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For the benefit and amusement of all I am going to post selected excerpts of the skirmishes taking place in space known to the Bombay Trading Corp.


This is a conflict that has been going on for some time now so I will make some attempt to post them in sequential order.


Feel free to point out how poor my ship designs were, but know that I am already aware of that fact. :ninja:


Stay tuned for the first battle that started the entire conflict.



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Ok, I found the initial combat so here it is.



----- XXXXXX [ B (Blue-White) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 1XX676 -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

104th Recon Group [ROE: T] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 200,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 25,000 Col Berthings: ... 3 Fighter Bays: ... 1 Drone Racks: ... 1 ...

100 Fighter ... 50 Standard Drone

--------------------[Deploy Location 10] 1 CL MRS (Light Cruiser - 200,000 tons [each])---------------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: Feeble .. Structural Integrity: Average

1 Drone Rack .... 1 Fighter Bay .... 50 Frost Cannon (Cold) .... 39 Medium Beam Laser (Coherent Beam) .... 50 Mk I Deflector

.... 40 Mk I Force Shield .... 30,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 4 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

101st Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 32,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 4,000 ...

Ranger First Lensman

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 2 FS Eagle Eye (Fleet Scout - 16,000 tons [each])-------------------------------


Fire Control: Poor .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Average

A Draegaera Light Cruiser engage a pair of Bombay Trading Corp Fleet Scouts in the XXXXXXX system, destroying them utterly

and killing Ranger First Lensman in the process.



For those that have not had the fun of combat you will also be able to see how the battle reports have evolved over time. This combat was some time ago and the reporting tool was pretty devoid of useful data IMHO.


This combat was pretty dry since it was just a couple of scout ships that got toasted. Of course it always hurts when you lose your highest ranking explorer.



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Here is the next battle.



----- XXXXXX [ B (Blue-White) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 1XXX76 -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

104th Recon Group [ROE: T] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 200,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 25,000 Col Berthings: ... 3 Fighter Bays: ... 1 Drone Racks: ... 1 ...

100 Fighter ... 50 Standard Drone

--------------------[Deploy Location 10] 1 CL MRS (Light Cruiser - 200,000 tons [each])---------------------------------


Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: Feeble .. Structural Integrity: Average

1 Drone Rack .... 1 Fighter Bay .... 50 Frost Cannon (Cold) .... 39 Medium Beam Laser (Coherent Beam) .... 50 Mk I Deflector

.... 40 Mk I Force Shield .... 30,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 4 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

Fleet 1030 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 450,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 10,000 ...

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 10 FF Eagle Eye III (Frigate - 45,000 tons [each])------------------------------


Fire Control: Excellent .. Maneuverability: Fleet .. Sensors: Oblivious .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Average

3,500 Laser CIDS .... 500 Mk I Standard Missile (Missile) .... 10,000 Reflective Armor Coating .... 10,000 Titanium

Composite Armor

The captain of a Dragaera CL activates his ROE "T" orders to fire on known (but no political agreement in place) alien

Bombay Trading Corp ships in the XXXXXX star system. After a bloody engagment, the Dragaera Light Cruiser is destroyed

after managing to take out 70% of the opposing fleet.

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New ships, new battles. Unfortunately the results were all too similar and familiar. :jawdrop:



----- XXXXXX [ A (White) 9 III ] [single Star] - Warp Point 1XXX8 -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

Fleet 901 [ROE: T] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 465,000) Fighter Bays: ... 3 ...

300 Fighter ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

Fleet 1038 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 150,000)Cargo Bays: ... 5,000 ...

** Side 1 Ships **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 9 ------------------------------------------------------------

AUXH Dew Claw (Heavy Auxiliary - 465,000 tons) [integrity: 1,815,000] [shields: 30,000] (Green, Timid)

100 10cm Autocannon, 3 Fighter Bay, 10 Fuel Shuttle, 50,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,200 Light Tractor Beam

20 Mk I Computer System, 50 Mk I Deflector, 100 Mk I Force Shield, 50 Mk I Short Range Sensor

10 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 100 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 10 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

200,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 10 Type A Defense Screen

Gravitonic: 198,000, Projectile: 11,000

Deflectors: 0.000, Maneuverability: 0.107, Point Defense: 0.064, Screens: 0.107, Sensors: 0.026

** Side 2 Ships **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] XS Gawker 4x4 (Express Ship - 150,000 tons) [integrity: 180,000] [shields: 3,000] (Green, Timid)

