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game 75

Marklen X

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No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.

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No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.

But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me :D

Bring it on!


Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me.



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No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.

But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me :D

Bring it on!


Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me.




Au contraire. There are plenty of tanks in the western desert. There is no point in moving them east to defend barren desert, especially since we could not come to grips with you before the game ends. I am building at max capacity, all are not being shipped over. You would get a severe bashing should you have the time to get there, which of course you will not.

As for Poland, he is on the verge of complete collapse already, and I will give it the kick it needs before the game ends. Sadly, I will not be able to advance very far, due to the lack of time, but it will not be the Poles who stop me.


It seems I have been fighting multiple opponents the entire game. First it was Tunisia and Libya. Then it was Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece, then Greece and Rumania, and finally, Poland, Greece, Rumania and a little Central and Southern Russia just for fun. They all made the same boast, but Tunisia, Libya, Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece all died by my hand, despite the fact that all of them outnumbered me. You would meet the same fate should you have time to do so.

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No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.

But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me :pirate2:

Bring it on!


Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me.




Au contraire. There are plenty of tanks in the western desert. There is no point in moving them east to defend barren desert, especially since we could not come to grips with you before the game ends. I am building at max capacity, all are not being shipped over. You would get a severe bashing should you have the time to get there, which of course you will not.

As for Poland, he is on the verge of complete collapse already, and I will give it the kick it needs before the game ends. Sadly, I will not be able to advance very far, due to the lack of time, but it will not be the Poles who stop me.


It seems I have been fighting multiple opponents the entire game. First it was Tunisia and Libya. Then it was Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece, then Greece and Rumania, and finally, Poland, Greece, Rumania and a little Central and Southern Russia just for fun. They all made the same boast, but Tunisia, Libya, Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece all died by my hand, despite the fact that all of them outnumbered me. You would meet the same fate should you have time to do so.


Maybe Tunisia and Libya died by your hand, but the rest except for greece, they had others attacking them as well. Greece, was not dead, just tired of playing and the real world. :blink:


So boast all you want, we will have to settle the question later in a different game. Maybe if we are lucky we will meet up in the advanced game with no time limit. Then we shall see. :cheers:


Goodluck til then...... :thumbsup:


DezertCamel :robot:

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No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.

But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me :pirate2:

Bring it on!


Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me.




Au contraire. There are plenty of tanks in the western desert. There is no point in moving them east to defend barren desert, especially since we could not come to grips with you before the game ends. I am building at max capacity, all are not being shipped over. You would get a severe bashing should you have the time to get there, which of course you will not.

As for Poland, he is on the verge of complete collapse already, and I will give it the kick it needs before the game ends. Sadly, I will not be able to advance very far, due to the lack of time, but it will not be the Poles who stop me.


It seems I have been fighting multiple opponents the entire game. First it was Tunisia and Libya. Then it was Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece, then Greece and Rumania, and finally, Poland, Greece, Rumania and a little Central and Southern Russia just for fun. They all made the same boast, but Tunisia, Libya, Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece all died by my hand, despite the fact that all of them outnumbered me. You would meet the same fate should you have time to do so.


Maybe Tunisia and Libya died by your hand, but the rest except for greece, they had others attacking them as well. Greece, was not dead, just tired of playing and the real world. :blink:


So boast all you want, we will have to settle the question later in a different game. Maybe if we are lucky we will meet up in the advanced game with no time limit. Then we shall see. :cheers:


Goodluck til then...... :thumbsup:


DezertCamel :robot:

In a way you are correct about Lowlands and Switzerland, as your side was gobbling them up from the rear as I was slogging through them from the front. Problem is, when they realized they were going to die, they threw their entire force to the west against me. I annihilated them, but it enabled you to grab a lot more of their country than I did.

As for Greece, he can use whatever excuse he likes, but I think the fact that he lost 72 divisions and had his air force devastated in about a 5 turn stretch had something to do with it.

