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Fire Control

System Lord Ra

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Maybe this thread should have been titled "Revenge of the Gnats"


Another painful lesson .. Either arm your troop transports or escort them. Otherwise this will happen as the Bashkar learned this turn




----- TORREY [ R (Orange-Red) 1 V ] [binary Star System] - Warp Point 39631 -----


The Bashkar Empire #2744 Total tonnage: 55,000 Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]


Apshai #3343 Total tonnage: 3,900 Base Fire Control: 3 [12,000 bridge]



** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **


The Bashkar Empire # 2744 [A Black Hole]

701st Absorber Fleet [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 55,000)

Troop Berthings: ... 5 ...


--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 LTT T1 (Light Troop Transport - 55,000 tons [each])---------------------------


Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Average


** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **


Apshai # 3343 [A Star With One Multi-Faceted Insect Eye In The Center And 8 Insect Legs Reaching Out From The Star, All On A Blood Red Background]


2014th Guard [ROE: W] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 3,900)


--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 CO Wasp (Corvette - 3,900 tons [each])----------------------------------------


Fire Control: Phenomenal .. Maneuverability: Moderate .. Sensors: Groping .. Shields: Feeble .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

3 Light P-Cannon .... 4 Mk I Force Shield .... 400 Titanium Composite Armor


** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------


**DESTROYED** [1st] LTT T1 (Light Troop Transport - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 50,200] (Green, Timid)

4,800 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 5 Troop Berthing


Maneuverability: 0.005


** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------


CO Wasp (Corvette - 3,900 tons) [integrity: 6,180] [shields: 1,200] (Green, Timid)

400 Fuel Tankage, 3 Light P-Cannon, 4 Mk I Force Shield, 6 Mk I Fusion Engine, 2 Mk I Short Range Sensor

3 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 400 Titanium Composite Armor


Plasma: 3,300

Maneuverability: 1.538, Sensors: 0.128



Since the Corvette was in Deploy Location 7 (so the P-Cannons were at 5% firepower), as was the Troop Transport (good defense), I estimate it took 400+ rounds of fighting to pinprick the Transport (and troops) into space debris. If only he had armed the ship with one weapon .. then he could have defeated my tiny 3900 ton ship. As it was ....

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System Lord Ra Posted on Dec 4 2004, 07:30 AM

This turn the Romans moved in 30 plus 1000T ships and we lost the war due to fire control issues and the previous turns damage. Our older version Mother Ships were discontinued 10 turns ago and the revised ones will be visiting the front shortly.


No, not 30+, just 30. And could you give me an idea of "shortly?" I mean I'm sure your fans would like to know when the next incredible feat of pitting 4 empires against Rome will happen. The question is which of your empires will be showing up for the battle this next time? Will it be the Eyre, Go'ald, Tentacled Horrors, or Pride? The Romans certainly have their work cut out for them fighting 4 empires and even more production centers.


So far Rome is quite happy to have blasted a Mothership (that's a BIG ship)--it's probably 10 turns old since it took 10 turns to build! I mean JUST the engines are production intensive...5200 of them!


**DESTROYED** [3rd] AUXF Mother Ship (Fleet Auxiliary - 1,732,000 tons) [integrity: 12,487,000] [shields: 140,000] (Green,


10 Battle Imaging System, 200,000 Cordellium Composite, 45 Fuel Shuttle, 225,000 Fuel Tankage

2,000 Light Shaker Beam, 10 Mk I Computer System, 1,000 Mk I Repulsor CIDS, 200 Mk II Force Shield

20 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 30 Mk III Interceptor Missile, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 5,200 Mk IV Nuclear Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Gravitonic: 5,280,000, Missile: 24,000

Maneuverability: 6.004, Point Defense: 1.154, Sensors: 0.005


...and let's not forget that ship belonging to the Tentacled Horrors that was intercepted trying to bring in MDD's to the Roman HW. Just how many empires do you need to bring to feel secure in the attack?


We Romans soldier on.


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*transmission fades in*


(OOC) Oh, that was a populated system? Uhm, sorry about that. I thought it was deserted so I could try out some of the interesting devices my explorers have accumulated. Maybe I should look for the Atoll system.....


(IC) *waves a few tentacles in Justinian's direction* Bah!


Too bad, I was kinda wondering what those 5,000 MDDs would have done to a homeworld. I bear Justinian no true ill will. I'm doing it because it's fun and because I can.


*transmission fades out*


"I'll get you my pretty, and your little homeworld too!"


BTW, nice fleet composition Justinian. Nicely done.

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System Lord Ra Posted on Dec 4 2004, 07:30 AM
This turn the Romans moved in 30 plus 1000T ships and we lost the war due to fire control issues and the previous turns damage. Our older version Mother Ships were discontinued 10 turns ago and the revised ones will be visiting the front shortly.


No, not 30+, just 30. And could you give me an idea of "shortly?" I mean I'm sure your fans would like to know when the next incredible feat of pitting 4 empires against Rome will happen. The question is which of your empires will be showing up for the battle this next time? Will it be the Eyre, Go'ald, Tentacled Horrors, or Pride? The Romans certainly have their work cut out for them fighting 4 empires and even more production centers.


So far Rome is quite happy to have blasted a Mothership (that's a BIG ship)--it's probably 10 turns old since it took 10 turns to build! I mean JUST the engines are production intensive...5200 of them!