5 Battle Imaging System, 5,000 Cargo Bay, 2 Fuel Shuttle, 15,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Heavy stun beam

250 Laser CIDS, 10 Mk I Force Shield, 600 Mk I Fusion Engine, 5 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 5 Mk I Short Range Sensor

50 Mk I Standard Missile, 5 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

10,000 Reflective Armor Coating, 10,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 3 Type B Defense Screen

Missile: 10,000, Sonic: 1,320

Maneuverability: 4.000, Point Defense: 0.083, Reflective Coating: 0.333, Screens: 0.200, Sensors: 0.025

A Dragaera warship launches fires and opens up with its primary batteries against a Bombay Trading Corp ship spotted in the

XXXXX system, vaporizing the Bombay ship in short order. Dragaera Light Tractor Beam crews tried to pull the Bombay ship

in close enough to attempt a capture, but the target was too quick for them and perished instead.



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More new ships with the predicted results in this caombat.



----- XXXXXX [ M (Red) 8 Ib ] [binary Star System] - Warp Point 1XXX -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

109th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 28,400)Cargo Bays: ... 2,000 ...

Explorer Wallace

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

Fleet 901 [ROE: W] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,500,000)Cargo Bays: ... 7,000 Fighter Bays: ... 10 Drone Racks:

... 10 ...

150 Light Drone ... 1,000 Strike Fighter

** Side 1 Ships **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

SC Zeiss (Star Cruiser - 1,500,000 tons) [integrity: 3,073,000] [shields: 150,000] (Green, Timid)

20 Battle Imaging System, 7,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Drone Rack, 10 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle

150,000 Fuel Tankage, 6,000 Laser CIDS, 500 Mk I Force Shield, 1,000 Mk I Fusion Engine, 50 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

100 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 250 Mk I Standard Missile, 500 Mk I Thunderbolt Arc Generator

50 Mk II Computer System, 10 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

250,000 Reflective Armor Coating, 250,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 50 Type B Defense Screen

Energy Discharge: 1,100,000, Energy Disruptor: 1,100,000, Missile: 50,000

Maneuverability: 0.666, Point Defense: 0.333, Reflective Coating: 0.833, Screens: 0.333, Sensors: 0.036

** Side 2 Ships **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] FS Mk I Tempus (Fleet Scout - 28,400 tons) [integrity: 28,400] (Green, Timid)

6 10cm Autocannon, 2,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 2,000 Fuel Tankage, 3 Medium Beam Laser

2 Mk I Computer System, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 3 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 4 Mk II Nuclear Engine

2 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 2,000 Standard Hull Plate, 1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen

1 Type A Science Lab

Coherent Beam: 3,960, Projectile: 660

Maneuverability: 0.070, Screens: 0.176, Sensors: 0.088

A Bombay Trading Corp Star Cruiser atomizes a Dragaera Fleet Scout spotted in the XXXXX star system.



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Here are the next turns comabats. Now we start to see more of the dedicated war ships and get away from so much of the random encounter with non-combats or auxilliaries.






----- XXXX [ F (Yellow-White) 6 Ib ] [Trinary Star System] - Warp Point 2XXXX -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

705th Explorer [ROE: T] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 50,400) ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

Fleet 901 [ROE: W] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,500,000)Cargo Bays: ... 7,000 Fighter Bays: ... 10 Drone Racks:

... 10 ...

150 Light Drone ... 1,000 Strike Fighter

Side 1: Dragaera # 1274

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 8 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] AUXM Loadstone (Medium Auxiliary - 50,000 tons) [integrity: 171,000] (Green, Timid)

5,000 Fuel Tankage, 200 Light Tractor Beam, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 8 Mk II Computer System

1 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 18,000 Titanium Composite Armor

Gravitonic: 33,000

Maneuverability: 0.010, Sensors: 0.050

**DESTROYED** [2nd] XB Probe 1 (Express Boat - 400 tons) [integrity: 300] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 1.250

Side 2: Bombay Trading Corp # 3443

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

SC Zeiss (Star Cruiser - 1,500,000 tons) [integrity: 3,073,000] [shields: 150,000] (Green, Timid)

20 Battle Imaging System, 7,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Drone Rack, 10 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle

150,000 Fuel Tankage, 6,000 Laser CIDS, 500 Mk I Force Shield, 1,000 Mk I Fusion Engine, 50 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

100 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 250 Mk I Standard Missile, 500 Mk I Thunderbolt Arc Generator

50 Mk II Computer System, 10 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

250,000 Reflective Armor Coating, 250,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 50 Type B Defense Screen

Energy Discharge: 1,100,000, Missile: 50,000

Maneuverability: 0.666, Point Defense: 0.333, Reflective Coating: 0.833, Screens: 0.333, Sensors: 0.036




And then this one that didn't go so well for me.





