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Its quiet..almost TOO quiet

Lord Deependra

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So, anything exciting happening out there in the big wide galaxy?


Did that war out in your neck of the woods ever get resolved?


I am still mapmaking but have taken a new approach to it...


For those that use graphviz there is a new layout engine that is quite good, but I guess that should be in a separate thread... But Deependra I have an idea for automating the layout of your map that I think you would like -- if you are not already doing it yourself -- using a graphviz tool.


Best regards,


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So, anything exciting happening out there in the big wide galaxy?


Did that war out in your neck of the woods ever get resolved?


I am still mapmaking but have taken a new approach to it...


For those that use graphviz there is a new layout engine that is quite good, but I guess that should be in a separate thread... But Deependra I have an idea for automating the layout of your map that I think you would like -- if you are not already doing it yourself -- using a graphviz tool.


Best regards,



The Flagritz-Worldlab War is all over and things did not go especially well for the Flagritz.


Drop me an e-mail with your Graphviz ideas and I'll see how it goes.

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If I recall there was to be some big Macrohard "Doors" project that was going to impact 6 major targets. That was several turns ago but I never did here about how it turned out or the gloating of the 6 targets if they resisted successfully. All I recall is something about fleets running out of fuel and other trivial things....




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Hehe...running out of fuel means a rescue operation , a risky proposition especially if the effected ship is in enemy territory . Also can mean a long delay to get the rescue operation organized . As far as being quiet , that all can change within one turn , it just means someone is building or moving . I kinda liked quiet , but visitations would be welcomed properly , and would be interesting . Unfortunately nobody visits me , so I might have to visit someone else?

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  • 3 weeks later...

" This is Ori space warning and control , unidentified CEP ship , prepare to be fired upon , you have entered restricted space " , the last words the CEP cadet heard manning his station as unshielded mesons penetrated his ship ( and himself ) and utterly destroyed the scout....

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  • 1 year later...

haha the scouts were cheap to build and i figured they would run into something out there. no big lose.. and as for my PDS not being big enough ever well we shall see about that.... every turn another going up maybe more. happy hunting. this is so much better than just playing by myself. :unsure:

Stationary target , highwayboy , no threat to me whatsoever.....hoped you liked the destruction of 22 of your scouts (that must have cost you a bunch of turn orders ). You won't be able to make your PDS big enough for when the real attack comes ....
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