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January 20th (Tuesday) Due Date


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Hi Guys,


A reminder that this is a short cycle with the SuperNova due date shifting to Tuesdays now. This will be a tough one but starting with the next cycle the goal will be to get the turns back before the weekend so you'll have two weekends to get your orders ready from now on.


I'll be pulling turns late on Tuesday and sending out my usual SN Check emails for any that aren't in by midnight or so - then I'll have one more pull in the morning before I hand things over to Pete. If you don't have an orders receipt from me by sometime Tuesday night resend them to be on the safe side.


Please plan accordingly and get them in as soon as you can this cycle - pass the word around to your allies to make sure everybody is aware of the situation.


Thanks in advance and best wishes for 2009 to all!!




P.S. Feel free to bump this thread when necessary as a reminder and to make sure everybody who comes to the forums sees it at least once :(

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