----- XXXXXXX [ G (Yellow) 6 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point XXXXXX -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

112th Observer [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000) ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

502nd Intruder Barrier [ROE: X] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,200,000) Fighter Bays: ... 7 ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

707th Explorer [ROE: T] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 50,000) ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

Fleet 901 [ROE: W] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,500,000)Cargo Bays: ... 7,000 Fighter Bays: ... 10 Drone Racks:

... 10 ...

150 Light Drone ... 1,000 Strike Fighter

Side 1: Dragaera # 1274

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

AUXM Loadstone (Medium Auxiliary - 50,000 tons) [integrity: 171,000] (Green, Timid)

5,000 Fuel Tankage, 200 Light Tractor Beam, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 8 Mk II Computer System

1 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 18,000 Titanium Composite Armor

Gravitonic: 33,000

Maneuverability: 0.010, Sensors: 0.050

AUXM Loadstone (Medium Auxiliary - 50,000 tons) [integrity: 171,000] (Green, Timid)

AUXM Loadstone (Medium Auxiliary - 50,000 tons) [integrity: 171,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [1st] AUXM Loadstone (Medium Auxiliary - 50,000 tons) [integrity: 171,000] (Green, Timid)

**MINOR DAMAGE** BASE Keep (Base Station - 1,000,000 tons) [integrity: 11,715,000] [shields: 60,000] (Green, Timid)

900 Condenser Beam, 7 Fighter Bay, 150 Light Tractor Beam, 200 Mk I Force Shield, 100 Mk I Short Range Sensor

100 Mk II Computer System, 415,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 10 Type A Defense Screen

Cold: 1,980,000, Gravitonic: 24,750

Screens: 0.050, Sensors: 0.025

FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 13,200] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.025, Screens: 0.416, Sensors: 0.208

AUXM Loadstone (Medium Auxiliary - 50,000 tons) [integrity: 171,000] (Green, Timid)

Side 2: Bombay Trading Corp # 3443

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2nd] SC Zeiss (Star Cruiser - 1,500,000 tons) [integrity: 3,073,000] [shields: 150,000] (Green, Timid)

20 Battle Imaging System, 7,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Drone Rack, 10 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle

150,000 Fuel Tankage, 6,000 Laser CIDS, 500 Mk I Force Shield, 1,000 Mk I Fusion Engine, 50 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

100 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 250 Mk I Standard Missile, 500 Mk I Thunderbolt Arc Generator

50 Mk II Computer System, 10 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

250,000 Reflective Armor Coating, 250,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 50 Type B Defense Screen

Energy Discharge: 1,100,000, Missile: 50,000

Maneuverability: 0.666, Point Defense: 0.333, Reflective Coating: 0.833, Screens: 0.333, Sensors: 0.036


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The next turn provide this entertainment for me. This is my preferred method for reducing my orders needs, just lose more fleets. :cheers:






----- XXXXXXX [ G (Yellow) 6 V ] [single Star] - XX -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

114th Observer [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 56,800 )Cargo Bays: ... 4,000 …

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Dragaera # 1274 [Twin Facing Black Dragons On A Red Background]

Fleet 901 [ROE: T] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 465,000) Fighter Bays: ... 3 ...

300 Fighter ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 [import/Export On Tan Shipping Crate]

Fleet 1035 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 665,000) Cargo Bays: ... 125,000 …

Side 1: Dragaera # 1274 Fire Control: 1

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**MINOR DAMAGE** FS Mk I Tempus (Fleet Scout - 28,400 tons) [integrity: 28,400] (Green, Timid)

6 10cm Autocannon, 2,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 2,000 Fuel Tankage, 3 Medium Beam Laser

2 Mk I Computer System, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 3 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 4 Mk II Nuclear Engine

2 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 2,000 Standard Hull Plate, 1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen

1 Type A Science Lab

Coherent Beam: 3,960, Projectile: 660

Maneuverability: 0.070, Point Defense: 1.056, Screens: 0.176, Sensors: 0.088

**DESTROYED** [4th] FS Mk I Tempus (Fleet Scout - 28,400 tons) [integrity: 28,400] (Green, Timid)

AUXH Dew Claw (Heavy Auxiliary - 465,000 tons) [integrity: 1,815,000] [shields: 30,000] (Green, Timid)

