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Build Queue in shipbuilding


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OK - it seems I can either stop all production, then start anew with fresh individual build orders, or, specifically stop each of the origininal (eg startup) shipbuilding orders.


Is there a way to stop just the initial shipbuilding orders (multiple Pathfinders) without stopping & starting everything else? This is NOT obvious in the rules and order supplements, according to an entire day of reading and cross-referencing!

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OK - it seems I can either stop all production, then start anew with fresh individual build orders, or, specifically stop each of the origininal (eg startup) shipbuilding orders.


Is there a way to stop just the initial shipbuilding orders (multiple Pathfinders) without stopping & starting everything else? This is NOT obvious in the rules and order supplements, according to an entire day of reading and cross-referencing!

You could use the SCRP (Scrap Ship) order. From the Order Supplement:


...or a ship that is already in a shipyard can be scrapped.


Example: SCRP, 50, Pathfinder, 0, 5482

Fifty Pathfinders that are already in the shipyards at Population Group # 5482 are flagged to be scrapped. Since it is almost certain that you do not have this many Pathfinders already assigned to this shipyard, all available (a much lower number!) will be flagged to be scrapped.

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Note that when you instruct ships to be scrapped with a SCRP order, it's just like building ships - they are not actually scrapped/built until the end phase of the turn (end turn adjustments), which happens during industrial production and after all orders, standing orders and convoy routes. Thus, the components that make up those Pathfinders won't be available until they are actually scrapped at the conclusion of the turn (at the earliest, assuming you have enough yards and slips to complete your ordered SCRP in one turn).


A SHIP order, to build a new ship, requires that the necessary components are in stockpile at the instant that the SHIP order is executed (wherever in your orders queue it appears). This means that you cannot SCRP a ship and then rebuild it immediately with a SHIP order in the same turn, because the components from the SCRP won't actually appear until (at the earliest) the end of that turn, after the SHIP order fails due to lack of components.


Similarly, BI orders tell your industrial workers to assemble some component (like Iron, Steel, Electronics and so forth), but they do not actually work until the end of the turn....so you'd have to see those items in stockpile before a SHIP order would work (on the following turn).

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The easiest solution is to just build another dozen shipyard slips so you don't have the bottleneck.  Starting pathfinders are limited in usefulness but they are still quite useful.  I still use my starting pathfinders after 4 yrs so they can't be all that bad.


:blink:  :thumbsup:


I agree with Hobknob so any Pathfinders that you have built are useful but I would not build more of them. IMO it is better to build ships with better JSS as soon as you can.

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