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Advanced Neutral


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Hi all,


Well, I was able to DIP in an Advanced neutral. As I'm sure many of you have found, a goodly number of the installations were either "Cratered" or "Flattened" or "Toxic".


My question is whether these useless installations can be DISM'ed for their CM's... Anyone know?


Also, what practical uses have been found on Universal Translators and on Science Labs? I found some Type F and Type D respectively, but don't want to waste them on useless endeavors... suggestions?



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Hi all,


Well, I was able to DIP in an Advanced neutral.  As I'm sure many of you have found, a goodly number of the installations were either "Cratered" or "Flattened" or "Toxic".


My question is whether these useless installations can be DISM'ed for their CM's...  Anyone know?


Also, what practical uses have been found on Universal Translators and on Science Labs?  I found some Type F and Type D respectively, but don't want to waste them on useless endeavors... suggestions?




Universal translators are supposed to increase your explore hit rates, so use them for that. And I recall something about some usefulness in space combat (intercept alien transmissions?). Science labs also help on explore orders. Nice finds!


I do not know for certain, but I think useless installations are just that...useless. No DISMs.


Octus Imperium

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Hi all,


Well, I was able to DIP in an Advanced neutral.  As I'm sure many of you have found, a goodly number of the installations were either "Cratered" or "Flattened" or "Toxic".


My question is whether these useless installations can be DISM'ed for their CM's...  Anyone know?


Also, what practical uses have been found on Universal Translators and on Science Labs?  I found some Type F and Type D respectively, but don't want to waste them on useless endeavors... suggestions?






You can nothing with those installations unfortunately since they're damaged, you can't even DISM them for pop or a percentage of construction cost. It was suggested way back that they slowly repaired themselves according to Pete but I've had some neutral installations that were damaged for more than 50 turns so either that function is buggy or not included. No means to repair them has been allowed either for some reason, neutrals are way less than described in the rulebook but they are easy means to gain forward bases if you want to spend the orders on DIPing or conquering them


Universal Translators are good Bridge systems and supposedly a good modifier when DIPing.





If you have a working installation you can INST it whether you can build it or not but not otherwise

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I would think you could EXPL the worlds with the neutral on it and as with those you find with regular EXPL orders they would generate a wider range of finds. Of course I am just guessing as I have yet to find much more than slime molds and microbes on the worlds I have explored. :woohoo:


And don't tell me to be patient. I have lots of diplomats who are getting bored pumping up production on the old HW. :laugh::oops: I need something useful for them to do.

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I would think you could EXPL the worlds with the neutral on it and as with those you find with regular EXPL orders they would generate a wider range of finds. Of course I am just guessing as I have yet to find much more than slime molds and microbes on the worlds I have explored. :woohoo:


And don't tell me to be patient. I have lots of diplomats who are getting bored pumping up production on the old HW.  :laugh:  :oops: I need something useful for them to do.


At least yours are doing something! Mine are sitting around talking about what they're going to do, along with my scientists!

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I've formed an opinion that neutrals are a waste of time in this game. Unless you have a big negative colonization modifier, you can just drop a small colony of your own if you want a forward base. The largest neutrals I've seen are just a few hundred pop. They end up adding something in the neighborhood of 0.05% to your economy. The entire neutral slaves away to build you a 500 ton item every turn. Big deal. The only real value is if they have some advanced technology items in stockpile. It's unlikely they'll have enough to be of much real use, but you can ANZ them to get an idea of what they do and how to develop them yourself eventually.


So if you are bored and have the time and order blocks, go neutral hunting if you like. If not, you are not missing much. Someone will probably post later about the wondrous neutrals they've found. I'll wager they are either B.S.'ing, extremely lucky, or have hundreds of dollars to spend on extra turn sheets.


It's a shame. Interesting neutrals could have added an additional dimension to the game.

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At least yours are doing something! Mine are sitting around talking about what they're going to do, along with my scientists!


Don't even get me started on my scientists. Those lazy guys haven't come up with an original thought yet. I think they are busy plotting with my merchants to create a better pocket watch. :laugh:

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Also remember that your ships have to land those troops first and one thing brain blobs are good at is building very very good weapons...in space size doesn't matter apparently :laugh:



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The best thing to do with high level translators and science labs is to put them on an exploration fleet over a planet and let them find stuff. Even though they are pretty nice items you need lots of them to make any difference on a war ship.


I used to see good stuff in stockpile at a neutral but my last 2 advanced neutrals combined had less thatn 100 tons of stuff split between advanced blackmarket and some other advanced food product. At least they didn't take long to convince, but they had nothing to offer unlike earlier neutrals that had 50-110k worth of stuff.



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Thanks again Hobknob. Since I only found 1 UT and 2 Sci Labs, it's nothing too significant so maybe I'll throw them on an EXPL ship and see if they make any difference in finds.


That's a shame about the trend in Advanced Neutrals. If you don't get any nice returns, what is the point of even wasting time on DIP'ing them? It seems like the average advanced neutral has about 100-200 pops, so even as a forward base, it's pretty marginal.


One question about INST. Does the installation have to be undamaged for a INST to provide any information? Or can I INST a damaged facility?



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