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Press Release


The Roman Homeworld is quite nervous today. An exchange of gunfire lit the night sky this morning. Citizens on Tranquility Continent were able to view orbital explosions with the naked eye, and citizens the world over observed meteor showers as space debris from an obvious orbital battle entered the atmosphere. "It was just like a fireworks display," commented one citizen.


Roman High Command has kept all Roman military units on high alert. Even the local militia forces have been issued blasters from the Imperial Armory. But despite these government actions, the people remain confident. "We beat the bastards last time they came calling," one elderly grandmother shouted at our GNN crew, finishing with, "And we beat them again last night!"


Grand Admiral Augustus, commander of the Shai Combined Operations Area, was seen entering Roman Fleet Headquarters this morning to hold personal meetings with Roman High Command. When pressed, the admiral admitted that Roman Fleet elements had bounced back from a devastating battle in Shai and were valiantly attacking the enemy wherever Roman forces found them. Unnamed government sources confirmed that 2 ships of the hated Eyre had been detected, engaged, and destroyed by Roman Fleet Reserve forces in Shai. In fact, to the jubilation of the Roman Homeworld, it is rumored that both Eyre ships were troop transports carrying 50 divisions of enemy invasion troops. One Roman naval officer commented, "They're sucking vacuum space now!" The officer went further and confirmed that a third Eyre troop transport was destroyed in orbit, yielding the meteor shower witnessed worldwide.


No matter how you look at it, it appears as if Roman forces have a lot of fight left in them and are costing the hated Eyre and Go'ald forces mightily for every sector of space they invade.


GNN reports, you decide

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Sweet report :cheers:


The sunflowers applaud your defensive efforts :)


The reports of the last few months from various sectors of space have our generals feeling that the best offense is indeed, a good defense....let these scoundral warmongers burn the fuel and build the engines....we'll just keep jamming out Vananite/heavily-armed surface fortresses with gobs of screens and pick off their 5-20 million ton ships (a third of which contain engines, warp drives and fuel tankage) every 5-15 turns or so. :)

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Press Release


The Roman High Command today confirmed that 2 troop transports with Eyre markings were destroyed in the Shai System. In addition, the explosions over the Roman HW were confirmed to be not 1, but 2 starships belonging to the Go'ald. Fleet intelligence reports that 1 was a troop transport and the other a colonial liner that must have been pressed into Go'ald service to ferry combat support personnel. Fleet intelligence estimates 65 enemy combat divisions and 18 support divisions were killed when their starships were destroyed by Roman Fleet elements. Details are in the press packet below.


Meanwhile, sites all around the Roman HW appear to be under construction as a worldwide effort seems to be underway to fortify the entire planet. The Roman population is giving its complete support, volunteering labor toward a speedy conclusion in efforts to aid the valiant Roman Fleet protecting the Homeworld.


GNN reports, you decide


**DESTROYED** LTT Galaxy Transport Ship (Light Troop Transport - 287,100 tons) [integrity: 205,080] (Green, Timid)

2,000 Cargo Bay, 60,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 20 Troop Berthing

Maneuverability: 0.006

**DESTROYED** LTT Troop Bertha (Light Troop Transport - 371,100 tons) [integrity: 305,100] (Green, Timid)

46,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 30 Troop Berthing

**DESTROYED** COLL Pioneer (Large Colonial Transport - 439,100 tons) [integrity: 185,100] (Green, Timid)

34,000 Cargo Bay, 18 Colonial Berthing, 200,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

**DESTROYED** LTT Trooper (Light Troop Transport - 325,100 tons) [integrity: 155,100] (Green, Timid)

150,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 15 Troop Berthing

Maneuverability: 0.006

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Huh?   :blink:


Just transports and no heavy escorts?  What a waste of material.  All that did was give your gunnery crews some needed target practice.    :oops:

Like we said...we report, you decide. We're equal opportunity folks...we'll shoot at any enemy vessel that shows up. If there are crunchies inside, then all the better :oops: It's not like the millions of tons of enemy capital ships disappeared from last turn...perhaps the enemy has finally developed a healthy respect for Roman defenses. :blink:

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Trying to fathom the loss in material if all those troop berthings were indeed filled

with troops.



Which just makes it harder to believe. This is beyond a simple mistake by sending in unarmed transports (filled with troops?) without any warships cutting a path for them. :oops:


If you want to lose a war, these jokers are writing the book. However, don't underestimate these guys, if they're determined, they'll still keep coming at you. Keep building up your planetary defences. They only need to get lucky once. :oops:


Cheers :blink:

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Which just makes it harder to believe.  This is beyond a simple mistake by sending in unarmed transports (filled with troops?) without any warships cutting a path for them.  :blink:


If you want to lose a war, these jokers are writing the book.  However, don't underestimate these guys, if they're determined, they'll still keep coming at you.  Keep building up your planetary defences.  They only need to get lucky once.  :blink:


Cheers  :oops:

Well, if Rome continues to survive the onslaught, I hope the Star Bars guys make it through to open up a chain of stores...we'll be needing some liquid refreshment if the siege lifts :oops:

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Damn, that has to be so embarrassing, to be so many empires cojoined in an assault on a single homeworld and find that they can't even fly in a straight line or even at the same time :blink: Or perhaps the Roman race really has mental powers of a level equal to the ancients?? :oops:


Congrats anyway, I think they'll find you even harder to dig out especially without all those troops :oops:





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This reminds me of another topic I read on this forum. A homeworld with strong surface defences is nearly impossible to be taken by a single invader. Unless the attackers gets some help and better planning and leadership, the Romans can probably holdout forever.


Justinian, please tell me you have some allies of your own. Being attacked by 2 or more empires is not a fair fight, even if you are giving them all a huge repair bill. :oops:

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One thing I find surprising is the lack of afterthought in the enemy ship design. Look at the Troop Transports and the Colonial Transport. They're all fitted with NTWDs which is pretty steep investment for any Empire no matter how many dropped homeworlds they've aquired yet they give only the ships despite their rather low weight, 2 ap a piece. The cargo bays and colonial berths were to build military installations on the roman HW before a GATK since they know the Romans are more than capable to take on their races one on one nowadays.


Now you could argue that that is enough if you've ambushed and held a WP at one side, moving the assault ships through and then do WARP, NM, Either COLB for an OC the following turn or an OC now if already established a beachhold but why not splurge for at least 4 or 6 AP? Are their engines so sucky, is the staging point so close or are the designs just stupid? Time will tell :oops:





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This looks like a case of miscommunication. Those multi megaton warships are still out there.


From the last turn, I believe that The Eyre had not surveyed the Warp Point so I am wondering if The Eyre tried to get through and didnt but that The Go'Ald did. It cost them some Troop Transports but I don't think this is over by a long shot.


And thanks for posting. The posts from both sides of this conflict have been entertaining.

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