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New Victory! order entry program

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Hi there!


I'm probably spoiled, but I just can't take DOS-style applications anymore.

Now before you think: "I can't program anything!", please read on, I also need some very simple work done, so anyone can help.

I would like to add some functions to the program like:


1) A windows-style user interface, and navigating from 1 order to another.

2) Saving and loading order files

3) Checking which locations are adjacent, and allowing only adjacent locations to be entered in orders like OMA, OMG, OMN, MGF, MCR, etc.

4) Working with pull-down menus to show you the allowed options and reducing unnecessary typing.

5) Skins (nice-to-have)


What needs to be done:

1) Writing the program (see below for technical details)

2) Making lists of adjacent locations


Especially number 2 will take a long time if I have to do it alone, and it's simple work, so anyone can help. I 'm thinking along the lines of everyone doing a country or two. So drop me an e-mail at nilsvanschaik@hotmail.com if you want to help. No guarantees if and when the program will ever see the light, that totally depends on how much help I get.


For the people interested in helping with the program itself; I want to build an .hta application (basically VBScript with an HTML shell) so no development tools (besides notepad) are needed. Also, anyone can alter the program when corrections or revisions need to be made. So if you're an VBScript and/or HTML/CSS wizard (or apprentice) and want to help, please contact me as well.



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Contact me in a PM. I can be of assistance with the borders


Thanks Norbert, just what I needed!

So, I don't need anymore help with the borders, but if anyone wants to help with the program, don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail!


Borders can be used out of the old program, i have them some where i a access database if you like?


If you need help programming please tell me.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

You know what would be reaaallly awesome. A function to grab info out of your turn and display a map of what you currently have control over (maybe printable too) to help track invasions both coming and going.


Also a quick and dirty map showing AIC connections would be nice too.


Of course I don't have any programming skills, so it's easy for me to make suggestions :ninja:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is this still in progress as I was looking at doing a flash animation of the map to make it a little more user friendly.


Well..... progress is VERY slow at the moment. And the plans did not include grabbing info from your turn results and most certainly not displaying them as a picture. I am 100% sure that exceeds my limited programming capabilities.


So if you want to make something..... go ahead. We may be able to integrate the whole lot into a full Victory! client, once they're all finished. :)

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Is this still in progress as I was looking at doing a flash animation of the map to make it a little more user friendly.


Well..... progress is VERY slow at the moment. And the plans did not include grabbing info from your turn results and most certainly not displaying them as a picture. I am 100% sure that exceeds my limited programming capabilities.


So if you want to make something..... go ahead. We may be able to integrate the whole lot into a full Victory! client, once they're all finished. :(

I've got currenlty an excel reporting tool which will read your turn results and generate a number of useful reports...

if you want a copy drop me a message...

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  • 10 months later...

People, (Gents would probably cover everyone, but I'm not taking any chances.... :cannon:)


I have resumed work on the Victory! Order Entry Program (VOEP), let me remind you of the goals:


1) A windows-style user interface, and navigating from 1 order to another.

2) Saving and loading order files

3) Checking which locations are adjacent, and allowing only adjacent locations to be entered in orders like OMA, OMG, OMN, MGF, MCR, etc.

4) Working with pull-down menus to show you the allowed options and reducing unnecessary typing.

5) Skins (nice-to-have)


I have written a program that can do 1 and 2, and is ready for 5. I am not worrying about double orders at the moment. Adding 3 shouldn't be a problem (thank you Norbert!), but 4 should be added first, and that's giving me headaches. Think about all the possibilities.... For example the MCR order; you can move a single resource a long way, or a variety of resources a short way. Does anyone have any ideas how I can build the logic for this?




P.S. For those interested, it's an HTA, so it's written in VBScript. If you want to try it, drop me an e-mail at nilsvanschaik@hotmail.com. No support, no guarantees, just the first version of the program!

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  • 1 year later...



After a very long pause (mostly due to the 7 month old girl now nearly being 3 years old and having a 5 month old brother :o) I have taken up this project again. The HTA has been dropped and completely rebuilt in Visual Basic. Performance was just getting unacceptable in the HTA, and everyone can now download Visual Studio Express for free if they want to help. The step away from an HTAhas made skins more difficult, so I'll strike that off the list. The other objectives should all be met at one point or another.


I just sent out the first beta to a few people and hope to have some time soon to fix all the bugs they're going to find.

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