw. FUEL is better)

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We have orbiting HoneyPot class stations at each of our warp points and use our Workers to SKIM off the gas giant and deposit it in the Honeypots. Convoy is NM, SKIM, MOVE, FUEL. The Honeypot is on SUPP orders (which are canceled if you NM or MOVE, btw. FUEL is better)

I do the same. Once set up its completely automated. Ships passing through the warp point all refuel automatically with no extra order overhead.

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Set up a pop grop on the gas giant. Have a fleet sit over the planet and run a skim convoy route which includes an OC to the pop group. Have another fleet at the home world make the trip out to the gas giant to retrieve fuel.


I would only do this if your homeworld gives you less than 50% fuel recovery. Otherwise you might as well just do it over the homeworld and save handling things twice.


If you haven't already invested in fleets for this you should also think about fuel distillation refineries and such. The advanced ones are very competatinve with fleets and if you have surplus pop may be much cheaper in the long run for providing fuel to the homeworld.

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Hobnob is correct. The advanced Installations are a brainless way to make fuel. I was doing the Gas Giant pop and use to have my long haul fleets go to the Gas Giant and get fuel. the advent of the NTWD changed that since that is a 1 AP cost (prior to that 1 AP or 2AP + WARP was the same).

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