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Lord Uriel

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Take the towing capacity of the systems you are putting in the tug, say for example, 1000 tons each for a certain system, and then compare it with the ship that needs to be towed.


The tonnage of the towing ship is of no account. Neither is the tonnage of any ship with at least one engine. Only count the total tonnage of all ships without engines.


Jump drives, for movement purposes, do not count, as towing is not supposed to work for warping.


Hope this clears it up.



Rathe Federation

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Tugs used to work, and then broke. Last time I tried one was 2 turns ago. The tow failed saying there were zero AP's, when both the tug and the tug-ee had AP's left. Unless it's been fixed within the last 2 turns, towing is broken. I don't know if it's consistently broken. If there is a work around, I don't know it. It would be nice if one of the GM's would address this.

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Tugs used to work, and then broke. Last time I tried one was 2 turns ago. The tow failed saying there were zero AP's, when both the tug and the tug-ee had AP's left. Unless it's been fixed within the last 2 turns, towing is broken. I don't know if it's consistently broken. If there is a work around, I don't know it. It would be nice if one of the GM's would address this.

Thanks on the update.


-Pig Skin

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First time I heard of this!


Wish I had known this before sending my Tugs away on other types of missions. I have some orbitals I tried to tow into place and gave up. Figured I might as well wait until the rules were fixed.

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