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Neutral Stockpiles


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Just wondering if Pete has tweaked the code for primitive neutrals and the like. We have "converted" 2 such pop groups in the last few turns and were quietly impressed with the contents of the stockpile. A vast improvement to our previous experience of converted PGs. Anyone else noticed a difference?

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Just wondering if Pete has tweaked the code for primitive neutrals and the like. We have "converted" 2 such pop groups in the last few turns and were quietly impressed with the contents of the stockpile. A vast improvement to our previous experience of converted PGs. Anyone else noticed a difference?


Probably not. For example a recent convert of mine had in stock 6 Food Concentrates. That's right, a bounty beyond all imagination .. 6 Food Concentrates. Oh the joy I had when I saw that .. not.


On this topic, did you ever think to yourself what the heck these food concentrates are? I mean, I have explorers founding thousands of them here, there, everywhere. I'm guessing the shelf-life of these suckers must be on the order of hundreds or thousands of years. Even twinkees are not that long lasting .. yet.

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I had an Advanced Neutral join me a few turns ago with far more in stockpile than I'd ever heard discussed on the boards. Happy Happy Joy Joy! It was my first Advanced Neutral so I had no way to know if that was normal or not, but I suspected not.


Either we've been very lucky or maybe Pete's worked some magic. Still 6 Food Concentrates would be a good argument against that! Ouch!!

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Well that would be a much more efficient use of Industrial Capacity.


1 Water + 1 Fruit and Veggie + 1 Meat + 1 Grain ----> 1 Foodstuff

1 Foodstuff ------> 1 Food Concentrate


5:1 ratio and takes two orders. Not to mention the capacity and orders to convert RMs if you dont have a good supply of any of the components. Or...



1Population -----> 50,000 Soylent Green.




(What does Soylent Green taste like?? It varies from person to person.....)

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Well that would be a much more efficient use of Industrial Capacity.


1 Water + 1 Fruit and Veggie + 1 Meat + 1 Grain ----> 1 Foodstuff

1 Foodstuff ------> 1 Food Concentrate


5:1 ratio and takes two orders. Not to mention the capacity and orders to convert RMs if you dont have a good supply of any of the components. Or...



1Population -----> 50,000 Soylent Green.




(What does Soylent Green taste like??  It varies from person to person.....)



The new guy is kinda funny! :blink::DB)

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Well that would be a much more efficient use of Industrial Capacity.


1 Water + 1 Fruit and Veggie + 1 Meat + 1 Grain ----> 1 Foodstuff

1 Foodstuff ------> 1 Food Concentrate


5:1 ratio and takes two orders. Not to mention the capacity and orders to convert RMs if you dont have a good supply of any of the components. Or...



1Population -----> 50,000 Soylent Green.




(What does Soylent Green taste like??  It varies from person to person.....)



The new guy is kinda funny! :blink::DB)


Cook him longer, then. :D

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