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My windows XP corrupted. :taz: I have lost my turns and my data files and most of my information. :) I have emailed rolling thunder for replacement data files and turns. I have not recieved a reply yet. What would you do? I thought about just typing my turn in a e-mail. Does anyone else have an idea?



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If you haven't doen something irreversible just reinstall Windows over the top of the existing version and then you should be fine. If you have done something irreversible then just you will have to install it fresh.


The end result is that you should still have all of your data, but you will have to reinstall your software again.

I just had to do this to one of my computers last week and it worked fine.


Good luck. :)

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Unfortunately, It was bad it kept rebooting over and over and I could not access my data. My system was attacked by two viruses while I tried to download patches and it took me three days to get it all back up. I had to reinstall everything and update everything. One virus knocked me off the internet every time I tried to download the virus patch and the other one rewrote pages of data.


Rich (Really tired of those creeps that make viruses) :)

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I'm in the process of catching up on weekend SN mail right now (about 1 AM here) - I'll have copies of your files out to you within the hour so you'll have them available by Tues morning.


Sorry to hear about your misfortune :) Hope things are getting back in some semblance of order.


Take care,



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Bad deal. XP kinda sucks since you can't boot from a boot disk and make repairs. :)

Most PC makers typically provide a boot disk or CD, something you use can use to boot up in a clean fashion. You can also start XP in safe mode (minimal programs loaded which often gets by the viruses).


As for myself, when my Hard Drive decided to fail, the SN turns were not part of my backups. At least I had printed copies of the turns. It took a lot of time, but, I was reable to rebuild my excel tracking sheets using the printed turns. Plus I include these files in backups from my new drive.

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I would like to thank everyone (especially Pete and Russ) for thier quick reponses. I just finished my turns and e-mailed them a few minutes ago.


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Roger on the Mac. :) to date I have had absolutely zero virus problems... knock on wood.

and my venerable 3 year old IMac DV is still chugging along on all cylynders. Was going to

upgrade it to a new mac G4 or G5 but OS X 10.2 gave it new life.


Glad to see you got your stuff back Rich!!! :)


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