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No Camel, you would not make it to the south of France. First of all, Iceland, while maybe not able to stand in your way, will slow you up a little bit, and by turn 75 or so, there would be no more Poles to protect your left flank. I would then turn my attention to you. Unfortunately, we will run out of time before that happens. I would happily vote to continue the game, but I know Great Britain wishes it to be over, and I understand some in your alliance feel the same way. I have had several games like this, where you have just reached the stage of epic battles between two surviving factions, and the game ends, it is a bit frustrating, which is why I proposed the open ended game.

But who will stop my forces from taking over xAlgiers, xMarseilles, xGibraltar and xRome whilst you are having all the fun with the Polish and Central Russians? The Moroccan American Tech tanks against T34-85's? That does not seem very fair to me if I factor in my production versus the Moroccans. Then again, more presents for me :pirate2:

Bring it on!


Just hypothetically speaking off course because as we all know, you will never defeat the Polish and be able to hold your ground against me.




Au contraire. There are plenty of tanks in the western desert. There is no point in moving them east to defend barren desert, especially since we could not come to grips with you before the game ends. I am building at max capacity, all are not being shipped over. You would get a severe bashing should you have the time to get there, which of course you will not.

As for Poland, he is on the verge of complete collapse already, and I will give it the kick it needs before the game ends. Sadly, I will not be able to advance very far, due to the lack of time, but it will not be the Poles who stop me.


It seems I have been fighting multiple opponents the entire game. First it was Tunisia and Libya. Then it was Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece, then Greece and Rumania, and finally, Poland, Greece, Rumania and a little Central and Southern Russia just for fun. They all made the same boast, but Tunisia, Libya, Lowlands, Switzerland and Greece all died by my hand, despite the fact that all of them outnumbered me. You would meet the same fate should you have time to do so.


Maybe Tunisia and Libya died by your hand, but the rest except for greece, they had others attacking them as well. Greece, was not dead, just tired of playing and the real world. :blink:


So boast all you want, we will have to settle the question later in a different game. Maybe if we are lucky we will meet up in the advanced game with no time limit. Then we shall see. :cheers:


Goodluck til then...... :thumbsup:


DezertCamel :robot:

In a way you are correct about Lowlands and Switzerland, as your side was gobbling them up from the rear as I was slogging through them from the front. Problem is, when they realized they were going to die, they threw their entire force to the west against me. I annihilated them, but it enabled you to grab a lot more of their country than I did.

As for Greece, he can use whatever excuse he likes, but I think the fact that he lost 72 divisions and had his air force devastated in about a 5 turn stretch had something to do with it.


If you want to be another "Baghdad Bob" and make denials about how we have whupped your a** and make absurd claims about destroying the Polish, go ahead. It is as comical as the original Baghdad Bob. I thought that I would add some facts instead of making imaginative claims like yourself, however.


1. Rumania and C. Russia have already gone long distances to destroy your allies in the Middle East. Are you claiming you are far superior to your allies in ability? If so, let's make it public for them to see. S Russia had the fight at his doorstep for awhile, but that does not lessen his accomplishments. They and Turkey crushed your four mideast allies 4 on 4, some from a distance. This is fact.


2. I faced over 40 Swiss divisions and also had to slog through a determined German player with 40 armored divisions and a sizable air force. You had a dropped position to go through in Spain and 2 allies to help you. If I had had it that easy I would have met you in Madrid. Things did not get tough for you until Southern France, so I would not talk about how much harder it was for you to get there. You have not made much progress since it got tough and that is fact.


3. You told me that you would take Switzerland before I got there. Did not happen. You told me it would be a tough fight for me to take your part of Switzerland from you. It wasn't. You proclaimed on this forum that the advance of the Poles had stopped many turns ago. It did not.


These are facts. When you have something to support you stories, let me know.

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sorry, but your "facts" are pure drivel. I told you I would take Geneva, not Switzerland, in reply to our peace parlay in which you said you wanted Switzerland for us to have peace. I took Bern and Geneva, you told me by me taking them we could not have peace.


I said nothing about Germany. Nor did I say you had done no fighting. But Lowlands and Switzerland hit me with in excess of 100 divisions in southern France, I doubt you went through that many.


I said nothing of Spain. I own very little of Spain, only enough for a base to attack into France. I do not see your point.


