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Starting techs


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New races are given at least three research items that races that started on turn 0 didn't get.


The above quote comes from the Naval Primer board and was made by Palladium Regency. I was curious as to what added techs new races got. Some of you who have races that started early in the game may have some idea about this but it is news to me and I am now curious as to what these techs are and why RTG would do this. (I can think of a couple of different reasons why RTG would do so.)

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They were minor techs. No one could produce Garoxx Jewels, Jinn Crystals, and Tritantalum, all used in ESP techs, at game start. You were supposed to research them. Later RTG changed that. I don't know why. Still, the research took only 1 RC for three turns, a real low cost. Annoying, yes. But nothing major.

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That change occurred when the 'at start' format changed from five Pop Centers to a single Pop Center. We 'Old Timers' had to build Transportation Centers to move things around between our Pop Centers and research Jinn Crystals, Garoxx Jewels and Tritantalum.


... And we had to walk to school, uphill, in the snow, both ways ... :rolleyes:


Sorry, channeling my grandsire. :lol:


-SK :cheers:

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That change occurred when the 'at start' format changed from five Pop Centers to a single Pop Center.  We 'Old Timers' had to build Transportation Centers to move things around between our Pop Centers and research Jinn Crystals, Garoxx Jewels and Tritantalum.

Actually it happened even before that....


The Star League were a Game Turn 3 start and those three techs were made 'starting' by then. I don't think the transition to a single Pop Gp was done until at least Game Turn 10, although it's a bit moot now.....


BTW - We still have more than one Pop Gp going, and very useful they are too.......






By 'eck lad, you had it easy.......


My Da' youst te kick us oot of bed at 4 in't mornin' te lick road clean........! :rolleyes:

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By 'eck lad, you had it easy.......


My Da' youst te kick us oot of bed at 4 in't mornin' te lick road clean........! :rolleyes:

You had beds? All I had was a pile of sharp rocks to sleep on. Me dad would hit us with a big wooden stick at 3 AM to wake us up, and feed us dirt for breakfast. We'd then put on our shoes and clothes and run twenty miles to our jobs at the hazardous waste processing plant, where for 3 cents an hour we used our hands to pack waste into barrels for 19 straight hours. Then it was a twenty mile run back home, some gravel and dirt for dinner, and to bed on the rocks by 12 AM.

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You had beds? All I had was a pile of sharp rocks to sleep on. Me dad would hit us with a big wooden stick at 3 AM to wake us up, and feed us dirt for breakfast. We'd then put on our shoes and clothes and run twenty miles to our jobs at the hazardous waste processing plant, where for 3 cents an hour we used our hands to pack waste into barrels for 19 straight hours. Then it was a twenty mile run back home, some gravel and dirt for dinner, and to bed on the rocks by 12 AM.

You had clothes, a stable job with obvious room for advancement, two meals a day and got to sleep! What more do you want?

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By 'eck lad, you had it easy.......


My Da' youst te kick us oot of bed at 4 in't mornin' te lick road clean........!  :rolleyes:

You had beds? All I had was a pile of sharp rocks to sleep on. Me dad would hit us with a big wooden stick at 3 AM to wake us up, and feed us dirt for breakfast. We'd then put on our shoes and clothes and run twenty miles to our jobs at the hazardous waste processing plant, where for 3 cents an hour we used our hands to pack waste into barrels for 19 straight hours. Then it was a twenty mile run back home, some gravel and dirt for dinner, and to bed on the rocks by 12 AM.

Then it was a twenty mile run back home


Least you had a home, all we had was a cardboard box. We get up at 2 am...have air to eat, then it is off to clean the highway with our tounges for which WE payed 2 cents / hr for 23 hrs a day. When we got home our dad beat us till we are almost dead then threw salt on us before sending us to sleep for 20 min. And we we GLAD of it... :lol: :lol: :lol: :cheers:

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CARDBOARD box?  Feh!  Luxury!

(Sorry, haven't heard the skit for about 10 years and don't remember the rest of my line)

You used to live in a hole in the street and wake up before you went to bed ...



And you tell that to the younger folks today and they don't beilive you


(Secert policemans Other ball) :rolleyes:


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As noted by ShadowKitsune, it is a minor annoyance. I was using it to illustrate a point in that thread. I didn't intend for it to come across as a complaint....though I am pretty torqued about it. (grin)


Realistically, those 12 points of research do equate to the Christmas RP bonus we all received, so perhaps it is more annoying. Who knows? I certainly don't.

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