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Ship Class Designation System


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Am I the only one curious to know if we could get a little more input on how the NUD ship class designation works in the program, ie why a ship is called a Frigate, Cruiser or Bantam Assault Carrier? :cheers: Not deadly important but would be fun to know the reasoning and coding of it...so as to avoid the embarrassing mistake of my 400Kton Diplomatic ship I built, the IDS Sober Counsel and found that it was designated as a Smuggler class ship :cheers:


Now that may well work for the Eyre and such, but it sort of mars the diplomatic missions intent for us peaceful Gremloids...however much Black Market Goods we may bring to the Neutrals :lol:


No biggie, just interested





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Good question. :cheers: I would bet that a high AP ship with ECM and perhaps a cloak would fit into that kind of class. I ship with lots of fighterbays would most likely be classified an assault

or attack carrier. A ship with many 2nd or 3rd gen computers in addition to battle imagers

and what not would most likely be classified a Command Cruiser or something like that.


Ive played a bit with the NUD and thats what it seems to lean towards. I even built a ship that was practically all weapons. it wasnt but a good percentage of the ship was weapons systems and it was classified a Monitor!!! go figure. We may be on to something

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My Ships with a higher concentration of Advanced Battle Displays are usually designated as Flag (Ie Flag Destroyer, Cruiser etc etc)


As for my Diplomatic ship...can't really give out the design specs here with all the pirates on the airwaves :cheers:





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I even built a ship that was practically all weapons. it wasnt but a good percentage of the ship was weapons systems and it was classified a Monitor!!!

As an ex-Victory player, I know that "Victory!" has a class of warship known as Battle Monitor. It seems to have the big guns and poor speed of a battleship, but not much armor. Would this describe your "Monitor"?



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Hmmm....I have two 2.9 MTon ships which is mainly weapon and armor which are designated as Monitors...


My fav though is the Fleet Star Base :thumbsup:





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