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Primitives ...


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Just found a dozen primitive population on a world I'd really like to colonise - but I'm not quite sure how to handle them ... what would you do?



set up a colony right next to thiers and send in the marines! a 12 pop neutral is pretty much worthless

unless they had some kewl stuff in thier stockpile. I wish there were some worth while neutrals about.

something with a few thousand pop would be nice but this doesnt seem to be the case in SN.

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You can do it the General's way or you can use the DIPL (Diplomacy) Order to "persuade" them to join your Empire. The General's solution is potentially faster and guaranteed to acquire the Neutral population center. The upside to the DIPL method is you can get rid of such exciting - read useless - things as Primitive Artwork and Mineral Fertilizers from your stockpiles by giving them as "gifts" to the Primitives. It's the "shiney beads" for land kind of a deal.



-SK :angry2:

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I generally do a DIP peaceful. Those 'colonies' may not be immediately useful, but I think they will be beneficial in the long run. Will need to do some serious upgrading to make them really useful, but for now, any port in a storm..... :angry2:

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I generally do a DIP peaceful. Those 'colonies' may not be immediately useful, but I think they will be beneficial in the long run. Will need to do some serious upgrading to make them really useful, but for now, any port in a storm..... :D


Primative Neutrals exist so you can test out items like MDD's and Orbital Bombardment, to better see how those items work when used. You can test out how many MDD's it takes of quality "X" to eliminate one POP, confirm that theory by trying multiple MDD's, and generally get yourself well prepared for future fights.


Not like I would ever do something like this. I use the "DIP" option like everyone else. :angry2:

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Primitive neutrals are where Pete nudges research along. Whenever the natives get restless you start to see new tech appearing at these locations.


If memory serves the first NTWD was found at a neutral. This was of great benefit since the tech requirements were non linear in nature.


I also seem to recall that the Holographic Battle director was acquired from a neutral.


So continue to gobble up neutrals and see what you find. Good techs and installations are worth a bunch to the right person and this is certainly an area where newer positions can get a great deal of info, of worth to anybody.


And since the core positions neutrals have been decimated by now it is mostly the newer positions that have access to a ready supply of neutrals to collect. :D



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Primitive neutrals are where Pete nudges research along. Whenever the natives get restless you start to see new tech appearing at these locations.


If memory serves the first NTWD was found at a neutral. This was of great benefit since the tech requirements were non linear in nature.


I also seem to recall that the Holographic Battle director was acquired from a neutral.


So continue to gobble up neutrals and see what you find. Good techs and installations are worth a bunch to the right person and this is certainly an area where newer positions can get a great deal of info, of worth to anybody.


And since the core positions neutrals have been decimated by now it is mostly the newer positions that have access to a ready supply of neutrals to collect. :woohoo:






Any suggestions on the best way to find these neutrals? I mean, if there are from 10 or 20 orbits per system and the only way to find a neutral is to orbit a world and issue an ORB, that gets cost prohibitive. I know that aside from the few systems a couple jumps away from my home system, I never issue an ORB. There's got to be a better way. Hopefully it's not classified information.


Is there some rough idea as to the density of neutrals out there? Can you expect to see at least one per system (of systems that are non-nexus)? Or one every two systems? Or are they even rarer than that? Will system probes find them? That might increase the find rate.



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Any suggestions on the best way to find these neutrals? I mean, if there are from 10 or 20 orbits per system and the only way to find a neutral is to orbit a world and issue an ORB, that gets cost prohibitive. I know that aside from the few systems a couple jumps away from my home system, I never issue an ORB. There's got to be a better way. Hopefully it's not classified information.


Is there some rough idea as to the density of neutrals out there? Can you expect to see at least one per system (of systems that are non-nexus)? Or one every two systems? Or are they even rarer than that? Will system probes find them? That might increase the find rate.



I use a PMAP, not ORB. :woohoo:

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Primitive neutrals are where Pete nudges research along. Whenever the natives get restless you start to see new tech appearing at these locations.


If memory serves the first NTWD was found at a neutral. This was of great benefit since the tech requirements were non linear in nature.


I also seem to recall that the Holographic Battle director was acquired from a neutral.


So continue to gobble up neutrals and see what you find. Good techs and installations are worth a bunch to the right person and this is certainly an area where newer positions can get a great deal of info, of worth to anybody.


And since the core positions neutrals have been decimated by now it is mostly the newer positions that have access to a ready supply of neutrals to collect. :woohoo:






Any suggestions on the best way to find these neutrals? I mean, if there are from 10 or 20 orbits per system and the only way to find a neutral is to orbit a world and issue an ORB, that gets cost prohibitive. I know that aside from the few systems a couple jumps away from my home system, I never issue an ORB. There's got to be a better way. Hopefully it's not classified information.


Is there some rough idea as to the density of neutrals out there? Can you expect to see at least one per system (of systems that are non-nexus)? Or one every two systems? Or are they even rarer than that? Will system probes find them? That might increase the find rate.





The easiest way is to use a system probe. Otherwise you just PMAP all the planets with atmosphere. I have not seen any neutrals on GG's or vacuum planets.


When I was still looking for neutrals I was finding them 1 system in 5, so 20% of systems had them. I have seen systems with 4-5 neutrals scattered around the system.


I quit looking for them when orders were needed for other things. Now I just do casual looking when I park to refuel.



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