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Team game


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about a year ago we discussed the possibilities of a pre-set team game on the board. Does anybody know what happened to this idea?




Heavy B


I believe it died the death of neglect. Now would be a good time to breath new life into it. Game 68, 69 and 71 will all end within 3 months, I think. Several players/ teams looking for a new game.

What format? I liked the one with teams starting TAd together and each member using different tech. I'm open to determining which country. I like the map pre-divided into 10 sets of 4 countries. You may not get the 4 you want, but you're close to your teammates. None of your team is left hung out to dry. How about being assigned a random set of pre divided countries? Your team determines who gets which of the 4. It woud make things interesting!

Rogue Leader




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I totally agree with this..... Some combinations may be hard to make though.

For example, try finding 10 countries that can play American tech. And don't count Canada, unless you want to convict the US and Canada to a war by putting them on different teams. Same goes for Great Britain, Ireland and Iceland.


So it may sound like a nice idea to put 1 type of tech on each team, but I don't think it will be possible. Maybe we should soften the rule to 2 members of the teams having either American or British tech, and the other 2 having either Russian or German tech. So we can team up the US and Canada with 2 mainland countries, team up Great Britain and Ireland with 2 others and finally drop Iceland in another team yet again.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I totally agree with this..... Some combinations may be hard to make though.

For example, try finding 10 countries that can play American tech. And don't count Canada, unless you want to convict the US and Canada to a war by putting them on different teams. Same goes for Great Britain, Ireland and Iceland.


So it may sound like a nice idea to put 1 type of tech on each team, but I don't think it will be possible. Maybe we should soften the rule to 2 members of the teams having either American or British tech, and the other 2 having either Russian or German tech. So we can team up the US and Canada with 2 mainland countries, team up Great Britain and Ireland with 2 others and finally drop Iceland in another team yet again.



Actually, it might work better if we just didn't included the U.S., Canada, Iceland, and Ireland. Take those countries out of play.



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Team Game,


Great Idea, now to make it all the more interesting and completely level playing field. :blink:


Two options. :blink:


1. only use 36 countries, leave out the us, canada, iceland, and ireland (considered non playable squares). Leaving only england, since then any tech could be used, only having to cross the channel. :cheers:


2. all the countries, but use only american tech. This would pit skill and tactics against the same equipment. No more tank rushes by the russian and german players, against the bad ground units of america and britian. And the massed bombers of america and great britian, against the short ranged german and russian fighters. :huh:


I would really like to do option 2, since everybody will have the same strengths and weaknesses. And for the landlocked countries they do not have to spend money on shipping. :oops:


Plus if this happens, I would also suggest the game length before beginning, game 71 should have lasted till their was only one, but that will not happen. :drunk:


Just my two cents worth :oops:


DezertCamel :robot:

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:beer: I love the concept being dicused here. Preset teams and a single tech. I love it. I vote on DezertCamel's option 2. As biased as I am to American tech, I'm thinking british might serve better in this case.

Or we could get real crazy and combind the tech's and every one gets the same set up. I.E.... Ameican Navy, British air force, and either the german or russian army's. If this thought played out then you would have to add marine, mountain's and air born from the american tech to allow for thease options. I admitt, this is just a crazy thought but I thought I would throw it out there.

As for the division of countries into teams, i've come up with the fallowing. It is by no means a set reccomendation and any other thoughts, opinions, or sugestions are welcome. As well as any questions!


1) U.S.A., Portugal, Morrocco, Ireland.

2) Egypt, U.A.E., Iraq, Turkey.

3) Saudi Arabia, Trans-Jordan, Lybia, Greece

4) Persia, syria, Southern Russia, Bulgaria.

5) Tunisia, Algiria, Spain, France.

6) Central Russia, Rumainia, Yugoslovia, Czechoslovokia.

7) Iceland, Norway, Findland, Baltic States.

8) Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Northen Russia.

9) Canada, Great Britain, Austria, Germany.

!0) Lowlands, Switzerland, Italy, Hungery.


The thinking here is to not have any one country Isolated by either another team or his own team mates. It gives the most possible options for teams, keeps all the countries in play and no one block has a wall at there back to start out with. On the other side is that no Block is so far apart (with the obvious exceptions) that they can't come to the aid of a team mate. especialy if we use american or british tech. Or the crazy thought :cheers: of combining techs for this type of game. No matter how this is done though, every one would be on the same level playing field. Anyway, Here's my two cents. B)

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1) U.S.A., Portugal, Morocco, Ireland.

2) Egypt, U.A.E., Iraq, Turkey.

3) Saudi Arabia, Trans-Jordan, Lybia, Greece

4) Persia, Syria, Southern Russia, Bulgaria.

5) Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, France.

6) Central Russia, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovokia.

7) Iceland, Norway, Finland, Baltic States.

8) Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Northern Russia.

9) Canada, Great Britain, Austria, Germany.

10) Lowlands, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary.


Hmmm. I'm not so sure about putting Canada and the US on 2 different teams. On the other hand if they're on the same team the other 2 will have a hard time early on. And putting Norway and Finland on 1 team with Sweden on the other sounds like a death sentence too. Although Denmark and Northern Russia may be enough to save him, so that might be a good arrangement after all.

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all the discussions on the rules and teams are of second concern. First concern is to get Russ to want to start such a game!!


second is the one and only rule that must be there: no PAP/DW/BPA ORDERS

thats the basic of this pre-set team play. All team members have an TA and the rest on war!


all other options are possible have pro's and con's to all of them but that's just taking na decision and put them to the test.


can we make a list of who would sign up for such a game? maybe if we have 50 than Russ is willing to consider starting this.


so far I see:





Rogue leader

myself as enthousiastic potential players...


I invite everybody to extend the list...



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Hamish: Ya, I tried to make it so that every country of every team was checked By atleast two other countries from two other teams. Obviously not possible with all countries but giving every one the same tech helps with that. Heavy B's point about PAP's, DW's, and BPA's is well taken. But being at war with every one else dosen't mean you have to attack every one else right away :). There is no rule that forces two, or three, teams to not work together at first. But later the back stabing that makes this game so interesting will be even more intense :D. even from the start of the game you could be attacked and not see it coming without the BPA order :)



Heavy B: I agree, getting Russ to put this together is step one. I think the more it is talked over will help and definetly more players will be needed. Only 44 more to go :)

P.S. Would rather have you on my side this time B :blush:. Good game :taz:

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All this working towards even teams would be better abolished. Why not have no teams at all and no alliances of any kind. Every nation for themselves. Now that would be even and balanced and the one with the most Victory points is the sole winner after 70 odd turns :) Simple

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As far as the head count is concerned..... :)


There are only 40 countries, so we only need 34 more not 44.... :)


A team game would be better then everybody for themselves. By themselves canada and america would be a great disadvantage. Takes too long to build a invasion fleet and cross the atlantic. by that time the stonger countries could easly repluse an invasion. Plus the constant traveling between the mainland and europe would reduce the ability to build forces fast enough.


Unless you decide to override the ground units being built outside the homeland rule. :blush:


otherwise it would be better not to have america and canada play at all. This would eliminate the problem as well. :)


DezertCamel :D

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OOPS!!!!! must have hit the wrong Key or some thing :blush:. Regaurdless, You are corect camel.......34 to go!!!!!!!! My bad, Thanks :) On another point: I respectfully dissagree with the elimination of any of the nations. It just doesn't seem right as they are all uniqe in there own way and bring these differences to the game. Taking any one out takes away from the game it self.

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