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Declaring War on Dropped Empires


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I have never had to do this but do you have to declare war? I can see two possible scenarios with a dropped position.


1. You have diplomatic relations with the empire before it was dropped. I would think you issue a BALG or PAP to break the relationship and attack them.


2. You don't have diplomatic relations or allegience so you attack them.


Since it is a dropped position there is no one running it. I don't think you ahve to worry about being accused a sneak attack or back stabbing so I would just go ahead and attack.


If it was an actively played positio, you might want to handle this differently by the way.

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Declaring War is an over rated function. By declaring war you instruct all your fleets to attack the enemy on sight. You don't need this to actually attack somebody. All you do is set your fleet ROE to an aggressive ROE like T or higher and you should attack any non-allied fleets you encounter. By using the ROE's you can control which fleets engage and which do not.


Be warned, even fleets without aggresive ROE's can initiate an attack even against Total Allies.



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Declaring War is an over rated function.  By declaring war you instruct all your fleets to attack the enemy on sight.  You don't need this to actually attack somebody.  All you do is set your fleet ROE to an aggressive ROE like T or higher and you should attack any non-allied fleets you encounter.  By using the ROE's you can control which fleets engage and which do not.


Be warned, even fleets without aggresive ROE's can initiate an attack even against Total Allies.




But you reduce the possibility of attacking someone by accident (e.g. third empire scout) by using PAP WAR and then using the standard ROE (defend if attacked and attack declared enemies).

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That is true, but if you declare war then all your ships will try and engage including your unarmed explorers.  Do you really want that?  I would chance attacking a third party with ships that are designed for it before risking ships not designed for it.




Even ROE settings of P and Q will attack? I thought Q was the default for don't attck unless attacked. If this is not correct, I would like ot know.


Of course I agree with hobknob that you can use ROE settings and that this is more efficient as you will want to use them anywya. Frankly I think the War declaration is a waste of an order with a dropped position.

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Ass much as I hate do to disagree with my esteemed colegues, :drunk: the Declare war order is a very usefull one as it effects all your fleets with just one order, altering the ROE requires 1 order per fleet, very ineffecient. I do understand Hobnobs positon that his way you decide what fleets will attack and which ones will not but when I am searching for a droppped players home system I do not use unarmed explorers. It all comes down to your style of play






That is true, but if you declare war then all your ships will try and engage including your unarmed explorers.  Do you really want that?  I would chance attacking a third party with ships that are designed for it before risking ships not designed for it.




Even ROE settings of P and Q will attack? I thought Q was the default for don't attck unless attacked. If this is not correct, I would like ot know.


Of course I agree with hobknob that you can use ROE settings and that this is more efficient as you will want to use them anywya. Frankly I think the War declaration is a waste of an order with a dropped position.

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You do have a point about that. Eventually I plan to upgrade all my exploration vehicles to something that more resembles a war ship. But for now I still use mostly unarmed ships for exploration. Even then, I wouldn't use the War command. There just isn't much point to it. You have to use the ROE to set you fleet to the proper war plan any way so it is not a big deal or a real increase in orders.



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I've always favored the Starship Enterprise version of exploration vessel. (original that is)  Lots of science guys, but bring along the security cannon fodder, have photon torpedoes, and never have a holodeck.


Well said! Sure would be nice to have Spock around when considering my production sequences. Or at least the Enterprise computer!



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I've always favored the Starship Enterprise version of exploration vessel. (original that is)  Lots of science guys, but bring along the security cannon fodder, have photon torpedoes, and never have a holodeck.



The kiss of death for any actor hoping to be on more than one show was to be casted as a Security officer. Odds were good that you would be dead by the 2nd commercial.

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You do have a point about that.  Eventually I plan to upgrade all my exploration vehicles to something that more resembles a war ship.  But for now I still use mostly unarmed ships for exploration.  Even then, I wouldn't use the War command.  There just isn't much point to it.  You have to use the ROE to set you fleet to the proper war plan any way so it is not a big deal or a real increase in orders.




First, thanks for all the discussion. I successfully DWed the dropped empire.


The BIG problem with using the ROE setting is that you could easily end up attacking positions belonging to active empires. The innocent bystander. In the area of space where all this is taking place there are scouts of three or four other empires.

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Let me put it to you this way. If there are multiple empires in the vicinity of the action then I would expect you to have some sort of diplomatic relations with each of them. If not, then they too should/could be fair game. An ROE setting of T will protect all your friends while targeting others.


You know what they say.... If you are not my friend ...



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Let me put it to you this way.  If there are multiple empires in the vicinity of the action then I would expect you to have some sort of diplomatic relations with each of them.  If not, then they too should/could be fair game.  An ROE setting of T will protect all your friends while targeting others.


You know what they say.... If you are not my friend ...


:beer:  :cheers:  :drunk:


... You're still a potential StarBars patron? :P


-SK :ninja:

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