In this game, my eastern allies were incompetent in the extreme, and I have told them so to their faces. Southern Russia and Rumania badly out played them. I wish to give those two fine players credit, as they have played well, but yes, I am a much tougher foe than they have faced back east. UAE, the only real powerful position there, dropped just when the fight was joined, which left a huge vacuum for Southern Russia.


You were in Grenoble and Lyon 4 turns ago when I said you had gone as far as you would go. Since then, you have taken Genoa, where I am not fighting you, but you have not gone forward in France. You have taken Roanne, Nice and xNice and lost Grenoble, Lyon and xLyon. You briefly took Etienne after that, but are now evicted. You will soon be evicted from Nice and Genoa, but that is all I will have time for, unfortunately. If I thought I had no chance, I would not of proposed we continue the game.


I sincerely hope we meet again earlier in a game, so I can show you first hand how we do things uptown!

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sorry, but your "facts" are pure drivel. I told you I would take Geneva, not Switzerland, in reply to our peace parlay in which you said you wanted Switzerland for us to have peace. I took Bern and Geneva, you told me by me taking them we could not have peace.


I said nothing about Germany. Nor did I say you had done no fighting. But Lowlands and Switzerland hit me with in excess of 100 divisions in southern France, I doubt you went through that many.


I said nothing of Spain. I own very little of Spain, only enough for a base to attack into France. I do not see your point.


In this game, my eastern allies were incompetent in the extreme, and I have told them so to their faces. Southern Russia and Rumania badly out played them. I wish to give those two fine players credit, as they have played well, but yes, I am a much tougher foe than they have faced back east. UAE, the only real powerful position there, dropped just when the fight was joined, which left a huge vacuum for Southern Russia.


You were in Grenoble and Lyon 4 turns ago when I said you had gone as far as you would go. Since then, you have taken Genoa, where I am not fighting you, but you have not gone forward in France. You have taken Roanne, Nice and xNice and lost Grenoble, Lyon and xLyon. You briefly took Etienne after that, but are now evicted. You will soon be evicted from Nice and Genoa, but that is all I will have time for, unfortunately. If I thought I had no chance, I would not of proposed we continue the game.


I sincerely hope we meet again earlier in a game, so I can show you first hand how we do things uptown!


I still stand by my earlier statements, but you have some points.


Your brother as a drop is news to me. When did that happen and when did the replacement player take over? We are under the impression we slaughtered him and so his name should be cleared if he is deserving.


Rumania brought up the disparity in resources a few messages ago. Five countries on our side can build maximum ships and planes compared to just two in North Africa. I am not sure that your resources there will even allow maximum builds, but lets, for the sake of argument say they do. We can lose 2.5 times your loses and eventually you will run out of stuff. Its just not feasible to stand forever against that kind of production disparity. It gave the allies victory in the real war and it would be your ultimate undoing in this one. Kudos for trying, but you lose that argument. A long war of attrition that I know I will eventually win is not fun, challenging, or profitable. This says nothing about the upcoming direct assault that I believe would sweep you aside in 10-20 turns. It is a stretch to say that you could survive that, but attrition would then be your undeniable end.


I have already been more than introduced to your "uptown" ways in 75 and 76. You have been a challenging enemy and we may get to fight a third time in 82. Win, lose, or draw I don't know, but it would at least prove interesting and a better place to prove our points than continuing 75.

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sorry, but your "facts" are pure drivel. I told you I would take Geneva, not Switzerland, in reply to our peace parlay in which you said you wanted Switzerland for us to have peace. I took Bern and Geneva, you told me by me taking them we could not have peace.


I said nothing about Germany. Nor did I say you had done no fighting. But Lowlands and Switzerland hit me with in excess of 100 divisions in southern France, I doubt you went through that many.


I said nothing of Spain. I own very little of Spain, only enough for a base to attack into France. I do not see your point.


In this game, my eastern allies were incompetent in the extreme, and I have told them so to their faces. Southern Russia and Rumania badly out played them. I wish to give those two fine players credit, as they have played well, but yes, I am a much tougher foe than they have faced back east. UAE, the only real powerful position there, dropped just when the fight was joined, which left a huge vacuum for Southern Russia.


