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The Watchers

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Greetings large star-farers.


The Watchers are displeased at the destruction of our peaceful exploration ship in the Ozelie system.


Please state your intentions or we shall be forced to send our warships for retribution.







Alien Fleet Sighting : Ozelie Warp Point # 43814 [in-system move by empire # 1140]

[stellar cartography reports that Warp Point # 43814 has not yet been surveyed by your scouts]

VAL Valar'i # 1140 'Wings Across The Stars'

Contact ValarClans@aol.com [Tango]

1 CA Wayprover (Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons)





----- OZELIE [ A (White) 8 III ] [single Star] - Warp Point 43814 -----

Valar'i #1140 Total tonnage: 400,000 Base Fire Control: 8 [3,240,000 bridge]

The Watchers #2159 Total tonnage: 25,800 Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Valar'i # 1140 [Wings Across The Stars]

Contact ValarClans@aol.com [ROE: T] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 400,000)

Fighter Bays: ... 4 ...

400 Strike Fighter

--------------------[Deploy Location 1] 1 CA Wayprover (Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons [each])--------------------------------

Fire Control: Phenomenal .. Maneuverability: Fleet .. Sensors: Average .. Shields: Energized .. Structural Integrity: Mighty

80,000 Cordellium Composite .... 4 Fighter Bay .... 200 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS .... 400 Mk II Force Shield .... 4 Type A

Plasma Torpedo (Plasma Torpedo)

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Watchers # 2159 [A Holographic Image Of Your Home System]

Warp Survey F [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 25,800)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Warp Survey II (Fleet Scout - 25,800 tons [each])------------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Average

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

CA Wayprover (Heavy Cruiser - 400,000 tons) [integrity: 4,744,500] [shields: 280,000] (Green, Valiant)

80 Battle Imaging System, 80,000 Cordellium Composite, 4 Fighter Bay, 22,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 80 Laser Communications Gear, 40 Mk I Long Range Sensor, 200 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS

400 Mk II Force Shield, 800 Mk II Fusion Engine, 40 Mk II Medium Range Sensor, 50 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

200 Mk III Computer System, 40 Mk III Short Range Sensor, 4 Type A Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400

Maneuverability: 4.000, Point Defense: 0.700, Sensors: 0.300

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] FS Warp Survey II (Fleet Scout - 25,800 tons) [integrity: 23,800] (Green, Timid)

6 Fuel Shuttle, 2,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 4 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor

Maneuverability: 0.011



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Contact ValarClans@aol.com [Tango]


And you didn't?


And it seems the Watchers are the ones that are trespassing.

So take it lightly and contact them.


[Wings fluttering in agitation]


And my foreign relations people made me wait so long for that initial contact too.... :D


Patiently waiting for that subspace message to arrive, even though an obviously agressive empire decides to explore into our range "Watchers # 2159 [A Holographic Image Of Your Home System]"..... :P


And all I read now is 'oh, we were attacked by an agressor" and still no messages.....


In the previous cycle you met one of our WP pickets with exactly the same request. With no means to contact you, we waited, and waited, and waited.


You then continued your agressive exploration deeper into our range with the clear intention of using that information to attack us.


So, I acted in self-defense and ordered a slightly larger wing-ship to interpose itself and discourage your attack.


Talk to us. Let us roost together and explore the real meaning of "peaceful". :laugh: Trade opportunities exist. Mutual agreements are possible.


But if you continue to attack us and encroach upon our hunting grounds then we will defend ourselves.




Clan Elder Giff'ar

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A fellow bird! Excellent! The galaxy needs more avians!


avians smavians.. we all know the really cool characters are winged reptiles! :D




Then we believe we might be able to find that you are both potential friends! :)


We are listed in the old Empire Contacts thread (another reason we would have hoped the Watchers would have contacted us).


You may be interested to know that, following extensive exploration of old archeological sites, we have discovered that we are an evolved form of an ancient Terran species - the Pteranodon. Thus we count ourselves both as birds and reptiles!


Would you believe it, we also found some written texts that appear to be some form of historical novel, but we are uncertain to the truth contained therein???? :blink:


(With due thanks to Anne McCaffrey)


Clan Elder Giff'ar


PS Still no contact from the Watchers - our suspicions are further confirmed...... :alien2:

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Whoa LOL


As a previous ward of this position, I can only say good luck :alien2: (to both sides it seems)


Try: psmarkov@yahoo.com


if you dont hear from him directly


PS= I'm certain you both share a border with a third party as well, so perhaps diplomacy could be made through that angle too

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...I..Here we had a couple of nice predators prowling, circling, preparing for a knock-down, drag-out, claw-and-fang battle, when in steps .The Plant. to mess it all up with a peaceful approach. Ugh. :alien2:


..II..So let's get all of the winged reptiles together for 'Wings Over the Warp Web.' (I even kept the alliteration.) I suppose we could let the mammalian and avian fliers in too, but do we have to include gliders? (Are there any gliders?)


.III..At our size, we might be the equivalent of an interesting butterfly for Sha'Thar to chase, if she's feeling frisky. Hardly a snack.


- the Pandaemonium

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Most alien races are poential allies but flyers espically. Only those who have experienced it can appericate the unbound freedom of flight. Once you know this joy you'd have to be sadistic to attack such a free race. Of course, there are plenty of sadistic races out there.

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Most alien races are poential allies but flyers espically. Only those who have experienced it can appericate the unbound freedom of flight. Once you know this joy you'd have to be sadistic to attack such a free race. Of course, there are plenty of sadistic races out there.


If God had meant us to fly, he would have given us wings. As it is, we must have done really, really bad since our HW is about as cold as it gets and still support molecular vibration. I mean, on a warm day you can see our atmosphere which is probably why we don't have wings since they don't work well in a vacuum. :alien2:

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Most alien races are poential allies but flyers espically. Only those who have experienced it can appericate the unbound freedom of flight. Once you know this joy you'd have to be sadistic to attack such a free race. Of course, there are plenty of sadistic races out there.


Sadistic is good! ESPECIALLY for winged races!


All flyers are natural allies in the same sense that pigeons and falcons are natural allies. They both cooperate to support the same food chain!




Imperial Demonic Envelopement

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Most alien races are poential allies but flyers espically. Only those who have experienced it can appericate the unbound freedom of flight. Once you know this joy you'd have to be sadistic to attack such a free race. Of course, there are plenty of sadistic races out there.


Our records indicate there were many flying species on Holy Terra that hunted and consumed other avians. Something to consider ... :alien2:

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