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The ever shrinking Galaxy

sir smeg

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So after the latest round of arguments in the Great KomKa Thingy, the one point that does look important is the possibility that the new empires are being placed very close to more established empires.


My main concern with this is that it doesn't give a starting empire much of a chance. We can point to the defence bias that this game has but when it comes down to it a starting empire in that position might as well be a drop.


Hopefully Pete or Russ can post something to calm our fears, failing that I'm sure that members of this forum should be able to work something out that can be used to resolve the problem.


Sir Smeg :)

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Pete, has the galaxy run out of room? Are new startup positions being interspersed amongst the older ones? If so, I think that policy should be rethought. After all, the one thing that gives new empires a chance to flourish is distance from older ones.


Case in point is the new Flagritz empire. If it truly is a new position, it would be interesting to hear how it got placed where it did as its about to be snarfed up if the posts are true. While I don't advocate moving it at this point (sounds like rfousanon has good plans for the use of the pops), perhaps you should set up a mirror position farther out in the galaxy? That way, Flagritz can get conquered, then in the future the mirror world can get conquered again... hehe.


Just my thought.

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I agree this is a very serious poblem. Within the past few months I have started another empire. If it is now likely to just be cannon fodder for some established position, I am considering dropping it now to save the cash investment.


Pete, you can't ignore this! We need a definitive statement of policy from Rolling Thunder as to the "isolation of new empires" as well as resolution of any existing situations.

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Pete, has the galaxy run out of room? Are new startup positions being interspersed amongst the older ones? If so, I think that policy should be rethought. After all, the one thing that gives new empires a chance to flourish is distance from older ones.


Case in point is the new Flagritz empire. If it truly is a new position, it would be interesting to hear how it got placed where it did as its about to be snarfed up if the posts are true. While I don't advocate moving it at this point (sounds like rfousanon has good plans for the use of the pops), perhaps you should set up a mirror position farther out in the galaxy? That way, Flagritz can get conquered, then in the future the mirror world can get conquered again... hehe.


Just my thought.


At least it is only a one-way he connected to the ORI-Space. But normally the way back is not so far away.


But with this prospect I do not find the placement near his original positions not so good as well.


The placement seems wrong in every angle you look at it.

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I also have a fairly new position , but I have been turtling the position . If it is in an established area as well , then we should at least be told this , and we can make our decision on whether or not to continue the position . I would not feel too hot if I moved my small scout 2 or 3 jumps from the HW to get it vaporized by some big hulking armed scout .....

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At least it is only a one-way he connected to the ORI-Space. But normally the way back is not so far away.


But with this prospect I do not find the placement near his original positions not so good as well.


The placement seems wrong in every angle you look at it.



Actually it is a two way, sorry, I thought I implied that in my last post when I said christmas had come early for Richard.



I hope Pete will move it as it is not fair for a player to be handed all that population because of a clear error. I know you guys wouldnt want to benefit because of a error also so its as much to save you guys any moral dilemas as to stop my enemies getting a free world :}

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If you go by that logic , then Pete needs to move a whole bunch of positions....my position that is 18 months old has as neighbor a position that is older than the Ori.....we have peaceful borders and share info . Initially I was not happy , but as far as moving my world.......my options were to live with it or not , but the world and the situation stayed .

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If you go by that logic , then Pete needs to move a whole bunch of positions....my position that is 18 months old has as neighbor a position that is older than the Ori.....we have peaceful borders and share info . Initially I was not happy , but as far as moving my world.......my options were to live with it or not , but the world and the situation stayed .



Not necessarily, if an empire is placed in a brand new area with some room to expand and explore that sounds a correct set-up.


If a new homeworld system is placed literally next to already explored space then thats wrong.

My new empires homeworld is connected by a two way with Camerson, that is a system listed in our central league database of systems for nearly 2 years from when Jim who was a league member was running the Ori.


That has to be an error, if its an error it has to be fixed.

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SO .. the universe is closed ended, and has a limit on size and space. Interesting.... This also has some implications as to when this game will close down / end as well. Also, using a network of System probes and System Beacons to detect when someone pops up in your claimed space becomes much more important now. So you can crush them while they figure out what a Mk II type of engine is.

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SO .. the universe is closed ended, and has a limit on size and space. Interesting.... This also has some implications as to when this game will close down / end as well. Also, using a network of System probes and System Beacons to detect when someone pops up in your claimed space becomes much more important now. So you can crush them while they figure out what a Mk II type of engine is.


GM Note


The issue that sparked this debate was a setup utility code problem not a deliberate placement so it's not a policy thing. The galaxy was huge to begin with and still has room for additional empires so running out of space isn't an imminent problem and its technically possible to open up additional areas as well to add on to the original galaxy (various ways we could do that) so this version of SuperNova still has life as long as people are having fun and continue to play it ;)


Of course a network of system probes and system beacons are still handy things to have regardless - just in case some pesky alien :rolleyes: critters come snooping about...



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SO .. the universe is closed ended, and has a limit on size and space. Interesting.... This also has some implications as to when this game will close down / end as well. Also, using a network of System probes and System Beacons to detect when someone pops up in your claimed space becomes much more important now. So you can crush them while they figure out what a Mk II type of engine is.


GM Note


The issue that sparked this debate was a setup utility code problem not a deliberate placement so it's not a policy thing. The galaxy was huge to begin with and still has room for additional empires so running out of space isn't an imminent problem and its technically possible to open up additional areas as well to add on to the original galaxy (various ways we could do that) so this version of SuperNova still has life as long as people are having fun and continue to play it ;)


Of course a network of system probes and system beacons are still handy things to have regardless - just in case some pesky alien :rolleyes: critters come snooping about...




Darn it, they got me drooling over easy pickings. Now what am I supposed to do. :rolleyes:

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"...this version of SuperNova"


Hmmmm, kinda hints at another version in the background under development. Interesting thought if true.


He's probably referring to the older versions. So this version is better than the older ones in their ability to grow the universe / add more stars.

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GM Note


The issue that sparked this debate was a setup utility code problem not a deliberate placement so it's not a policy thing. The galaxy was huge to begin with and still has room for additional empires so running out of space isn't an imminent problem and its technically possible to open up additional areas as well to add on to the original galaxy (various ways we could do that) so this version of SuperNova still has life as long as people are having fun and continue to play it ;)


Of course a network of system probes and system beacons are still handy things to have regardless - just in case some pesky alien :rolleyes: critters come snooping about...




Thanks for the official word Russ :rolleyes:


You didn't mention if there were other empires affected by the bug in the setup utility code.. is it true that new positions have been placed next to much larger, established empires, even if it was purely by accident?


Thus far I've been thinking I've got my work cut out for me by being a totally new player, probably surrounded by neighbors who are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th positions. Already 6 turns in I realize how I could do better starting out again. But if I'm surrounded by experienced players whose empires are 1 year.. 2 years in, I figure I'm pretty much SOL.

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