You were in Grenoble and Lyon 4 turns ago when I said you had gone as far as you would go. Since then, you have taken Genoa, where I am not fighting you, but you have not gone forward in France. You have taken Roanne, Nice and xNice and lost Grenoble, Lyon and xLyon. You briefly took Etienne after that, but are now evicted. You will soon be evicted from Nice and Genoa, but that is all I will have time for, unfortunately. If I thought I had no chance, I would not of proposed we continue the game.


I sincerely hope we meet again earlier in a game, so I can show you first hand how we do things uptown!


I still stand by my earlier statements, but you have some points.


Your brother as a drop is news to me. When did that happen and when did the replacement player take over? We are under the impression we slaughtered him and so his name should be cleared if he is deserving.


Rumania brought up the disparity in resources a few messages ago. Five countries on our side can build maximum ships and planes compared to just two in North Africa. I am not sure that your resources there will even allow maximum builds, but lets, for the sake of argument say they do. We can lose 2.5 times your loses and eventually you will run out of stuff. Its just not feasible to stand forever against that kind of production disparity. It gave the allies victory in the real war and it would be your ultimate undoing in this one. Kudos for trying, but you lose that argument. A long war of attrition that I know I will eventually win is not fun, challenging, or profitable. This says nothing about the upcoming direct assault that I believe would sweep you aside in 10-20 turns. It is a stretch to say that you could survive that, but attrition would then be your undeniable end.


I have already been more than introduced to your "uptown" ways in 75 and 76. You have been a challenging enemy and we may get to fight a third time in 82. Win, lose, or draw I don't know, but it would at least prove interesting and a better place to prove our points than continuing 75.


Please do not mistake me, I love a good fight, and you have been all of that. My brother dropped back in the 40s, and left everything for So. Russia. If you are in the open ended game, I very much look forward to meeting you. I will be in that game as a free agent, no allies, (at least going in, I hope to garner some) and will either cross swords or break bread with you, as events dictate.

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sorry, but your "facts" are pure drivel. I told you I would take Geneva, not Switzerland, in reply to our peace parlay in which you said you wanted Switzerland for us to have peace. I took Bern and Geneva, you told me by me taking them we could not have peace.


I said nothing about Germany. Nor did I say you had done no fighting. But Lowlands and Switzerland hit me with in excess of 100 divisions in southern France, I doubt you went through that many.


I said nothing of Spain. I own very little of Spain, only enough for a base to attack into France. I do not see your point.


In this game, my eastern allies were incompetent in the extreme, and I have told them so to their faces. Southern Russia and Rumania badly out played them. I wish to give those two fine players credit, as they have played well, but yes, I am a much tougher foe than they have faced back east. UAE, the only real powerful position there, dropped just when the fight was joined, which left a huge vacuum for Southern Russia.


You were in Grenoble and Lyon 4 turns ago when I said you had gone as far as you would go. Since then, you have taken Genoa, where I am not fighting you, but you have not gone forward in France. You have taken Roanne, Nice and xNice and lost Grenoble, Lyon and xLyon. You briefly took Etienne after that, but are now evicted. You will soon be evicted from Nice and Genoa, but that is all I will have time for, unfortunately. If I thought I had no chance, I would not of proposed we continue the game.


I sincerely hope we meet again earlier in a game, so I can show you first hand how we do things uptown!


I still stand by my earlier statements, but you have some points.


Your brother as a drop is news to me. When did that happen and when did the replacement player take over? We are under the impression we slaughtered him and so his name should be cleared if he is deserving.


Rumania brought up the disparity in resources a few messages ago. Five countries on our side can build maximum ships and planes compared to just two in North Africa. I am not sure that your resources there will even allow maximum builds, but lets, for the sake of argument say they do. We can lose 2.5 times your loses and eventually you will run out of stuff. Its just not feasible to stand forever against that kind of production disparity. It gave the allies victory in the real war and it would be your ultimate undoing in this one. Kudos for trying, but you lose that argument. A long war of attrition that I know I will eventually win is not fun, challenging, or profitable. This says nothing about the upcoming direct assault that I believe would sweep you aside in 10-20 turns. It is a stretch to say that you could survive that, but attrition would then be your undeniable end.


