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I am wondering. What's a good nation for a starter in Victory? Or what nations are absolutely not suitable for a new player. We are thinking to join this game ( two players.) What would you suggest for us to play? ;) Greybeard

Greybeard and co. good choice to try this great game!

The first game is the most difficult. Don't let a setback stop you from starting a new one.

About the initial countries, I would choose a small country (no difficult logistics, concentrate on war) with as few as possible neighbours. ..


That having said, opinions differ. See this old thread for the same discussion: what country?




THE SHeikh!

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I think Persia, Egypt, Turkey are good nations.


I would not choose a naval nation, because for naval operations you need some knowledge of the game.


If you just like to learn, have fun and a lot of action then choose positions somewhere around hungary. .... but life could be short in these areas......


The Monk



I forgot: do not accept total alliances offers of the Sponge.

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Your 1st attempt will undoubtably lead to immedent disaster. Having said that; stick around and you'll find that[the sponge not withstanding] these guys will help you out, lift you up, and happily cut your throat when the game gets down to the last 20 turns. ;)


See you in Game 84! :ranting:

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Your 1st attempt will undoubtably lead to immedent disaster. Having said that; stick around and you'll find that[the sponge not withstanding] these guys will help you out, lift you up, and happily cut your throat when the game gets down to the last 20 turns. ;)


See you in Game 84! :ranting:



But we will do it with love.... :robot:

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Your 1st attempt will undoubtably lead to immedent disaster. Having said that; stick around and you'll find that[the sponge not withstanding] these guys will help you out, lift you up, and happily cut your throat when the game gets down to the last 20 turns. ;)


See you in Game 84! :ranting:


I'm partial to Portugal because that was my first, other good options are, Morocco, UAE, Egypt, Denmark because of their defensable positions. If you want to learn quickly and aren't afraid of being knocked out, try Lowlands, Switzerland, Austria or Greece. I would stay away from the Russias, US, Canada, Iceland, because of logistics or naval ops.

fyi, just have fun and learn even from your mistakes. (I know there is a sponge joke here but I'll pass here this time)


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I am wondering.

What's a good nation for a starter in Victory?

Or what nations are absolutely not suitable for a new player.



We are thinking to join this game ( two players.)


What would you suggest for us to play? :P




It depends upon your preferences ...


... if you want to be in the action almost straight away, then choose a central European nation -- especially Rumania, which seems to have the best mix of resource potentials to start with.


... if you want to survive the longest, then choose a country that's out of the way -- such as island nations (Iceland or Great Britain) or far away nations (Canada and USA) -- or a large country that is difficult for an enemy to overrun quickly. [As there are two of you wanting to join, I would recommend USA and Canada with you becoming Total Allies of each other and then spending many game turns building up your navies and marines before you go hunting for opportunities across the Atlantic; or an alternative would be to play test Victory by having your own private war!]


... if you don't want to be burdened with constantly spending orders looking after logistics, then choose a small nation -- especially Rumania (see above).


And don't underestimate the importance of a good AIC network, of your country's morale, and of building an LDB in each province! [A good AIC network is one that you set up at the start and then don't need to tinker with ever again. Poor morale will severely reduce your attacking options. An LDB in a province will give you information about any enemy force that attacks that province -- more LDBs per province will make you less vulnerable to surpise enemy air drops.]



Expect your first game to be your "learning game" in which you will make lots of mistakes and so be knocked out sooner rather than later. Learn from these mistakes for your subsequent games.



I have played three games (as Saudi Arabia, Rumania, USA) and Victory is the best closed-ended game I have ever played!


Good luck!




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Im in my very first game (79) at the moment, and I managed to survive up to now.

Playing UAE, you have only one possible enemy (SA) and he quit after I beaten him somewhere around turn 12. At the moment I'm at war with Lybia, Algeria and Turkey and it will be a hell of a job to survive, but I'm learning a lot each turn

Good luck in this game and see you on the bttlefield sometime. :P

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no naval so no island country...


best to strat in the middle of europe... small country..

yes you will be kicked out soon.. but you learn very quick...


best tips are watch your resources

and calculate your food :P

and spend your cash wisely...


oh and when playing with german tech... you could save up your airpoints for those junkers.. that is if you got the time :drunk:

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Spain is good also. You can lose a bit of territory to Portugal and still be able to come back. Countries with less than 10 province are easy to run but tough to hang onto and survive.


How many friends you start with is also a factor. Best to get all near or next to each other for protection and aid. If you are 2, Tunisia and either Libya or Algeria. Norway and Sweden are good for protection, but not such great countries to play. Persia and Iraq are good countries and not so large to run (Persia looks large but the industry is grouped together). 3 gives you more options and better countries to chose from: Egypt, TransJordan and Syria; Turkey, Syria and TransJordan; Any 3 of the Balkan countries.


If you don't have start -ups it hard to blindly guess what you want. Best to get together with your buddies and decide which region you want to try first; Africa, Middle east, Balkans, Eastern Europe, Western Europe or Central Europe. Stay away from the the Russia, they can be frustrating. When you have a region, ask for start-ups, if Russ doesn't have them available yet. Make an informed decision! READ, READ, READ the rules. I went over them for 3 months prior to starting and still have to go back often.

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Another thing is the critical nature of those 1st 3 picks if you are in a group of 3 or more friends signing up together. I'd guess that the "most popular first picks" has changed over the past ten years, and the current favorites could impact your team's locations if one or more are on the favs list.


Any of you real Vic veterans care to share what you have found to be the top 5 countries are these days?


Denmark, Denmark, Denmark and what other 2? :P

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Any of you real Vic veterans care to share what you have found to be the top 5 countries are these days?

I don't know what are the top 5. I have a list of all 40 nations, and when I play one I move that nation to the bottom of the list. That way I'll play every nation once before I repeat one. Of course that is just me, I know there are several players that have preferences for a certain nation or group of nations.


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Guest Spongebob

Ok okay Greybeard dont listen to this bunch of humourless dictators - They do not see the greatness of the Sponge, all they see is the many defeats i have suffered at the hands of double crossers, back stabbers, gangs of thugs and cross dressing sausage eating germans.


Anyway, these defeats have me in a unique position of maybe playing the most nations in the shortest space of time so here is my list


Denmark - The perfect country, its Mine :woohoo: keep out

Iceland - not enough money, boring for 15 turns but will allow you to practice a few things before getting stuck in

USA - too far away, great to get in the fight 1 on 1 and learn against canada but also good if Canada can be your ally, it then turns into another Iceland.

GB - A bit like Iceland but allows you to get some action early and offers some protection against predators, just dont get invaded or your toast

Ireland - Same as GB but easier to evict invaders.

Lowlands - Good for full on war, early death for a noob

Germany - Your Toast forget it, even experienced players get fried

Tunisia - Nearly as good as Denmark, pick a neighbour as a TA and trounce the other

Trans Jordan - Not sure anout this one as I got fed to the enemy by double crossing scoundrals

Norway - Too long, its like playing 3 seperate nations but good if you can TA with Sweden

Portugal - Along the same lines as Denmark, just take out spain and you in for the long haul


Finally some advice - Never believe all that you are told about the Sponge, you have a choice, join the sponge and have an ally for life, join the others and find out what pain is really about.


BTW there is a $10 price on the head of the Monk. I dont know if he is signed up for 84 but if he is dont trust him or any of his allies. They use noobs as canon fodder.


Any of my other perminant enemys are okay if you choose them, they have honor, monk does not.

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