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Splitting fleets and fuel


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My initial fleet 101 has 8 Pathfinders in it.


I've figgured how to create new fleets, and then reorganize fleets to transfer ships.


However, there are only 7200 units of fuel out of a max capacity of 9600.


When I transfer a single Pathfinder from fleet 101 to a new exploration fleet, how much fuel goes with it? Will it get 1200 units? Will it get a fraction (say 1/8th of the total fuel in the fleet)?


Please help, cause I don't want to have one of my newly created fleets with a single Pathfinder have 0 fuel, and thus not explore one of my home system planets....



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My initial fleet 101 has 8 Pathfinders in it.


I've figgured how to create new fleets, and then reorganize fleets to transfer ships.


However, there are only 7200 units of fuel out of a max capacity of 9600.


When I transfer a single Pathfinder from fleet 101 to a new exploration fleet, how much fuel goes with it? Will it get 1200 units? Will it get a fraction (say 1/8th of the total fuel in the fleet)?


Please help, cause I don't want to have one of my newly created fleets with a single Pathfinder have 0 fuel, and thus not explore one of my home system planets....



When you transfer a ship from one fleet to another, the being-moved ship will try to take as much as it can carry. If you want the fleets to split fuel proportionally, enter the FUEL option in the last box of the RN order.

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Ahhh.... So if I don't put the FUEL in the last box, I'd have the last 2 ships fuelless...


So, will the first ship split then take 1/8th of the total, the 2nd take 1/7th of the remainder, 3rd take 1/6th of what is left?


Maybe I should do a SKIM order first, so each shuttle can pick up (200 * modifiers) worth of fuel, THEN split the fleets....

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Please help, cause I don't want to have one of my newly created fleets with a single Pathfinder have 0 fuel, and thus not explore one of my home system planets...


Just so you know, you don't use fuel when moving in system (NM order). So you could move all over your home system and not use a drop of fuel. Only need fuel when you execute a WARP order. :alien:

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