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Fast Turn game


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I know we are discussing an advance start game, but how does everyone feel about a fast turn game? I discussed this with Russ and he said that a 7 day turn around game is doable. So the question is, is there enough people interested in doing it?

If I were in just one game, I would love that, but I find it hard to allocate time for all my turns as it is, so I would probably decline, but I like the thought. Perhaps a fast game for the first 20 turns or so would be fun. It generally does not take a long time to do early turns. By turn 50 I am taking half a day it seems.

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Guest Spongebob

I would love a fast turn around game, all my turns seem to fall on the same day then im lost for 10 days. Marklens idea of a fast 20 turns then slow down to normal would be great.

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Guys, the idea of a fast then slow turn is great, but I would suggest instead of turn 20 do it on turn 25. Why 25 well that is when everyone can start submiting more turn sheets. Also from russ's position most games have less players by then, i.e. people get killed off by then. The downside is Russ will have to start more games quicker, more people dieing quicker.

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. The downside is Russ will have to start more games quicker, more people dieing quicker.





The worse part for Russ will be that more games will ultimately end quicker!


Apparently the most time consuming thing about a Victory! game is compiling the End of the Game Winners statistics. It must be a time consuming manual process; which in one game as I recall took 1 year for the Hall of Victory to be updated. I pray that when Victory! II finally comes along the final stats will be a completely automated process and dare I say perhaps a turn by turn report of the player rankings! That should make for some fluid alliances!

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Spongebob you don't need to be reminded you DW on most everyone each game as it is. LOL


But Perdator is right instead of 10 weeks you will be out in 5 weeks. :(

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Guest Spongebob

Not if i choose Iceland again, i could just sit there and wait for you lot to take me out, im sure i could survive till T12 at least.


But we shall see. I have made a decission anyway that in any future game I will declare early on before the DW stage who i play.


That way if i do survive past T10 then it will be on merit alone and not luck. The thing is who would want to be allied to the sponge.



Errrmmm..... I feel a survey in the wind. :(

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