100 10cm Autocannon, 3 Fighter Bay, 10 Fuel Shuttle, 50,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,200 Light Tractor Beam

20 Mk I Computer System, 50 Mk I Deflector, 100 Mk I Force Shield, 50 Mk I Short Range Sensor

10 Mk II Computer System, 1 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 100 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 10 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

200,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 10 Type A Defense Screen

Gravitonic: 198,000, Projectile: 11,000

Deflectors: 0.053, Maneuverability: 0.107, Point Defense: 0.064, Screens: 0.107, Sensors: 0.026

Side 2: Bombay Trading Corp # 3443 Fire Control: 1

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] FF Eagle Eye III (Frigate - 45,000 tons) [integrity: 47,000] (Green, Timid)

1,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 4,000 Fuel Tankage, 350 Laser CIDS, 180 Mk I Fusion Engine

3 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 3 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 50 Mk I Standard Missile, 3 Mk II Computer System

1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1,000 Reflective Armor Coating, 1,000 Titanium Composite Armor

Missile: 10,000

Maneuverability: 4.000, Point Defense: 0.388, Reflective Coating: 0.111, Sensors: 0.033

**DESTROYED** [2nd] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

15,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 4,100 Fuel Tankage, 100 Laser CIDS, 1 Mk I Force Shield

220 Mk I Fusion Engine, 1 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk I Short Range Sensor

1 Mk I Standard Missile, 1 Mk II Computer System, 6 Survey Lander, 1,000 Titanium Composite Armor

3 Type A Science Lab, 1 Type B Defense Screen, 3 Type B Science Lab

Missile: 200

Maneuverability: 4.000, Point Defense: 0.090, Screens: 0.181, Sensors: 0.013

**DESTROYED** [3rd] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [5th] FF Eagle Eye III (Frigate - 45,000 tons) [integrity: 47,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [6th] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [7th] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [8th] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [9th] FF Eagle Eye III (Frigate - 45,000 tons) [integrity: 47,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [10th] FF Eagle Eye III (Frigate - 45,000 tons) [integrity: 47,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [11st] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [12nd] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [13rd] FF Eagle Eye III (Frigate - 45,000 tons) [integrity: 47,000] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [14th] LF Spelunker (Light Freighter - 55,000 tons) [integrity: 42,900] [shields: 300] (Green, Timid)

Dragaera and Bombay Trading Corp ships tangle in the XXXX star system.

A weapon's effectiveness drops off by 10% per Deploy Location after its maximum normal range. Point Blank class weapons

drop off by 20% per Deploy Location, but have a higher base damage if firing from Deploy Location 1. The bonus is included

in the damage output value listed next to the ship's weapons, above.

Missiles/Torpedos : Point Blank [1], Short [2], Medium [5], Long [8], Standoff [10] (all 10% dropoff)

Other : Standard [1] (10% dropoff), Point Blank [1] (20% dropoff, bonus from [1])


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I thought there was a minmum size for ships yet I see in one battle that Draegara had a ship of 400T. Is it possible to build a ship smaller than 1000T?


**DESTROYED** [2nd] XB Probe 1 (Express Boat - 400 tons) [integrity: 300] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 1.250


This came in the third from the bottom battle.

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You are correct, ships < 1000 tons are not supposed to be able to be built. I have run into many of these so far. I figure that they were either built before the code was fixed, or the code is still broken. In either case it is hardly worth bothering Pete about at this point. I have had entirely too many other "important" concerns that needed attention so the added distraction was not warrented.



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A couple of turns ago I also encountered three fleets of 250 ton ships. (Engine, Jump Drive, and 50 tons Fuel Tankage) That is the most streamlined scout ship i have ever seen!

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A couple of turns ago I also encountered three fleets of 250 ton ships.  (Engine, Jump Drive, and 50 tons Fuel Tankage)  That is the most streamlined scout ship i have ever seen!



Sheesh a Combat Gunboat is a 500 ton 'small starship' as are a few other advanced fightercraft

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When Pete changed the code to no longer allow designs under 1000k, he said he intended to go through all existing designs at that time and pad them out with standard hull plate to reach 1k.  So maybe he missed some.


Pete has never done such a thing as far as I know. If you had an existing under 1K design, it was never adjusted and you could keep building them.

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