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Weapon Ranges


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I have been looking and reading up on this as much as I can. But I havent really found the answers I have been looking for in a straight forward simple way. What I'm hoping to get from here is a what is the deploy location bonus/modifier/negative for each range.


Range Deploy Loc #1 Deploy Loc #2 Deploy Loc #3 Deploy Loc #4 Deploy Loc #5 Deploy Loc #6

Beam -20 -10 0 +5 -10



Point Blank


I just made up the numbers above as an example.

I know that each range has a specific location that is its preferd, I just havent seena list to breaks it down into something above.

So, hopefully somebody can post or mail me a spreedsheet containg this. I'd greatly appreciate it.


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I have been looking and reading up on this as much as I can. But I havent really found the answers I have been looking for in a straight forward simple way. What I'm hoping to get from here is a what is the deploy location bonus/modifier/negative for each range.


Range Deploy Loc #1 Deploy Loc #2 Deploy Loc #3 Deploy Loc #4 Deploy Loc #5 Deploy Loc #6

Beam -20 -10 0 +5 -10



Point Blank


I just made up the numbers above as an example.

I know that each range has a specific location that is its preferd, I just havent seena list to breaks it down into something above.

So, hopefully somebody can post or mail me a spreedsheet containg this. I'd greatly appreciate it.



There was a document in the download area or as a sticky, which explained this.

But I would not waste time on it, as it seems no to work anyway.

I got hit in a one round battle by a ship at deploc 7 with beam weapons for the full amount +10% damage! My ship was at deploc 1.

The 10% bonus is supposed to be awarded if you deploy yourself in deploc 1!


Or does the defenders position count? So you do max damage being on DepLoc 12 but receiving minimum? Which would even make less sense!



beam +10 0 -5 -10 -15 -20

point blank +20 0 -10 -20 -30 (does more at point blank but falls back faster)

shot +10? 0 0 -5 -10 -15

medium +10? 0 0 0 0 -5 -10 -15

long +10? 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 -10 -15

Fighers/Drones attack always as if in DepLoc 1 dunno if that gives them +10% as well.

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I have been looking and reading up on this as much as I can. But I havent really found the answers I have been looking for in a straight forward simple way. What I'm hoping to get from here is a what is the deploy location bonus/modifier/negative for each range.


Range Deploy Loc #1 Deploy Loc #2 Deploy Loc #3 Deploy Loc #4 Deploy Loc #5 Deploy Loc #6

Beam -20 -10 0 +5 -10



Point Blank


I just made up the numbers above as an example.

I know that each range has a specific location that is its preferd, I just havent seena list to breaks it down into something above.

So, hopefully somebody can post or mail me a spreedsheet containg this. I'd greatly appreciate it.



From what Pete has said in the past a weapon will hit with 100 percent damage if it is fired from its optimum deployment location with beam being 1. Point blank weapons seem also fire from one but get a bonus at this range. Now this damage is modified by the deployment location of the defender as well. Pete has also said that while range will reduce the damage if fired from beyond the optimal range ie beam weapon firing from deploy location 10 it wont degrade to nothing so a really high damage output beam weapon fired from extreme range can still be extremely effective in certain circumstances.

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You can pretty much plan on a minimum of 10% at long range and a max of 50% defensive at long range.


I have seen battles with fleets at range and some seem to demonstrate a reduction in FP due to range and others don't. From what I can tell the DEF bonus seems to work in all cases that I have looked at, I think.


It would be nice if the ship load out were already factored for range just so we knew that all was working as planned.



Have a good Turkey Day!!

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