I have already been more than introduced to your "uptown" ways in 75 and 76. You have been a challenging enemy and we may get to fight a third time in 82. Win, lose, or draw I don't know, but it would at least prove interesting and a better place to prove our points than continuing 75.


Please do not mistake me, I love a good fight, and you have been all of that. My brother dropped back in the 40s, and left everything for So. Russia. If you are in the open ended game, I very much look forward to meeting you. I will be in that game as a free agent, no allies, (at least going in, I hope to garner some) and will either cross swords or break bread with you, as events dictate.



Fair enough. All options open then with circumstances dictating which side of the ball we play on.

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  • 1 month later...

Next turn is the last one for 75. :holiday:


It's been a long march from central russia to the shores of france, not to mention a side trip to persia. But all good things must come to an end. :holiday:


To our enemies who continue to play even though they have no hope of winning, thanks for sticking around. :cheers:


DezertCamel :(

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Next turn is the last one for 75. :holiday:


It's been a long march from central russia to the shores of france, not to mention a side trip to persia. But all good things must come to an end. :holiday:


To our enemies who continue to play even though they have no hope of winning, thanks for sticking around. :cheers:


DezertCamel :(

Thanks, and it is my pleasure. Though I wished to continue, it is just as well, time has caused me to rush my last couple of turns, and they are beneath the quality that my opponents deserve. I have been in positions in the past where it was clear I would win, and everybody dropped. The enjoyment factor goes out the window. I would much rather lose a good fight than win a walkover. When the show is on the other foot, I consider it a matter of honor to fight until I have nothing to fight with.

It also makes people think a bit harder sometimes before fighting you, to know they have to eliminate you to beat you, not just win a battle.

It has been a long tough road, an I congratulate in advance the eastern bloc and their well deserved victory.

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Next turn is the last one for 75. :beer:


It's been a long march from central russia to the shores of france, not to mention a side trip to persia. But all good things must come to an end. :cheers:


To our enemies who continue to play even though they have no hope of winning, thanks for sticking around. :woohoo:


DezertCamel :woohoo:

Thanks, and it is my pleasure. Though I wished to continue, it is just as well, time has caused me to rush my last couple of turns, and they are beneath the quality that my opponents deserve. I have been in positions in the past where it was clear I would win, and everybody dropped. The enjoyment factor goes out the window. I would much rather lose a good fight than win a walkover. When the show is on the other foot, I consider it a matter of honor to fight until I have nothing to fight with.

It also makes people think a bit harder sometimes before fighting you, to know they have to eliminate you to beat you, not just win a battle.

It has been a long tough road, an I congratulate in advance the eastern bloc and their well deserved victory.


Yes, I do indeed appreciate the competition I have had in this game. From the Emlets at the start, followed by Rogue Leader in the middle and MarkLenX at the end. Nobody rolled over and all played exceptionally well. Makes victory sweeter when you have to earn it. Thanks to all.


And thanks to all my allies of course. Great job in the Middle East, North Africa, Scandinavia, France, and Britain despite the logistics issues. Poor CR had a long way to go on two fronts at the same time so he gets the Logistics award although NR, SR, Rumania deserve honorable mention. I think I am the only one with a relatively easy supply line out of the survivors.


I have received my last turn back MarkLenX. Nasty surprise you left for me in Lyon! I guess the memorial to the epic tank battles there is yours to build after all. I think another of my armies will take a good hit on your last turn as well. At least I have plenty of them left.

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Hey Guys!


The game is finished and I wanted to say thanks. It was a lot of fun.


I know that I was the smallest fish left, but I hope I let some of the bad guys feel the "fins of death" right to the end.


Good game guys! :D



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All done..... <_<


Now to count the loses and plan the next great game of victory.... :P


Thanks to all the survivors and to those who have left the game early do to being overrun.... :cheers:


Now the survivors can all exchange turns to see what each of us had and what stuff our esteemed enemies had hidden... :cheers:


The known group of survivors by group



Great Britain





Northern Russia

Central Russia

Southern Russia




DezertCamel :blink:

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