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I think one of the first things needed is to set and decide closed threads for each of the things to be worked with. Ie, first off we start with the rules. They currently consist of:


A) Main Rulebook

:pirate2: Order Supplement

C) Extra Rule Supplements ie Convoy routes, naval combat draft, warp point survey et such

D) Turn changes and addenda, ie the tidbits that have been added and/or changed via the turn sheets.


I would like to add one section which I think fits in with the documents as a startup work, namely tools, where in those of us that have done either workable Excel sheets, macros like Cestvels excelltn findpath etc can post and discuss usability et such so as to be able to provide the new player with a common group of easily acessible tools when they start to play.


Having each part of the project in separate threads I think will help it in being covered properly as well as being able to transfer C and D into and A and B once coherency has been found, is this something you Russ can do with this forum software?


I also suggest that Russ and Pete be the only one to be able to create new threads to ensure easy oversight and not a zillion threads on "almost the same thread matter than the last" Ie that a set number of threads are pinned for each project phase and all posting is inside those with Russ having results or decisions posted in their locked thread?



That are my initial thoughts and I look forward to being able to to work with this. It might be a bit unwieldy at first as this sort of thing works best in a closed wikipedia forum type.




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Since this is such a big project, it seems to me that good organization needs to implemented up front. If that doesn't happen, this will quickly fall into disarray and in the end, nothing will be accomplished.


First off, I think it makes sense that all the existing "supplements" be rolled into the rules book, so that at the time of completion only one official document exists (rather than a main document plus supplements). Of course RTG would need to agree that this is the general direction to take.


What format will the work be done in? I realize that typically, the final product would be in a .pdf format. However, I don't know many people who have a full blown .pdf editor program. I suspect that a more common software package would be the standard MS Office program. Either Word or Excel. Again, this is something that RTG would need to specify up front, or there will be additional work created by reconciling the different formats that will arrive at RTG.


Once that is determined, an efficient manner of subdividing the work should be determined. Would work progress by chapter? Would it be done sequentially or would all chapters be worked on in parallel? Would certain people be assigned certain sections? Would the work be done collectively?


I'm just throwing out ideas. If someone has a better idea on how to move forward, I'm interested in hearing it.

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Wikis need a watchful administrator or they get boarded by mischievious persons. Also they need

some hosting.


I see the positive sides of that suggestion, but I do not think it is feasable, we want to relieve Pete and Russ of work, not add more on top.


By the time SN:ROTE is working flawlessly we can come back to that idea :D


Or is someone volunteering for that hosting and admin work?

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I'll let others debat format, but I believe we need some short term goals as opposed to "how the final prodcut looks."


I think we need to consider the information we have available:

The rules.

Official supplements.

Turn notes.

Eternus document. (which is a summary of official board content to a certain date)

Any material posted since the Eternus document that is official.


Is this everything, or is there something I may be missing?




Lord Uriel

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Good idea's Lord Uriel!


I think turn notes would be better off in a sticky thread, or something that can be updated regularly.


Eternus' document has a lot from unofficial sources. We would need to be very careful. Even the quotes from Pete might not always be suitable. The rule book is really a Beginner's Guide. I think what most of us want is a definitive listing of game mechanics, but since we're supposed to 'discover' a lot of that, we might want to restrain ourselves, or at least put that in a separate document.


Seems like Hobknob's approach has the most potential to maintain RTG's original intent. I think that's an excellent place to start.


My 2 cents

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It looks like there are a few people who have various suggestions about how to best approach this subject.


How about this approach:


I believe for this to be successful, persons involved in this project must have an interest in the task, and be willing to work on it. Which means progress will be erratic and might have areas drawing no attention due to a lack of interest.


It is my intention to take a look at turn notes over the next week or two and assemble them into one document. It might not take as long as that, but I'd rather not commit to an earlier date.



As to the Eternus piece, I know portions of it are not 'official.' But it is a source of information that is either official or generally accepted as fact, such as the formula for how AP is determined. Some of it may be speculative, but that is why it should be reviewed.


With that in mind, even some of the turn notes may no longer apply due to changes made by Pete, which is why everything must be reviewed to some extent.


Everyone just needs to keep in mind that this will be a long project, worked on by volunteers who have real lives. Some will throw stones and disapprove of the approach some players are taking. Which may help this thing along, or break it completely.


In the meantime, let's all put pressure on Cestvel to develop some nifty tools for empire management. Something that extracts data from your turn results or data file, and can used for everything from colony management to production ques to ship design. I think he can handle it. :D:D:blink:




Lord Uriel (Rob)

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Took another look at Lord Valwyn's suggestion which prompted this discussion and I realized a FAQ might be a possibility as well. I think Prospective and Ali asked numerous questions about the game when they joined and it might be a good starting point.




Lord Uriel

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW, this is going slow.


here is a suggestion, Why not take the current rule book, and redo it one section at a time. this would break the project down into smaller sections, and as each section was finished it could be sent out, instead of waiting for the a complete new rule book. Also this would allow you to move on from deciding format, to using the Format the designers envisioned for the rule book.

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WOW, this is going slow.


here is a suggestion, Why not take the current rule book, and redo it one section at a time. this would break the project down into smaller sections, and as each section was finished it could be sent out, instead of waiting for the a complete new rule book. Aslo this would allow you to move on from deciding format, to using the pormat the designers invisioned for the rule book.



Well, it is a volunteer project. Haven't heard anyone else step up to plate on this, which was pretty much as I expected. I've decided to work on what works for me, which is going to have to wait another week or two (real world).

Perhaps you're up to this task?

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WOW, this is going slow.


here is a suggestion, Why not take the current rule book, and redo it one section at a time. this would break the project down into smaller sections, and as each section was finished it could be sent out, instead of waiting for the a complete new rule book. Aslo this would allow you to move on from deciding format, to using the pormat the designers invisioned for the rule book.



Well, it is a volunteer project. Haven't heard anyone else step up to plate on this, which was pretty much as I expected. I've decided to work on what works for me, which is going to have to wait another week or two (real world).

Perhaps you're up to this task?



you could take my one section at a time Idea, and ask for volunteers for each section.

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Rulebook Chapter 1, Errata


Processing Fees

change 30-60 Orders to 40-80 Orders


Table Schedule of Fees

change Turn(30 Orders) to Turn(40 Orders)

change Postal Turn(30 orders) to Postal Turn(40 Orders)


I think we have more standing Orders than listed in the table "Standing Orders"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rulebook Chapter 1, Errata


Processing Fees

change 30-60 Orders to 40-80 Orders


Table Schedule of Fees

change Turn(30 Orders) to Turn(40 Orders)

change Postal Turn(30 orders) to Postal Turn(40 Orders)


I think we have more standing Orders than listed in the table "Standing Orders"






anybody here ??? :angry2:

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