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Expl Hit Rates


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I having been hitting about 70% on my Expls, but only hit about 10% on my last turn. I wouldn't think anything of it, but several others have commented on similar experiences on their last turn. I'd like to know if others have noticed this, and I'd like to know from Pete if this is intentional or a bug in the code. It's OK if the hit rate was purposefully reduced. I just want to make sure it's intended.


- woolfe

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I having been hitting about 70% on my Expls, but only hit about 10% on my last turn. I wouldn't think anything of it, but several others have commented on similar experiences on their last turn. I'd like to know if others have noticed this, and I'd like to know from Pete if this is intentional or a bug in the code. It's OK if the hit rate was purposefully reduced. I just want to make sure it's intended.


- woolfe

It's neither intentional or a bug - there have been no changes in the EXPL code.

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My hits were around the 70% mark, but since the last 5 turns they have been slowly decreasing to (and holding) at around 50%. I have not done an ORB order on these worlds yet (next turn), but it would not surprise me if the results tell me that these planets are almost exhausted. But don't feel sorry for me, this last turn, 73% of the "hits" I received were: "and much is learned concerning ___ technology". More than double what I usually get!

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