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----- SENSORED -----



The Eyre # 2335


1 Imperial Guards Heavy Air Defense

1 Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry

1 Imperial Guards Infantry


Air Defense [800] Anti-Aircraft Artillery

Close Combat [5400] Ablative Armor, Battleaxe, Chainsaw, Club, Dagger, Flak Jacket

M75 High Explosive Grenade, Spear, Sword

Heavy Weapons [900] Recoilless Rifle

Small Arms [1600] Carbine, Harpoon Gun, Semiautomatic Pistol, Shotgun

** Table of Organization & Equipment: Temporary Army # 1000 **



1 Imperial Guards Infantry


Close Combat [3600] Ablative Armor, Battleaxe, Chainsaw, Club, Dagger, Flak Jacket

M75 High Explosive Grenade, M85 HE Grenade, Spear, Sword

Heavy Weapons [400] Recoilless Rifle

Small Arms [800] Carbine, Harpoon Gun, Semiautomatic Pistol, Shotgun


** Tactical Rating Modifiers **


Air Defense Air Support Air to Air Ammunition Amphibious Antitank Aquatic

+10 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

Armor Artillery Biodefense Bioweapons Broken Terrain Camouflage Chemdefense

+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

Chemweapons Close Combat EW Engineering Environmental ESP Heavy Weapons

+0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +2

Intel Medical Nuc Defense Nuc Weapons Open Terrain Orbital Bmb Security

0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

Small Arms Space Defense Special Wpns Subterranean Telekinesis Telepathics Transport

+1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0


Unmodified odds: 4.512 Total tactical combat odds shifts: 1.4


Attacking divisions counted as if they were 0.0952381 divisions each for casualty purposes

Defending divisions counted as if they were 0.25 divisions each for casualty purposes

Ground combat round # 1

Attacker losses: 1 Imperial Guards Infantry

Defender losses: <none>

Ground combat round # 2

Attacker losses: 1 Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry

Defender losses: 1 Imperial Guards Infantry

The defenses crumble, with the surviving Eyre forces capturing the world!

The following equipment, obtained during the battle, may be ANZ'd by your military specialists at their leisure:

... M85 HE Grenade ...

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Very Interesting. What amazes me is you attacked what was termed ** Table of Organization & Equipment: Temporary Army # 1000 ** ... 1 Imperial Guards Infantry. Since this was a Temp Army, I'm guessing this is what happens when you attack a well populated population center -- a calling up of the citizens militia. Since the HW armies start with several units it can't be that. So, did you attack a Mindsphere colony?

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I wonder what that final caption about equipment captured that can be ANZ'ed means? Do you get a few "Hits" in ground tech combat of your opponent due to equipment salvaged like an EXPL hit (which would be a cool and plausible thing) or does it just mean that you've gained the ability to ANZ your opponents weaponry as you've seen it in action?



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Nice MMB :cheers: Congrats



I'm guessing too that it wasn't a homeworld as the name of the force is Temporary Army instead of Home Gaurd, right?


Unless he dismantled all of his starting divisions somehow? Or did you BOMB some of them into oblivion first?


I won't expect public answers of course but it doesnt hurt to ask :lol:


Seriously though - thanks for sharing combat info for those of us foreign to such undertakings :cheers:

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