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Recon order?


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Am I missing something, or is there a missing order? I'm looking for a way to determine what armies are present on a world and what their size is and can't find it.


Even a ground force order along the lines of REC (Recon)that would report what armies are present on a world without actually launching an attack would be logical and useful.


Having an XREC version would also be useful.


Again, if I missed the order somewhere in the rulebook I apologize in advance. I just think you should be able to do something short of GATK to find out who and what is garrisoning a world.

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No, spies won't cut it.  I want an order that will allow either fleets, armies, pop groups or some combination to tell me what armies are present on a world and what their size is.



That would be to easy. You should have to either spy or recon in force or just assault.


I do not like the idea of a RECON order.



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No, spies won't cut it. I want an order that will allow either fleets, armies, pop groups or some combination to tell me what armies are present on a world and what their size is.



How would you accomplish this? Pop centers cannot issue orders, and currently the only order to troops is attack (GATC). so it woul dhave to be done via fleet. A fleet doing a cursory scan o f the planet would not be able to tell if I have 6 Divisions or 60 on the planet. Especially if I do not want you to know. Finally it would make Ground Combat far too easy. I like the Idea of spies being able to figure it out on occasion, but a recon type order could be unbalancing.


Just my $0.02



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Maybe there are future tech/items that will tell you the divisions when you do an ORB or PMAP........ After all, if alien fleets are above my planet, I'm not going to be leaving my troops out in the open. I'll be entrenching them, hiding/shielding them etc. :laugh:

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In the purely theoretical realm, it would be nice to be able to issue Espionage Orders similar to those in Victory! I'd like to think that it would be a simple boolean check against a Planet or Fleet to determine if there is an Agent present.



SPY, <EmpireID>, <Mission>, <Planet>, <System Name>, <Orbit>

SPY, <EmpireID>, <Mission>, <Fleet>, <Fleet Num>


<EmpireID> = Empire ID Number of Target Empire

<Mission> = Type of Mission:

TOE - Ground Force Types & Quantities <Planet Mission>

PGP - Espionage Equivalent of the ORB Order <Planet Mission>

QUE - What is in the Shipyard Queue: Ship Names & Quantities <Planet Mission>

NVY - Fleet Composition: Ship Names & Quantities <Fleet Mission>


If there is no Agent on the Planet or in the Fleet in question, the Mission automatically fails. Otherwise, it's a question of Agent Rank, Racial Modifiers and so forth on whether or not the Agent succeeds or fails.




-SK :laugh:

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Pop centers cannot issue orders, and currently the only order to troops is attack (GATC)


T;Lariss, I am not sure that this is entirely true. TAC is another order for troops and I don't PopCenters enter EB, BI, CON and DISM orders or am I missing something here?


None of this defeats your point however and I would agree that a RECON order would be unbalancing. I also think SK's Espoinage idea is a nice way to make use of all of those spies (assuming that there is a method for getting them to a place where they can be useful.)

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ANZ: System Probe

<CENSORED> Alien communications or power emissions are the target: a successful mission by a System Probe will reveal the presence of most advanced alien civilizations on any unshielded world in the system. <CENSORED> :alien2:

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ANZ: System Probe

<CENSORED> Alien communications or power emissions are the target: a successful mission by a System Probe will reveal the presence of most advanced alien civilizations on any unshielded world in the system.  <CENSORED>  :alien2:



Does one 'launch' a System Probe like a System Beacon (e.g. JETT Order)? :D

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ANZ: System Probe

<CENSORED> Alien communications or power emissions are the target: a successful mission by a System Probe will reveal the presence of most advanced alien civilizations on any unshielded world in the system.  <CENSORED>  :alien2:



Does one 'launch' a System Probe like a System Beacon (e.g. JETT Order)? :D


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T;Lariss, I am not sure that this is entirely true. TAC is another order for troops and I don't PopCenters enter EB, BI, CON and DISM orders or am I missing something here?


None of this defeats your point however and I would agree that a RECON order would be unbalancing. I also think SK's Espoinage idea is a nice way to make use of all of those spies (assuming that there is a method for getting them to a place where they can be useful.)




I always thought of EB/BI orders as producion order but you are correct they are orders issued by the Pop Centers. I do think the idea of having specific espionage orders is a good idea if Russ and Pete think it does not unbalance things. I do not think that it does but I did not design the game :alien2: It is a good way to utilize the Spy characters


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