**DESTROYED** [3rd] AUXF Mother Ship (Fleet Auxiliary - 1,732,000 tons) [integrity: 12,487,000] [shields: 140,000] (Green,


10 Battle Imaging System, 200,000 Cordellium Composite, 45 Fuel Shuttle, 225,000 Fuel Tankage

2,000 Light Shaker Beam, 10 Mk I Computer System, 1,000 Mk I Repulsor CIDS, 200 Mk II Force Shield

20 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 30 Mk III Interceptor Missile, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 5,200 Mk IV Nuclear Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Gravitonic: 5,280,000, Missile: 24,000

Maneuverability: 6.004, Point Defense: 1.154, Sensors: 0.005


...and let's not forget that ship belonging to the Tentacled Horrors that was intercepted trying to bring in MDD's to the Roman HW. Just how many empires do you need to bring to feel secure in the attack?


We Romans soldier on.


Sounds a bit like sour grapes, as it appears the Empires declaring war on the Eyre, thought they had the Eyre outnumbered. Now it appears it is closer to even, and now the whining starts?


Maybe I am wrong carry on.





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This turn the Romans moved in 30 plus 1000T ships and we lost the war due to fire control issues and the previous turns damage. Our older version Mother Ships were discontinued 10 turns ago and the revised ones will be visiting the front shortly.

I assume you mean you lost the battle but not the war.


Care to share the full battle report? How damaged was your mother ship at the start of the battle? How many gnats did you swat before going down? What was the gnat design?


I am a bit surprised that your 200 Mk II Force Shields didn't hold long enough vs 30 1,000 ton gnats. I'm guessing the gnats were mostly weapons.

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This turn the Romans moved in 30 plus 1000T ships and we lost the war due to fire control issues and the previous turns damage. Our older version Mother Ships were discontinued 10 turns ago and the revised ones will be visiting the front shortly.

I assume you mean you lost the battle but not the war.


Care to share the full battle report? How damaged was your mother ship at the start of the battle? How many gnats did you swat before going down? What was the gnat design?


I am a bit surprised that your 200 Mk II Force Shields didn't hold long enough vs 30 1,000 ton gnats. I'm guessing the gnats were mostly weapons.

Death of a thousand paper cuts it seems like ... but without an actual battle report, who knows? :ranting:


-SK :thumbsup:

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Remember -- in the battle the previous turn, the Mother ship defeated the homeworld forces, but was listed as Crippled. When a ship is damaged, some of the systems no longer work. For example, when I had a Cruiser that was 70% damaged, only 30% of the fuel tanks and 30% of the drone racks worked (I lost drones and fuel due to being unable to carry them). The same goes for weapons and defenses.


So, lets say the mothership was 90% damaged for Crippled (I wish I knew the percentage range .. I'm just guessing at a number here). At that level, of the 200 Mk II Force shields, only 10% would have continued to operate, leaving only a shielding of 20 Mk II force shields. Any armor on the ship would have been used up in the previous battles dowjn to the level of damage (90% gone). All other systems would be equally effected (computers, weapons, etcetera...). In other words, the ship was down to minimal Mk II Force shields for defenses, virtually no remaining armor, and extremely heavy damage limiting it's ability to fire back, control it's fire, sense targets, or even move.

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*transmission fades in*


Well, System Lord Ra states that there were 30 1,000 screen ships. I only saw 28. I assume that the crippled Mother ship lasted two pulses at most. That also assumes he had a fire control of 1. The screen ships were backed up by several large vessels. The screen ships hadn't had big brothers hiding behind them, then I think the Mother ship would have survived.


This also brings up an important point about defending a planet from a fleet. Even if you take out all defending ships and PDCs and take control of the high orbitals, the shipyards (which I assume are actually in orbit around the homeworld) still operate. "Don't fire at that shipyard! Can't you see the red cross on it!?! What's wrong with you!?" Either that or this fleet came in from the other warp point in the system. *shrug*


*tranmission fades out*

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Arent light shaker beams weapons? They also dont have any tug capability yet they are classified as being in the tug family? I think that Auxillary was nothing of the sort. It was more of a War

Cruiser at the very least.

As far as we know they are weapons in the Gravitonic range, but are not dual use and do not have a Tug rating - they are believed to be mixtures of Pressor and Tractor beam technology and combine the effect to pull ships apart......


It's the other naming thing that has puzzled us over the last couple of turns and we put in a query to the Powers that Be - not that it's desperately important...


We've had the impression that the NUD module assigns one of the Auxiliary names when it's not entirely sure what the ship is supposed to be (which I guess is kind of linked to the fact the we players aren't either..... :thumbsup: ).


Here's a very good example. We had a Heavy Cruiser (CA) design that we wanted to tweak to see what happend. In this case it had 40% Armor and 10% Shields. We resubmitted it by changing nothing but the Shields, turning them into more Armor (now 50%). This was a pure test to see at what percentage the Assault appelation we have observed appeared.


What we thought we might get was a Heavy Assault Cruiser sic (CAZ). If we hadn't we would have increased the Armor some more by changing something else....


However, it turned into a Heavy Auxiliary - very boring......


We just had the same thing happen with what we assumed would be a Light Cruiser design....... :ranting:


Chief Designer to Ur-Lord Tedric

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